Spectrum: Robert Coles speaks on the stresses of minority children

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Dr. Robert Coles, a Harvard University psychologist, speaking at St. John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota. Cole’s address centers on how minority children deal with the stresses and problems they face in contemporary society.

Dr. Coles has concentrated his study in the area of child psychology.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

What explains violence in one city and the absence of violence in another what New Orleans or? Needless to say I will tell you a social and political truth. But the reason I was no mob is that the mayor of Atlanta and the governor of Georgia and the president of the United States a new president and his brother a new attorney general had sent a psychiatric message to the potential mobsters. To the potential members of these moms. The message was don't Assemble. You won't be around to not for that purpose in the message had gotten across there by telling us something very important. That when we look at crowd Behavior psychiatrically or psychopathological emphasis, exclusively or single-mindedly on Psychopathology. We are Altru single-minded the issue is not what is in many people that might erupt in violence or unruliness or anti-social so-called Behavior. The issue is what brings that out enables. It encourages it or vice versa discourages it disables it cuts it off. Well, at least I have begun to figure that out. And that was something that separated me from my buddies up north who hadn't been wasting 2 years of their lives and therefore haven't even thought of things this way. still high school teacher and Henry Grady High School said to me that Lawrence Jefferson. One of the two blacks were gone into that school was an astonishing young man. And I asked her what she meant by that is if I didn't know I didn't know because I wasn't looking for how astonishing he was I was going about how sick he would become. And she said he was astonishing because after all he came through very poor people that only been in Atlanta for a few years his father. She understood was a janitor his mother. She should work in a bowl a bowl of factory making those rackets attach two pieces of kids playing with it six days a week. She work making those nonunion wages. Very very low indeed. Now these we have not yet come to this stage of educational sophistication in this country where we refer to such families as culturally disadvantaged and culturally deprived in 1961 in Atlanta and even elsewhere in this country. They were merely poor black people. Rural South Carolina few years in Atlanta, but with plenty of disadvantages indeed yet. The boy seems to be doing well having come from where is not very adequately prepared. And the teacher commented Upon A Certain quiet strength that he had. Where was that coming from? Everything comes from someplace? We know. Well, I told her that I thought the boy was carrying within him a good deal with tension and that he was remarkably able to to handle that as things were going but that one never knows course. How long and under what circumstances this would all fall apart? They were no mobs outside the schools, but I didn't say there was plenty of heckling plenty of isolation plenty of difficulty. So Troy And not a very good time for him. And the young woman was also of his race and that's cool after about four months of city of Atlanta said that they were willing to take a gamble a risk that may sound to us like out of another Century. They would allow the first extracurricular activity to take place. And that City attendance today? a basketball game would take place At the high school, the visiting team came from a school that have not been integrated at all. A school in the district where Lester Maddox later to become governor of Georgia had his then famous restaurant the pickrick. It was not a very friendly school to these children these two young people. They came the game was to be held on Wednesday evening like this. the middle of the week Long should I went to that game we came in you made a right down the front seat and sat down and I beside them we sat there. He was watching some of the players warm up and suddenly. We shot and getting spit balls and paper airplanes directed at us along with some rather unfriendly and inhospitable remind. after about a minute of this and I think Getting more and more sick with paper in front of us. Sometimes landing on our heads. I turned him and I said Lawrence. Why don't we move over there pointing to that sign? Iraq the exit sign and the he said no, I'm going to stay here. So why I said nothing we continued the threats continue got even obscene. After another minute of so I turned to him and I decided to be more assertive. And I said Lawrence, let's go up there. He looked up there looked at me and said it no, I'll stay here, but you can go there if you want to. At this point I said to myself. that Lawrence was afraid I meant somehow. This was an indication that something was not working quite well. for him we were threatened we ought to respond to that threat with some intelligence and discretion instead. He wanted to stay right where he was. So I turned the woman I said, come on. We'll move up there. He said you go. And I didn't go. But I thought to myself. The boy needs help. the help paying the police the police came and everything stopped. We had no more spitballs and no more airplanes and no more threats. Can we watch the game and the game ended and the team