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Elizabeth Hall Janeway, author and women's movement activist, speaking at Minnesota Meeting in St. Paul. Janeway’s address was on the topic "Women's Rights as Human Rights." After speech, Janeway answered audience questions.

Janeway is currently at work on a book on the axioms of power titled, "Improper Behavior." Her other works include "Cross Sections from a Decade of Change" and "Man's World, Woman's Place," among others. Janeway is a graduate of Barnard College where she is a trustee. She has been a visiting professor at Yale University and UCLA.

Minnesota Meeting is a non-profit corporation which hosts a wide range of public speakers. It is managed by the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

As you know, I'm sure 1982 election show that women have started to vote differently from men and that seems to have continued in what went on yesterday. Well oddly enough that's exactly what the suffragettes expected to happen. When women won the boat 60 years ago that was early feminists were convinced that wants to female sex could get into the polling place women would clean up politics to fly the corrupt bosses and the malefactors of great wealth and initiate an era of moral responsibility in public life.As it turned out they were wrong given the opportunity to send Warren Gamaliel Harding to the White House in 1920 the same female sex responded enthusiastically and positively and then went on to help elect Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover so much for the gender gap during the flapper era. Why were the suffragettes wrong? Then why should their expectations now? Finally be finding expression? Let's take a quick stroll through history and a search for Clues as to why such a major change in the behavior of half the human race took place after all history has a lot to tell us about the present not everything started to happen this morning.Hand after all and impartial Observer would think that women felt themselves to be more different for men 60 years ago them today. Why didn't that different show up and 90 Twilight? I think the reason has something to do with motivation and something to do with the means open to our great-grandmothers for if not, you're not my great-grandmother's you for expressing the morality of which they were Guardians. You see they were not expected in that era to express any position even morality in public by acting on their round. I don't just mean that morality and politics don't mix masculine LED reform movements with rice at the turn of the century, but the kind of morality which had become a part of the female image in the female role is not public and political it was private. Increasingly during the 19th century women had become the upholders and enforcers of moral standards, but they were supposed to do that enforcing and upholding within the thing. They would have rear their children properly teach them to tell right from wrong and to act out the Contemporary version of the ideal of female Purity for their husbands. This was much needed just because outside the home you it was well understood man did not always behave in the totally virtuous way. That was too bad and preachers and pulpits. Could Raise Hell about it in public women. However, what a deal with these unfortunate fact obliquely and prayerfully presenting an image of perfect wife and perfect lady that their daughters could coffee and their sons could try to discover in the perfect wives that they in time would marry this instruction and example setting however, it would go on behind closed doors. In fact concerning the teaching of personal morality to women was quite a change before the turn of the 18th 19th century is moral standards have been pretty much set by the church and enforced in the home by a disciplinarian Father Figure women had little chance to exert any kind of authority back when America the Beautiful was founded why I've lost illegal personality on marriage. They lost the right to control earnings or inheritance unless a special marriage contract had been bargained for their protection between father and husband to man The Children of a broken marriage were automatically placed in the custody of the father. Now, of course some women with forceful and commanding figures by their very nature some possess valuable skills many a widow caradonna family business successfully in pioneer women were forced by the difficulties. They encountered to be brave and inventive and didn't get into the patterns set by law in Social mythology and Siri and unrespectable practice women with the weaker vessels. Tell making them guardians of morality was a distinct empowerment. But by the same token this power could only be exercised at home. And what was called the domestic sphere. It was perhaps power to influence the future through one's well-behaved children, but it was never power to change the present. It was not an entitlement to metal in the outside world and it was not supposed to be used either for one's own personal interest virtuous women were concerned for others. What were the reasons for giving power to women which they hadn't had before it would be nice to think that their virtue and their value Shone. So brightly that it couldn't be denied but I'm afraid they were more pragmatic grounds. It was exactly in this. That man began to work outside the home as industrialization moved work for money away from Family Farms family Enterprises, the big factories commercial establishments and as the city's Drew more population and from rural America where small communities hadn't forced their moral standards very thoroughly. So