Spectrum: John Brantner at the 8th Annual Health Alert Conference

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John Brantner, psychology professor at University of Minnesota, speaking at 8th annual Health Alert Conference held at University of Minnesota, and sponsored by the University Hospitals Volunteers Association. Brantner discusses his confusion over what is proper nutrition.

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I did some reading and thinking about the psychology of nutrition and some of the things I like this and I am so confused so idly and totally confused. But all I can really do with you this morning is share my confusion. I just not sure what I'm going to say or how long it's going to take or anything else. I guess what I say is that's when we try to think intelligently as reasonably informed adults about eating about alimentacion about the cookery about shopping about. Preparing food for human beings in a very short while we just cannot find what's going on. We have to buy more bookcases and filing cabinets to hold the references and we find the experts from at least 17 different fields. Come out us wanting our attention. We find the politics enters into it dreadfully and the True Religion enters into the whole matter of nutrition and eating and so on and people with various honorable interest try desperately to influence us change our Behavior. Oh and our social status and are self-definition are self-acceptance gets all involved in what we eat. And what we do here is involved in in our feeding and eating our relationships within our family get all mixed up in it. Certainly are purses are budgets the the whole economics of food begins to influence us. Our prejudices are threatened Central AR prejudices are threatened finally reaches the point where people begin to yell at us and Shout at us and maybe finally what happens as we lose our appetite completely and we have to start all over again. Sometimes I think it might be nice if we could simplify things just after all of this this this all of the old boy cooking and studying nutrition everything else. Maybe it would be better if we could just simplify things and I was terribly influence when I was about 16 17 years old with a book. I read then by mfk Fisher how to cook a wolf stalking in some ways about the things we're going to be talking were talking about now. How about feeding and about feasting and fasting just talkin especially about how to feast in the presence of poverty how to nourish ourselves and so on the book was how to cook a wolf. It's terribly updated now, She pointed to one solution to this whole problem. It's a solution that was impaled by poverty rather than by confusion, but it also points out the other. Inadequacy of any approach the tries to simplify things at one point. She was talking about what to do if you had absolutely no money. She figured out a scheme. This was back in the late 1930s as I recall, whereby you could feed yourself. Well feed yourself. Well for about $0.50 a week. I'm sure it would be what what's the usual now about 10 times as much maybe $5 a week, but it didn't listen to what she said. The situation while I'm comfortable is definitely in permanent and it can probably be coped with the first thing to do. If you have absolutely no money is to borrow some $0.50 will be enough and it should last you from three days to a week depending on how luxurious your tastes are as soon as you have procured or fifty cents find some kind soul who will let you use a stove and the food grinder and a big Kettle the first for about 3 hours and the last for as long as you have any food if you must pay for the stove, it will probably cost about $0.10 for the current or gas this Cut You Down to $0.40 for eating off. You can either make a week Supply without me there about four days with me. Should you choose to be luke Cullen then buy about $0.15 worth of ground beef from a reputable butcher. This much meat will have funerals and qualities over a week, but it will make a good taste and it's fat will stimulate you and help keep you warm. Then buy about $0.10 worth of whole grain cereal almost any large grocer call. Carrie. Is it in bulk? It's brownish in color car and million texture and has a pleasant smell of nuts and starch spend the rest of your money on vegetables buy them. If you can with a big Marcus it would most probably has a counter of slightly wilted or withered things a day old may be otherwise by big course ugly ones in any store. The merchants will probably feel compassion and help you in this and help you economize with minimal. It was Mutual Amusement get a bunch of carrots onions and celery either a small head of cabbage for the course. I would rely leaves from some head that should have been trimmed a bit. Anyway, it doesn't matter this lightly battered you will wash them and grind them into an unrecognizable sludge. Buy as many other vegetables as you can she said and but avoid turnips which are too strong and beats which would make the whole thing into a ghoulish ghastly and completely horrendous mess of pink and Cerise you grind this whole business up you put it in the pot with an awful lot of water will bring it to a boil simmer. It's for an hour. Simmer it for an hour store in the cereal. Simrit. Samara cook it slowly for more hours. Let it cool and keep it in a cool Cellar where is will stay good for a week? You can eat it cold and not suffer too much if your needs a purely minimal and on financed, but if you can eat what you want two or three times a day, it will probably taste much better. She said you can fry it. If you fry it will be sort of like scrapple and really really luxurious it is obvious to even the most optimistic that this sludge which should be like a stiff cold and a rather unpleasant smirkish brownish gray in color is strictly for Hunger did this kind of thing and it points to the dangers to the other dangers of this sort of simplification