won his school one and we went home and on the way home. I thought to myself. This is a decisive moment in this work. I will have to talk with him about this. And I will have to in some way find out just how he is dealing with what obviously was a rather frightening experience. Because it is not. Quote healthy. I'm quote. to bury one's head in the sand. We all told that ostriches do it, but intelligent human beings don't We get home. We have a Coca-Cola. Inevitable under the circumstances and I began talking to him and I think to myself, how can I help him out? How can I be in some way? A doctor in a situation like this. Well, there is an old boy. The one uses with someone who is having difficulty recognizing or coming to terms with something. Perhaps you take it upon yourself. After all, he is the one that refused to to come to terms with. What was the obvious? I have words for this they are called ego mechanisms mechanisms of Defense so-called denial reaction formation. Whatever those new things to say that the mind is not looking things straight in the face. So to speak this is what seems to be happening and it was a clue to me here is the young man. Who is indeed doing? Well, and he's doing well. I finally just got rid as one does when one discovers gold for the most obvious reason in the world. He's denying the difficulty that he's facing and he will pay for this in the long run. We the prophets now. This is not healthy because I'm realistic. It's a distortion in a wave. What's what is experiencing? And there is a way again to begin to move toward a clarification. And I said to him. Lawrence know that was quite a situation we were in there and he said nothing and I said, well, you know, what did you think of what happened there? And he said well we won. So I can help reverse. And I said, yes we won. But what about before the game even started and he said what about it? So I them runs then and I said, well, you know, that was a pretty scary situation. No, I said and I was scared. And he looked at me and he said yes, I know you were. whereupon I thought that I had better ask him a question. And I said what weren't you? And he answered into Unforgettable words, not particularly. so I thought all my and I rummage through my overstuffed had trying to figure out what to say that would help him to realize how indeed scared he most obviously had been before I had a chance to come up with an intelligent thought he came up with an astonishing luminous moment for both of us the first time and all this worth of this actually happened to me he came up with what we call in this Century people like me with quote surrounded one uses them with some ironic and 10 a free association That is a memory. No less a childhood memory the kind of thing that sets one like me dancing in the streets. And what was this memory? The memory went along like this. A story presentation the historical statement out of a life. He said, you know when I was about seven years old, I think it was I went with my mother to see Santa Claus and Rich's Rich's department store fine old Atlanta Institution. Rich's department store in Atlanta had apparently in one of those wonderful Southern ways always allowed. I know it's always allowed black and white children together to see The Great Santa Claus even before the brown decision even before the Civil Rights Movement. There have been integrated Santa Claus lines in Rich's department store. And they still there waiting for that moment. The boys 7 6 whatever. Jumping around a little bit traps in anticipation of this awesome event. Suddenly by mistake step on a white girls shoe on her foot the girl's green said stop it her mother looked at the boy and his mother and Said something rather nasty to them and the boy's mother grabbed his arm and took him right out of that department store and took him right home and gave him the beating of his life. And she told him what every Southern black mother of course for Generations has had to tell Southern child gets into this kind of got into that kind of situation. Never never. behave like that This woman who had just come in to Atlanta. And who had memories are having to step out of the way of white people even when they're walking down the street in this town in South Carolina where she herself a grown up. Tell that was a course that is always how wise are enforced and mediated through the family and through parents. I'm this boy told me this. And I listen and I thought will why is he telling me this now? And he must have seen something on my face that indicate and how much help I needed. Because he offered a clarification or interpretation. You said you see. Which is what I used to call Macy. Tonight tonight. It was just sweet pain. Sweet pan. That's as far as he went. But that was a long message. The heat actually had not given me a message. I would argue went something like this you come here with your life. You are so smart and you know so much and you're doing your study. You got it all figured out see you and you are kind someone threatens you while you immediately do something about it. And you know exactly what you it is possible for you to do and what you are inheritance enables you to do you are threatened you fight back. If someone goes after you you go after them, you call the police you move away you take action whatever that is how you handle stress, but buddy. I have quite a different life. What seemed like a miserable wretched fearful moment for you strange that would make a scene was a moment of opportunity and possibility from me you wanted to