Alternatives seems necessary. And the growing absence of a father figure or of a horde of disapproving neighbors the discipline of child-rearing they came to business at the wives and mothers who were around to smack the boys when they got fresh and to teach the girls their wifely duties including a course in applied morals Little Women and shrines the Beloved figure of marmee is Queen of the domestic sphere that nobody quite knows what father March was doing. It was somewhere away tending to the Civil War. We hear very little about it and other 19 century Classics refined busy Mama's or bossy surrogate mom has Tom Sawyer's Aunt Polly leaps to mind and they're also the young Heroes who couldn't wait to get out of their hands like Huck Finn Tom's friend who was determined to light out for Indian Territory before anybody got around to civilizing him. Atmore elevated literary levels think of the idealistic heroines of Henry James who embodied the most sensitive kind of moral discrimination? Well any kind of power I guess it's better than none besides setting up women as enforcers of moral standards also endowed them with a sense of moral superiority and an immoral age. That was so high complement if you were placed on a pedestal as a reward for virtue, you surely see it as a step up. It takes a while to discover that a pedestal offers very little room for active maneuver. In fact, the power offered women is upholders of moral standards was part of a bargain. The other half was the injunction to use that power only in the area where they belonged with in the home with the family the domestic sphere. Not all women wear docile enough to buy the whole thing during the 19th century there were occasions when the lady's got out of hand and tried to extend their moral power into public activity. They were early Crusaders for the abolition of slavery and at the first Convention of abolitionists, they were rewarded for their activism by being told for me to go sit in the balcony and keep their mouth shut. They became concerned about the unfortunate tendency of desperate overworked and underpaid male Breadwinners to stop at a saloon of a Saturday night and drink up half their wages which left the rest of the family strap for food and rent money. You might think that this was a proper effort to protect the Integrity of the home or at least its living standards, but the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, was it once depicted as a group of mean-spirited Puritans who disapproved of other people's Pleasures over and England the suffragette lady Emmeline Pankhurst preached against the double standard of morality for men and women on the grounds that non virtuous man. Sometimes brought home unpleasant diseases to their pure spouses. If Chastity was good for men for women. She wanted to know why not for men. I'll her Crusade was about as popular as that of the wctu. Why don't they stay home and look after their families asked the number of distinguished man from Charles Dickens to HL Mencken the division between the good place at home in the bosom of the family and the big bad world out of side was clear to men even then however women seem to have suspected that the division wasn't all that sharp. Done the less the assignment of women to work and responsibilities at home with strong enough at 1920 continued strong enough. This time has passed to keep a large part of the female population away from the use of Public Power if it takes a while it does take a while to find that pedestals limit what you can do and it also takes time to climb down from them and start trying out your capacities elsewhere that's often defined as improper Behavior. Women's moral Authority within the home was approved by the mail establishment. The rules for Action were outlined in the goals were clear work in the limited space brand the injunction do good for others and always act unselfishly tell a good woman in century ago that she would profit personally from a crusade and she would have been shocked or offended or both. Now that's not a political frame of mind. It's taking us till 1982 for political action by women the surface clearly and come to the attention of politicians. Obviously, the female frame of mind is changing. Are women becoming less virtuous? Has the selfishness of the me generation we used to hear about seduce them from their moral duties in the private sphere. I like spec both are likely but the substantial reason is that women are moved out and become active in the public sphere the great social fact that the last generation has been the entry of women under the paid labor force and wants a body of whichever gender is earning a paycheck. There does come a feeling of entitlement to a place and the voice in the mainstream world. A great deal of the attention paid to this major shift in women's activities has been directed to the repercussions on other people's lives. That's an interesting holdover from history. I've been reviewing what is usually seen as not increases of women in the workplace, but absence of women from the home. The new situation women at work has become somewhat accepted though. Certainly not by everyone women in the boardroom women and executive suites women doing high-paid Blue Collar jobs these events distress some Observers. They don't need to be all that distressed. I'm sorry to say because not a large percentage of working women occupy these positions. More disturbing to observe is however all the problems raised by mother's absent from home and family who's raising the children today who is teaching moral standards and proper behavior that still a disposition for a cry to go up