as far as a nutritional sludge and eat only slabs of it, but This is how we get so confused. Let me share some of my own confusion and then maybe try to clarify a little bit with the only part of this field that I have know anything about the the psychology of your will of nutrition and eating I am confused here in preparation for this. I went back to a very large collection of cookbooks for instance and found out the recipes for jams and jellies for sugar cookies for bread pudding and custard which I reviewed over the last 100 years that are laying on the bottom of a thousand or 2,000 years old cookbooks. Present-day recipes call for somewhere between two and four times as much sugar as cookbooks did a hundred years ago in about eight times as much as cookbooks of a thousand years ago. What's been happening? Why why why why why I find also that all kinds of different principles Ender when we start thinking about Mass speeding and I thought about that. I know how to go for a fairly fairly decent size group of people, but there is a totally different psychology in two totally different effort that enters in when you are thinking about for instance the problem of cleaning two heads of lettuce or 2 tons of lettuce and read some of the stuff about our mass mass production of food. My grandmother taught me certain characteristic things about food that I find. I cannot even check know my grandmother believed for instance that cooking in cast iron saucepan increase the amount of iron in your diet. I was recently I was this winter in a room with 200 home economist all nutritionist enough one of them could tell me whether or not this was true. I get very nervous. Also, when I sense that there are powerful and trench special-interest circling around me in the area of food. It is very easy to infuriate. And only a fool risks a nobleman's rage to make no specific about what you buy or what you eat or what you do in this area. I am not going to risk The Rage of these powerful powerful interest. I imagined however also that there is more psychological influence and manipulation directed to this area of my life. But I eat and what I spend my food money on then there isn't any other behavior in my life. and I am bewildered by some things this go off bewildered when I find the plane Ross foodstuffs invariably cost more than prepared food stops and the hard to find Don't know what's going on. I am amazed. That's what people think I want. I have known all of my life that if I make limeade if I take limes and squeeze the juice out and that little bit of sugar and a bit of water the color of this very delightful drink is gray. And I cannot see if I buy prepared limeade. I cannot find Grail I made it is all a rather peculiar and often times on natural green certainly surprising green. No limeade ever was green. Normally in winter is white Always that's one of the signs living in Minnesota in the Northern Territory States. It was at least in my childhood one of the signs that winter was coming and finally the spring had arrived in the the where the butter got paler and paler until in the end of winter does pure wife and tasted delicious and then now winter winter puffer is bright yellow I'm shocked shocked when I find that's unwise practices or accidents or the lack of foresight can deliver to me food that is Tainted tainted with subtle and invisible poison effect has not yet known which frightens people. I'm sad. at the the rare surge of delight that I myself experienced when friends who have a small gardens or small flocks of hens share their fresh and delightful produce with it is a sort of appalling to me that this should be an occasion for 4 for the light for the surging of my own own own Spirit when occasionally I have an omelet made with nulaid eggs do this so different from all the rest of my my eating experience. And also I'm amazed the seeds of our gross Ness. I recently read the announcement of the opening of a new restaurant in another state which is going to specialize in 2 lb beef steaks at one meal and I sat down and calculators simple calculation. I remember very vividly the CD the days of rationing and I know what the English war time standard was of me for an adult that represents 1/3 of a year's supply F150. That's why I chose for what we were going to talk about this morning the three different three different terms feeding and feasting and fasting and we're dealing here with three central three aspects of this whole whole area on which you're going to be spending most of the day excitingly excitingly with some tremendously exciting people will get I know some some varying different fuel points if you're lucky people may start yelling at each other. Feeding fasting feeding fasting feasting feeding represent three different areas of this three different level three different functions here as in a great deal else in our lives and I think it points to three things that we must ourselves do in the area of our own own nutrition. First matter of feeding what I meant by that was like we are kind of obliged to inform ourselves about physiology and to inform ourselves about the tremendous jump the fuel experts are able to make now between what goes on in the physiological laboratory and what goes on in the supermarket There are people who are spending their entire lives on her blade greatly making tremendous contribution for instance. Focusing their entire attention on one of the lipids in the in the in the human blood and they cannot tell us they cannot tell us how that translates into they cannot tell us how that translates into ordinary dietary practices yet yet. And so we have to make ourselves the translation of acceptable wisdom and knowledge into our own behavior at table in the kitchen and in the market. We have to develop a kind of respect for wisdom and health practices and the responsibility for acquiring our own our own knowledge. There are practices in the area of nutrition which