leave but I had to stay and wanted to say and in staying I was getting satisfaction and delight and achievement. I'm trying that you don't even have the slightest idea about quite apparently or else you wouldn't be bothering me with this line of inquiry. And therefore life is not to be submitted to anyone's. particular meal with it with the Grist but the mail comes forth with You have a notion you have a paradigm. You have a theory or so do I have a life and I have my past experiences in my memories and they tell me they leave me to find another Direction. So you had better stop becoming a little more open to ironing ambiguity. What you quote from Flannery O'Connor up there in Milledgeville mystery and manners. One goes through the Adam begins to try to be a bit more modest that is described different wives. Poke one Polk surround with white families the first White family to break the boycott in New Orleans the first family to take upon itself the same kind of bird in the black family. Why would a white family do this when it doesn't have to what are there reasons or is we put up their motivations? Well many questions and many evasive answers many shoulders Shrugged. Mrs. Connor in New Orleans her husband working in a vulnerable position. He was threatened with the loss of his job for allowing his wife to do this to send two children to that school with Ruby fair by increasing the population from 1 to 3 and finding her children Hippowdon. She and her husband threatened. Why mrs. Connor why? 8 children two of them sent to this Elementary School, finally one morning and a weak moment. She comes up with a desperate answer. Shane River South budget for saying that but she dies. Why mrs. Cano she said I don't know I keep on saying that I've asked myself that to tell you the truth. I really have asked myself and review what we going through. Well, have you come up with any answers? Well, I'll tell you what, I told my husband when he asked me there's a husband and gotten angry with her and said to her or not because he wanted to have a psychological answer because he was asking this rhetorically and with anger and impatience and fury indeed namewee. Why did you send those children to this to the school? She had told him and her a retaliatory anger why she had sent them to school. I sent them to school because I wanted to get him out of the house. I couldn't stand it any longer with him at home. Well, is that not a sufficient reason for someone to send children to school of course, not 117 profound psychological moment of crisis. Or maybe some dramatic ethical confrontation. in the tradition of conch If not Floyd with a super-ego battling its way against the Craven. And overcoming the shrewd and a joey go. Let's move from all this to, Florida. Foreigner 1965 by this time was getting somewhat megalomaniacal and I convinced myself to the thing to do is to study these families as we put it in depth. That means a long time. And a considerable bother to all parties concerned. Conscientiously 1 try size these other dramatic rhetorical questions what happens to a family Ruby and her parents have moved safe from the delta Mississippi into another branch of the family anxious to stay close to the land gets involved with a migrant labor stream in the Eastern Seaboard moving from, Mississippi to Florida. Where is some of you may know in the winter where the winters are gentle and warm a hundred thousand my work at crops from October through May until the sun is so searing. Impossible but they leave a journey up the Seaboard through Georgia and the Carolinas and Virginia New Jersey and into New England harvesting crops. These are hard-working people. These are people that are not protected by the Wagner labor relations act not given the minimum wage protection labor union protection that many other Americans have he's a people vulnerable socially economically educationally every way politically in any way one can think of the most extremely vulnerable and had fasted. unprotected people in this nation Who ironically work so hard and answer to those who complain about the welfare chisels and cheetahs? No chiseling and cheating he and no welfare here. Just playing hard work from dawn to dusk on one's knees picking picking. Lake Okeechobee Belle Glade Pahokee Bean City Grapes of Wrath predominantly black population in order to meet these migrants one has to talk with Growers Growers on migrants European in suits in the federal court peonage rather strong word for 20th century America right now in the federal court in Miami. The Growers on the housing these migrants live some of it so substandard there is leaving electricity nevermind adequate Sanitation. If one is going to go and talk with my when someone has to talk with grow is 1 weeks a grower and the girl was says sure you're a doctor. You're not doing a documentary called Harvest of Shame. You're not walking around trying to agitate. You can go and talk to them your rectum. Well recommended by the wonderful Public Health Service people who never threat next anyway, but do occasionally occasionally give people shots. Ave Maria Clash of kind someone starts talking with my grandson gets to know what particular grow up this grow up as one of the Town agribusiness Illinois vanity on hundreds and hundreds of acres are very precious and valuable and very productive land and even then went game to buy into laundromats now, he's brought into real estate and stores in Palm Beach right of way go control barriers in Palm Beach County, but not the Palm Beach that you and I know about. You