echoing the 19th century question. Why don't they stay home and look after their families? Nightcry comes too late women in the workforce are part of the continuing shift in the way work is done and money is earned whether or not you like it or I like it. The shift has occurred. Now, I know statistics aren't terribly exciting, but they can be Illuminating my own impression is that the actual size of the female labor-force is not appreciated by an awful lot of people I think we should get it into our heads that a woman with a paid job outside the home plus the one that you can dance continues to Do For Love or for free to be crass about it at home. That woman is more average than a woman who does not have such a job. 53% of all women over the age of 16 do have paid jobs more than half. The mothers of school-age children do on the percentage of mothers of preschool children has now reached the 50% mark these figures have been climbing since the middle fifties at that point. They were already more women working to pay than at the peak of employment of Rosie the Riveter and her sisters. The ratio is expected to touch 57% by 1990. These are not temporary jobs either women now spend an average of 28 years in the labor force. The putting out then spend less time than I used to 38 years now down from 43 years a decade ago. I'm not reporting these I'm reporting these changes not declaring that they're wonderful and life-enhancing. I know it's not a Rose Garden out there and that holding down two jobs can be tough. But I'm saying is that these government statistics tell us that women have been changing their lives at a remarkable rate and over a generation at least what has happened to the makeup of the labor force in that. Is quite something 42% of all the Americans who work for money or female. Why does the deploring these facts and urging women to go home and take care of their children so that the children will not get into trouble would involve Us in an economic depression the like of which we've never seen a picture what would happen to unemployment if you dissing Floyd over 40% of those now working what would happen to the gross national product to tax collection the welfare payments on the one hand and a shortfall and Social Security contributions on the other. A very quick look at the present position of women tells us that the era of the division of labor by gender the division of the world and the public sphere and domestic sphere is a thing of the past. The pedestal has joined the pyramids. That race is problems. We all know they exist and the appearance of the gender gap indicates that women are particularly aware of their significance family problems are still regarded as women's issues by women who are now more able and more ready than ever to see that it's impossible to split the world into and imagine that what happens at home is separate from what happens in the world outside. The real change in women's Minds has been a growing sense of our right and our ability to influence the world outside directly by votes by lobbying by public activism and show it by acting like human beings who are citizens. We took a look at what the girls and work outside the home is meant for society. We can come back to it, but we need for us to consider what this life change his men to women themselves. God's will have to simplify that because work for what's up something like fifty million obviously has a grade the diversity of opinions, but I think one inescapable result of earning a paycheck is the idea that you could have had to live as an independent being Now I'm not advocating any such thing. Once again, that's the last thing many of working wife. Would I am at the value of a second paycheck in a home and increase his family and come by and I heard it's clear my well be the primary reason for a woman's taking a job, but what's new and different is not the choice that a woman makes. It's the very fact of her having a choice. Going off on your own maybe the last thing you'd want to do. But just the same knowing that Independence. You could look after yourself. Something to change your status in your own eyes. It brings an element of Free Will and independent initiative and do a life which didn't used to be there. A nice and spacious enough if you have to work two jobs instead of one. How does that increase your options? Just want to answer. It means you're not totally dependent on somebody else. You want to be dependent you like being taken care of it certainly is pleasant and sunny weather. Sometimes it comes on to rain when you least expect it. The person who has been holding the umbrella up two parts, you can get very wet. Does a category of women in America who just received the name a label been defined in the last decade and that name is displaced Homemaker. She's not the woman who left home, but the woman whose home left her. It's not a comfortable place to be if your caretaker dies or departs for some reason of his own finding another one to offer you his umbrella is really more difficult statistics show in joining the labor force might one divorced man and would always marry much more easily than do widows and divorcees particularly divorcees with two or more children point to only 4% of divorced women receive alimony or personal support. point three while 89% of single-parent families are headed by mothers three-quarters of these women receive no child support from father. Point for total death benefits left widows average only $12,000 overall. How long are you going to live on that now that woman's life expectancies run into the 80s. Well, there's a lot more depressing figures from where those come