are not fads and which are not possibly cannot possibly be harmful. But which are not yet completely established in the scientific and medical laboratories and we ourselves have to take the responsibility to Zach. Quiring a great deal more attention. But at the present at the present level of knowledge can it possibly harm us any of us to reduce at least amount of sugar. This is why we can be our own I think our own determiners our own experts. Why is under any circumstances coloring stuff why I know I was told by my grandmother that it made cakes look nicer if you put colored frosting on them and so on using cold hard eyes and it all kinds of stuff to The Beatles in it for heaven sakes. Can it do us any harm any harm to decide that within reason to not being banished and then saying about it? We're not going to eat any more stuff simply because it's colored. Are there will be people today? Perhaps we will will will will will argue with my my mind field there. But I do not see that it can do us any harm any harm at all. So realize that what we learned as infants does not apply all of our Lives the dietary needs change when and and the feeding of babies is totally different than the nutrition of babies is totally different from the nutrition for children adolescents young adults adults people in their old age and we have to be flexible and adaptable changing changing and not falling back on our infantile secondly in the area of feasting we must recognize that's already emotions. And the whole social world is bound up in this same area independent of nutrition and that this enriches life and enhances our relationships and third recognizing that in the area of eating as in all areas of Our Lives if we are self conscious and aware of what we are doing. To the practice here. I'm thinking of fasting this can be the means of psychological growth and all three of these get all mixed up and the emotional responses that are appropriate to one get attached to the other and we find ourselves taken by surprise. And we have to recognize be able to recognize that with the people who know the most and who have noticed known it for the longest time. I know I have the greatest wisdom avoid all excesses including the excess of denial. Florida Scott Maxwell said The crucial tattoo The crucial task of aging and certainly The crucial task of life is balance a veritable tightrope of balance and there's an instructor song in one of the Southern Baptist Harmony collections, which says comparing young converts to Old Converse. They wonder why old Saints don't sing wonder wonder wonder I had a very interesting experience by self Consulting to old sayings about nutrition. They would both object to being called that but about five years ago when I was making the shift to to being vegetarian, I thought immediately we have in Minneapolis one of the leading Buddhist Roshes and so with a friend of mine who had Millennia of thinking about their diet and Millennia of being vegetarian tradition knowledge wisdom. I said to a friend of mine goes Ask Gary Roche. Find tell me what the master says about being a vegetarian the word came back. He says that sounds like a nice thing to be. You didn't care Belleville Green in public health told me that in his Tradition at least has recognized and honored celibacy voluntary poverty giving up things like knees and so on but sit celebration comes when you start eating again, when you return the recognizing the goodness of all of God's gifts, so I'm not going to recognize a so not going to recommend a see this ISM, but I do think that we should be open here to teaching open to what people can tell us and above all this into our own body's wisdom. It's bright wisdom and and use our own our own strength here. Be suspicious of anything that cost too much. Kind of rule. It's an interesting one to adapt is that if it cost too much probably not worth it. And remember in humans are omnivorous. We are infinitely adaptable and this weekend. We we literally can eat in a almost almost anyting learning to feed ourselves wisely learning really two-faced to come together in love and celebration and recognize the rich variety the tremendous addition to our lives that the practice of peace that I have a bright dream someday of the kind of separation of feasting and feeding. I would like to see a banquet at which the diabetic and the recovered alcoholic and they told Clark and the obese person in the person who is dangerously skinny and the vegetarian and the Jewel in the Hindu and the Moslem and the Christian and a Buddhist go to all With no exclusion and no patronizing Feast together. And then let us learn too fast. One very literally. It is almost certain that every one of us will be ordered by our positions at some time in our lives to stop eating something and to stop eating something that had up until then be important to us practice practice giving up earlier, but we might laser cousin exercise, but we might later be ordered to give up. Even try mfk Fisher Glock let that grayish Brown glob try try for a while. And then either religious fasting or secular fasting as a regular regular practice one more. Avenue of self-expression and thoughtful exploration of our world. I am suggesting that we could all benefit by asking hunger and famine to sit down at a table with us occasionally to recognize very clearly in our own richness our own affluence the presence of hunger and perhaps quite quite quite deliberately as a regular practice fasting fasting in order that we might experience and share with others a healthy kind of shame. I hope they repentance that will lead to personal growth and action for a better world. I guess I'm saying that we must be fit we must be fed, but we are fed both by feasting and by fasting And that's where fisting adds to our feeding love. celebration fasting nourishes Us in Untold ways that go beyond mere food. Thank you.


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