go West on Route 441 and you're in another world not the world tourist, Fort Worth Avenue and whatever. One day I would have died and I would occasionally drop in and talk with this grow up and his wife one day. I stopped by the ask me for some coffee. The husband had to leave. And I was sitting here talking with the wife, and she they had one son. She told me that she got into some trouble about her son the son of got into some trouble in this was causing her trouble. I asked her what the trouble was and she said well, you know, they called me from the school today. principal dead and he was worried about the boy Jack Why? Apparently at that time he was 9 years old and in the fourth grade apparently had said to the teacher and one of those World compositions. That he thought that the migrants were the best people in the county that they were the ones who were going to go to heaven. I'm the Growers stood no chance of going to heaven at all. The teacher asks the boy where he got that idea. This is the mid-sixties having you in our very frightened South. Frightened of agitators and Yankee Communists and incipient Revolution spreading even to the rule box. Nevermind Atlanta on where did you get that idea Jack will I heard it in church? Well said the teacher. Do you understand that their migrants would have no work at all if it weren't for The Growlers, it's the Growers who give the migrants jobs. They would be even more wretched. And I don't think we put that way what it what way was put wise. They would be quite unhappy indeed if they didn't have work and who is the one that gives him work? The boy had said that even though they were given work nevertheless that were the rich and the poor and he heard about that in church. Teacher became alarmed. I went to the principal and reported this and said that this was very strange talk for a Grower's son. You don't think they would sing any migrant children the school. This was a school catering to White. and by definition rather well-to-do white children, the principal said it indeed he was concerned about this evening Early Child say anything like that before this background, so he thought maybe he would call the mother and tell her Because he didn't want it. known that the child had said this in class and that he had not taken notice of it and after all the other children had heard him say this and they might go home and tell their parents many of some of them were also growing the mother heard this and she told the principal and then proceeded to tell me that she wasn't that surprised and why wasn't she surprised she wasn't surprised because she knew although she hadn't even told her husband about this he may or may not know she said at the time but he had been playing with some of the migrant children her son. Just going off of the children work after all father and he would ride his bike over and play with them at the edge of the field. Sometimes even helped them pick the crops which of course they got paid for What Little they did get paid for doing it. furthermore she felt the boy tended to be very serious and that have been worrying her. Well, I said very little but I did say I must tell you what I said I said that sometimes kids go through stages. I'm about five for wisdom. And she said yes. She knew that she been taking some educational psychology courses and threw them what she had doctor. She had dr. Spock available. Amidon Diva that was what she expected to so she wasn't going to be too worried about this. I went home and told my wife said that she said you didn't and I said what what else was I to say it's true. So she said well, how do you know? He's just going through a stage lice and we probably is the matter was dropped there. A year later, however, it came up again. She called me over and she told me that they had received another call from the school this time the boy have written and a composition that there was blood on the hands of The Growers. This whole I'm the fifth grade teacher. The principal was called in again, and he said Caught up. The mother said that really thought that this was a matter of concern and that they are to consult a pediatrician. the mother had an appointment to take the boy to the pediatrician when I happen. Listen, she told me about this by this time. I had very little to say. I listened and begged off but I did ask for one thing. I said you have any idea where he would have got this idea and she said it may be that he got it in church. now, this is a very this is a Presbyterian church with a the dark. Brooding quality of the Presbyterian Church somewhat accentuated by a particular instance one of these exchanged Northern Foundation from out of Pittsburgh. As a matter of fact that has a religious interests have been sending back and forth ministers from England to this country and out of Scotland where presbyterianism is not real Stern calvinist Minister the mother thought he was wonderful. my he had preached scripture He had preached from the New Testament again and again and again, and she thought that maybe some of this would come from him. I certainly had nothing more to say at this juncture. But I followed this and I heard about it. What happened is a question went to the pediatrician in the pediatrician listen to this and he thought that the thing for him to do was have a few cozy conversations with this boy on Saturday morning the boy would come over and they would as we put it these days have a talk. They have their talks and the pediatrician somewhat puzzled at Forest finally came up with a practical recommendation. He