from perhaps that's enough for the moment. They do suggest that if life outside the domestic sphere isn't a Bed of Roses. It isn't all that good inside either. In addition, there are some nasty elements there. We don't like to think about it. All one of them is physical abuse. The women have had to live with it don't do so because they are innately femininely masochistic. I assure you they stay there because battered wives very often believe that they have no option. There's no way out. They may not have another job the one I have my pay minimally until that go on living with the unhappy men who beat up on them because they don't know how they live or keep the children alive if they left. Certainly, they alternative is not madly desirable poverty is endemic in households headed by women in these households have more than doubled since 1960. The breakups of come for any number of reasons. I daresay we could sit in a sauna and blame all day for the end of marriages. I know one mother-of-four who left her good Christian Church going husband tonight and picked up one of the boys and threw him against the wall. I know one Highly Educated woman writer who left her highly educated and better known writer husband when they're Highly Educated daughter was finally in college and her mother decided. She didn't have to put up with all the other women in her husband's life. I know too surprised good wives whose husbands departed saying they couldn't stand it any longer that will usually without explaining just what the it they couldn't stand was well for doesn't blame it isn't even the access to marriage counseling that seems to have taken the place in Morrow preachment and which no doubt helps many cases point. Is it the situation exists and it therefore it raises a public political issue, which can't be soft and private whatever marabel Morgan of total with same thought and which confronts Society with the need to deal with it. politically publicly anytime you got so many people caught and difficulties that they can't mend themselves. You're looking at a social problem. One more Glimpse from history poverty was reckoned to be a private problem under Herbie Herbert Hoover you my remember England produced the doll at least but here private charity soup kitchens begging us a spot of criminal activity. Where about what the Hoover administration felt could be offered. We've now got 50 years past that point of know the current Administration has been doing its level best to dismantle much of the social legislation in the last 50 years. We do still feel the people at the bottom of the Heap are entitled to public help. Beyond that responsibility the special case of women in poverty needs to be examined further because of its causes and its consequences. It is both a women's issue and a public social issue until it leads me directly to part two of this talk which is natural supposed to be about the gender gap, but an exploration of the question are women's rights are human rights. Well, let me just retrace my argument very briefly. The ancient division of the World by gender has been breaking down for some time that domestique sphere which was once the place where women were supposed to abide. No longer offers much work of economic value nor much training and education of the young. Great-grandmothers made many things that we now buy for cash but and the skills that were taught at home by parents and relatives are now not very relevant to earning a living and show up the function of the home as a workplace and training ground has been leached away by changes in the world outside families today or consumer units not production units anyone who needs to earn money then has to go outside the domestic sphere to do so and as we've seen a majority of women have done just that run into difficulties item women's wedges are still less than 60% of man's even for full-time work. That came across my desk just last week notice of a lawsuit brought by a Colorado woman who is appealing for support and counsel to the legal defense and education fund of now I said, she worked in a savings and loan institutions. She was doing a good enough job to be promoted to be a supervisor and was told that after six months in the job review should get a raise so little while she discovered that all the males who were working there would be gone. There had received beginning salaries that were higher than what she was getting 25% higher. She didn't ask about it at once she acted dear soul in the police that her trusted employers were trustworthy but after 6 months when she didn't get the raise she did inquire and what you got was the review of her work and no red. Then another man was hired at more money her Ray still didn't come through and when she wrote to the president to ask about it. She was fired. The reason she was fired was given as an attitude problem between herself and other employees doesn't really seem surprising to me. In general across the difference in wages stems from the difference in jobs held by men and women two examples of a gender gap in wages are quite so flagrant does that but we can learn quite a lot from it including the attempt to make the reason to firing her private was her problem. Her attitude was wrong, which I guess can be called blaming the victim. The acceptance by women of assignment to the private sphere delay the appearance of a gender gap in voting for two generations in my opinion. We still respond to eagerly to the idea that women are private people especially in the matter of the difficulties we face when we move into work into politics into activism. That tendency shows up in many ways the Savings and Loan employee behave like a good female trusting the male figure in the bargain as if the relationship between them or not a public economic relationship. Women who want to get on and business are anxious to learn all I can about how business Works what the rules are to abide by them to trust those important male father figures who are moral standards are female responsibility for Mauro stanzas standards lives on to assure us that if we do the right thing will get it. We don't we assume it's our fault. If we just work hard learn how to play Boys rules will make it to the top of the tree. I am afraid that that is a mistake when a male establishment is offered the choice of hiring or promoting and artificial mail, even though she has worked her head off to learn the rules and got her ma from business school and done her homework what the alternative of taking instead of real actual mail my bet is they still opt for the real male most of the time And I don't there will be an element of picking a token woman in the woman. They pick part of her responsibility whether she knows it or not will be to act as a symbol. She'll have to be good at your job too, because there are so many other females around who can be substituted for her symbol, but only recently has the idea dawned that she might actually make a real contribution. It's coming it's coming. Another more optimistic opinion that I bet on is that this will indeed change that women skills and capacities are evident enough their value to business the professions Academia and government to become more and more visible. But that goes along with the assumption that these capable women stop acting like the male residents of the domestic sphere and believing what they're told and trusting people without thinking about the possibility that they may be misled and start acting like the term of human beings who know their rights and are going after them. Trouble is of course that we are not sure what our rights are. What is it that a woman can properly climb we are still to a degree that there in the 19th century? What rides can we claim the ones that pertain to the public area of work are less likely to raise arguments and Theory at least equal pay for the same kind of work and equal access to training for skill jobs are fairly well accepted, but when we move away from the workplace issues become Misty and much more emotive for women as well as for men. I certainly can't sort this all out today, but I think there are a couple of guidelines we can use in trying to Define rights as equal citizens of the Republic and money is a good guideline because of countable and because it indicates personal responsibility for one's life and one's activity and the contacts. I'll read you the first sentence from a New York Times article came out last March. A bachelor's degree is worth $329,000 in lifetime earnings. That was the headline the first sentence by dawn for today's young man and 140 mm for women the Census Bureau reported today. That's quite a spread his 9001 42000 rather more than 59% Let's not be unfair that one use these figures without Reckoning their relation to overall earnings. They indicate the increment to overall earnings that a college diploma brings over and above a high school diploma. Male lifetime earnings come to 1190000 female lifetime earnings to 523000 little higher percentage than the one that was given in the article, but it still comes to just about 44 cents on the dollar. Now there are a variety of reasons for this Gap this gender gap. I mentioned that women's time in the labor force is 10 years less than man again. Most women are still directed to jobs in areas where average earnings are fairly low. What does another imponderable factor that holds women's earnings down and that's the other job. We habitually do the home job the one we do for free and for love, how can we deal with this element in our lives? Well, there's no immediate simple answer anybody can give you I certainly can the best I can do is point toward a possible and pointing toward a possible future answer is to say how we should not think about the answer. We shouldn't think about it as an individual private problem. and women almost always do I've heard them I can hear us now. An attitude from Mademoiselle magazine called me this way to ask for some thoughts on what she called elective single motherhood or the decision by young women to have children without another parent residence. What disturbs me most about her question was the chi and the young women she talked to her all thinking about it as a personal dilemma. How am I going to manage? I do want a child a family of my own. I love my work perhaps I need my job and write some combination of the two what plans can I make that will let me cope. Next sentence might be financially. I'm doing well enough to manage. Even if I don't have a husband and having a family means so much more if you're alone, or you can perfectly well brought in the monologue to include married career women and make it read my husband support if she wants kids to I may have to make some sacrifices, but I'm sure he'll help and it will be worth it. That sequence of thought Slade's made at the second guideline for defining women's rights and human rights to send it is not a private matter and it a private Solutions are chances. It's a social fact and the way to deal with it effectively is my public effort through programs that are bargain. Politically so that multiple needs are concerned. Politics is how we deal with public problems. As yet, I see no single magic formula for solving the difficulties of women who want to combine family and career but the way