told the mother and father after several weeks of scrutiny and deliberation that he thought there was one thing they might do immediately. Amount was to start taking the boy to church. Through the more he was confident that this boy would soon enough forget these kinds of concerns. He reminded the mother we had discussed. She and I what she knew herself what she had told her husband repeatedly children go through periods stages fancies, whatever you want to call it. Whatever it is called depending on the newspaper columnist. Which sister from Iowa is riding? What psychologist has to say and which book is on the bestseller list? We go through things and we enter new. Moments in our lives this too shall pass. Apparently it didn't pass because a month or so later. The boy was declared a run away for at least a few hours what happened? He had been forbidden by his father to play with the migrant children and snuck off and was found playing with him by that one of the foremen and gone back and reported this to the growing of this distinguished Floridian who came in his car and pick the boy up and took him home and Admonishing series of threats and rebukes and whatever and told him he had to stay in his room. Went back to work and the boy went out of the house ran away on his bike and was missing most of the day. He came home. However, he came home because he loved his parents because he was not truly a runaway. It's not from a broken home is not from a disordered home was not from a violent or abusive home. What was it 10 or 11 year old boy who dearly loved his mother and father one has to emphasize of this point deal of them good people good parents. Kind people hospitable to the likes of me and others. We cannot turn these parents into into. convenience psychiatric cases normal spot. Noble people prosperous people cost to and so whenever the last to run away and what happens then At this point the pediatrician says this boy needs to be tested. And so the boy was given a battery of psychological tests. On the tester told the parents. But the boy is rebellious. But he has a problem with authority. paninis You got stuck help. And the sooner the better this boy ended up seeing a child psychiatrist in Palm Beach County Lake Okeechobee being City Bulgaria for some strange reason. And off he was taking every week to a doctor and he talked with that doctor and then after a year, he was discharged and I cannot give you what we call in the medical profession a fall app. and the phone WAP has us just last year in Kansas City not in New York City at a presidential nominating process Kansas City on the boy is now a grown up college student. Very active in Florida youth politics in Kansas City pushing hard a particular candidate which candidate candidate being pushed by this young man also has a personal history as do we all I can give you one or two clues about his in the late 1930s Hollywood and went through its stage or crisis or. It was interested in Social concerns to the point that it even made a few movies among Them Grapes of Wrath as some of you may know and one or two other less famous movies dedicated to the plight of migrants. And in that in one of those gravy movies of head and actor with that time considered himself a person of liberal social conscience. a number of years virus size 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 That same person I've gone out of that stage into another migrants. It is fair to say we're no longer a major source of concern for him. And he 1976 morning to be nominated by the Republican Party. He was not nominated. But this young man who really I had been concerned about my since I gave to you mentioned you was now militantly for Ronald Reagan and that's about what the story is as he is in his early 20s getting ready to take over prosperously many million dollar business operation. ethical conflict in children How much do we acknowledge about the ethical conflicts to go on and children my profession which is so notorious for its emphasis on the subtleties of the human mind which is managed to persuade an entire century and several Generations within that century. That the mind of children is subtle knowing clever. Full of all kinds of nuance perceptions is strangely silent on this issue. We give children credit for MV rivalry anger. Jealousy. They notice so much. sibling rivalry possessiveness to add one parent to another What do we tell people they notice about what's right and wrong? What ought to be done and what ought not to be done? What are we safe it with regard to Children about a sense of fairness and justice. And I don't mean the kind of cognitive psychology coming out these days. It has these children and all of us are various levels again and stages again, usually culminating in a final stage in which the man who devised the theory resides on with some days Better Days. But I mean not playing strong sense. moral concern and compassion such as some of the Christian Saints knew about and maybe knew about his children and indeed were children. began to think about these matters, by the way, they talk about that psychological testing that this boy was put through and you imagine what would happen if psychological tests have been given today many to Saint Teresa Saint Francis What were those tests have shown? Who cares what they shown but apparently we do that's I Destiny to care about things like that and not to care. Perhaps The Way Saint Therese Academy about what? She cared about. And the early part of 1976 talking about presidential election years because