to reach adequate options for doing so as not to agonize personally or at least not the agonizing and stop. This is a major social question and Society has to face up to it and the changes that have gone on their results from the new reality of women's dual lives. Well, and so taking that into account, what do we do? I think the first thing to do is to change the question. We asked for one that runs. How do I manage to one that's larger and deals with the context of life and the effect of the shifts there that have sent so many women into the light before suppose. We stop focusing on women and what we want even what we need suppose. We accept the changes that have taken place. So they're really there and ask instead what can Society do to use the new talents and energies that have become available as Woman's Work has become natural and average without sacrificing support to family and especially for children. I think if we did that things would start to fall into place. Children are born into families. That's for sure. But that doesn't mean they belong to the families or that they're going to spend their lives there. The community has accepted the chore of educating them formally for more than a century. Why not extend Community Support without doing it as a grudging favorite to the women who are to be undertaking it. And quotes while raising children is off in a private pleasure in a x a personal pain in the neck that is not a private Enterprise children grow up and the most important thing they do was grow out into a community understanding its ways and its opportunities and preparing themselves to be mature and responsible adults in the past access to other adults than parents was much easier than it is now usually lived close by that we're neighbors around is proven or not. They were there a lot of work was done where it could be seen and children often participated in it did chores young people learn trades by apprenticeship learning from adults in the work that they were going to be go on doing. I do not believe that it's beyond the bounds of contemporary invention for us to reproduce quite a lot of that old-fashioned now vanished context of life and put it in place to supplement at the substitute for what parents do. good childcare will certainly make life easier for working women, but it can make life richer a lot more fun for children to Add after school programs to good child care centers bring in other adults including the grandparents generation those who have moved to the Sunbelt but whose children perhaps have moved a thousand miles away to work for somebody else. I remember meeting somebody at work for Control Data out here when I was here some years ago and she told me she's moved six times and nine years I said, how do you survive he said thank God we have seven children. At least we have ourselves to hang onto but that's not an average sized family not bring in the grandparent generation and bring into musicians and theater people Museum curators bringing painters hobbyist storytellers professionals who can talk about their work. Funded in various ways. Some federal funds some local government based business contributions make it a union benefit fees from more affluent users high school students. Learn how to be a good parent. Someone was saying this morning at the Humphrey Institute that many young mothers found that the baby they produced was the first baby that ever had anything to do with we can remedy that Let local colleges and universities make it a center for early childhood education training at Healthcare immunization processes in the end. You have a very Lively Community Center and you would be bridging a generation gap as well as a ginger cat. That's what I do. I know there is to think about Housing and Urban planning in a way that permits some group living for families who want it practically all new housing is a single-family housing whether it's in an apartment building single apartments or single houses, but all kinds of combinations could be tried easily enough which involve some shared space inside and out and some private quarters. Your child care of business centers as well as where people live would again be an option for parents decision women have been thinking about changing the context of living Charlotte Perkins Perkins Gilman Road about it 80 years ago. I didn't bring with me. I'm sorry. I can recommend a brand new book that is just coming out. Jack is very useful on on ideas about urban planning on house and it's written by a woman who was an architect and planner and teaches at UCLA. Her name is Dolores Hayden, and her book is called redesigning The American Dream. The future of housing. I wish I could have brought it down. I don't have time but do look at it there a lots of things that leap off the page and I'd be very Illuminating about things that have been tried not that are just ideas but improvised. I should instead of worked here in England and Sweden until 1. Let me tell you what I do see as a result. Way down the line, but as a result of human equality and the recognition of the commonality of human experience and desires shared by both genders. I think the patriarchy and the social structure as it is today, especially the power structure which patriarchy has dreamed up and enforced for millennia. It's very hard on men as well as on women. The idea that women are irresponsible inferior private and special other Simone de Beauvoir said creatures whose first obligation sirs to stay home and raise the children and certainly limited white women can do and wasted an enormous amount of creative Talent including political Talent the let's turn away from that and think of what this effort is done to men for men have had to be the instruments of Oppression. What's the day like today or not gender has acted as a social control on both sexes. Justice racism has bound whites as well as blacks and a distorted and crippling behavior that behavior was prescribed by whites. Just as female Behavior has been directed by patriarchy but it binds white males into abnormality just as thoroughly as it oppresses and represses Those whom they see is an amazing interiors and pokies. The effect has been that abnormality has become the norm. A man who refuses to accept these divisive standards these oppressive and repressive standards is subjected to social pressure and self to shaming. And found sometimes to brutality. Just as they feared and Syria others are committed to victimization. At many times many places and one of them is now young man who are trying to find a place for themselves in an amorphous world are invited to join clearly defined action groups where they'll be granted a group identity as a member of a gang an army service class a college generation and age gray the plan a terrorist group. What have you In order to become part of this comradeship the novice May well be put through a violent rite of passage. initiation and some fraternities Animal House blooded and sometimes in the most realistic way violence against blacks against Jews against immigrant East Asians against Christians by Muslims Muslims by Christians is generally seen as a means of keeping those attacked in their place. And of course it is but the new boys are also kept in line by their participation in this rich. Lawbreaking makes them subject to Blackmail if they should want a defect but that's the least of it more forceful is the violation they have inflicted on their own consciences the pain of facing what one has done many veterans of Vietnam have testified can be paralyzing. In order to survive that knowledge of what year did the easy way out involves a psychic path that runs something like this. If you are going to live as a normal person the human being then you have to deny what you did and if you can't manage to repress the Hara Hara knowledge entirely then how to do that by denying that the person you lynched or burned or tortured or raped or simply maintained as a permanent inferior was really a person. She or he wasn't fully human wasn't sentient and rational like you. The creature you violated was different was other more animal and primitive in the case of blacks or masochistic perhaps in the case of women. That's a denial and a choice. It's a doozy but once it's made it's terribly hard to abandon it. I think it takes a real conversion experience in those are even these days of being born again this To accept the violation of others is normal force has an equally violent split in the self a substitute of a fantasy for reality in the interior being as well as in the outer world. The need to repress guilt can become obsessive and a x the method chosen is to act out the guilty action over and over again in order to validated as normal and acceptable. lynchings again, and again, the victim was established as different the likeness between humans is denied the split in the human mind is magnified and reformed in the social split And the primary division by gender reproduce as itself and division by class or race or Nation or language or religion at any other Prejudice that you please? The free Humanity from that division from that polarization would be able to everyone women in the public World taking their places human beings offer a first step and Advance toward the kind of equality which doesn't declare that. We must be all the same just because we are equal. We are equal by being entitled to the opportunity to pursue our goals by being seen by seeing each other as equal in importance by working together and living together by sharing obligations and Joyce. I don't think it's ridiculous to imagine the polarizing the world and concentrating on Difference by moving on to justify repression by declaring that others are not fully human and by refusing to see each other as human beings. I don't think it's crazy to say that such a fission implicitly inevitably leads to hostility around the club. If you divide the world anyway, however, you start division can become a habit opposition confrontation combat War. This escalation can get to be seen as the normal way to settle any dispute. Putting women into office is not going to do away with the threat of nuclear war baby talk. But the habit of mind the Trident Itself by fearing others jumping to the conclusion that they have to be enemies. I think that habit can be diminished by taking a deep breath and considering the possibly other people or more like you than you think you can women. even Soviet citizens if you Harbor such ideas, you gain and your strength and flexibility because you can use a whole range of political bargaining techniques as a means of solving problems. You can just discover how useful it is to see into other people's minds you can begin to think of Ending hostilities by looking for a common interest may be limited but can be useful as a beginning and that in some cases a no-win situation might really be better defined as a both win situation. If we can all try thinking of women's needs as being related to the whole community of women's rights is Being Human Rights. It might very well free up online to fit all around it won't happen today or tomorrow, but we might make some progress that way even by tomorrow. Let me close by wishing us all that happy Prospect.


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