I live in the south for number years and knew the governor then Governor Carter. Some people that I also knew asked me to please come down to Georgia and talk to him and write an article show that the Yankee intellectuals would stop thinking about this man is an ignoramus and state thing anyone who doesn't come from Abigail on Princeton and release north of the Mason-Dixon line is culturally disadvantaged and if he prays to God that he clearly is a menace to the nation. Well, I did talk to Lillian, and she told me very interesting story about her effort to get into the Peace Corps in order to get in the Peace Corps. Some of you may know you have to be interviewed by people I've made. She was interviewed for two days and I want to know why she had 68 one of them run away from home. What was she running away from? You've always been moving around. You left home and went to that nursing home in Auburn, Alabama. What was that about? They at that time when pulling any punches, her son wasn't hadn't gotten that far. Questions to buy the way, we respond to put a go with our day, but she said I heard this and I heard this and I thought you might have had better. Keep quiet. I better keep quiet if I get angry, I'm through don't ever let me the Indians I get angry. So I smiled and I smiled and finally was all over and they said well, We're going to let you throw. The only thing that has been watering eyes particularly is that you keep on smiling so much. I got wet as all the time from Bishop's especially in the Piscopo Church, which is so Decided fine, but concern has such a harmonious relationship relationship with someone but they're always ask me to write that is about the candidacy of this or that applicant for the ministry. I can imagine this being done with the Disciples of this or that disciple. It wouldn't hurt. A professional like mine which is doing as they say in the South with right well. To have read as come in and then missions process for ministers and Priests commenting upon the ethical qualities. In fact, it wouldn't hurt admissions committees who taking this nation's doctors. to work clothes problem of moral character, never mind psychological stability and greys We are not interested in moral and ethical problems apparently in growing children wear that called superego problems. That is some child moment tyrannical in the sunset in Elder-Beerman conscience is driving the child when the roses and it was a child need some relief from us. This is all over again. What an ethical conflict is how about a compassionate thoughtful child very sensitive to what's happening in the world and exquisitely aware of some of these moral dilemmas picking it up in church picking it up at home with his parents from cells get caught between their idealism and pragmatism in his parents. Say one thing two children one minute and another thing another minute telling showing at one time to do good be good pray to God live a decent and honorable life while at other times making up all kinds of rationalizations and justifications for their own behavior and for the behavior of those children, I knew a family in West Virginia the man owned a mine in that mine and explosion took place. Three of the workers were killed his daughter watched on television and pronounce the cause of those that gross gross negligence that girl asked her mother why her father and let that happen her mother said to her daddy try the best. She can she asked your father and he said I don't want to hear questions like that in this house. I am a hard-working man. And those miners are negligent. They light up cigarettes at times and cause he's explosions a lie. He knew it was a lie, but could he tell his daughter that know there's a father do that to his child know a child has to have confidence in her five. This is the way these things go in our homes. This is what we struggle with. I'm not saying we don't have to have this struggle. I am not here with an answer to what that struggle is going to. Be like how to end the struggle one never ends struggles struggle is a part of life the word resolution often used in Psychology and Psychiatry resolution of conflict nonsense. conflict He's almost certain measure of life. And why do we think the conflict is necessarily bad? Maybe it's very good. Maybe it's terribly important Redemptive even met some people are as conflicted as I possibly know how to be well those who say that they no longer have any conflicts and if I just stood themselves that wonderful word adjusted well adjusted well adjusted to what well adjusted to carrying hydrogen bonds around on an airplane. well adjusted to dropping nap Hound bonds and getting a metal out of someone standing in a line of the White House while someone else walking down the street and muttering something to himself or herself is a job very quickly wouldn't drop in a pound bomb for anything in the world wouldn't even hit anyone hits oneself is developing a symptom ironically because I'm being locked up for doing so these are as they say in the humanities ironies in my field that eye problems to be solved. Beware of the social sciences beware of them They are a secular religion. They offer to people. fantasies utopian fantasies the day will come when some combination of passages. And another book Annie St. And Bethel with its group therapy. Will rid us of tensions. When of course the more the better some people might say given what this world is like the soul of America if the soul of America he's going to be in The Possession. of the 60 million readers Evander Gail Van Buren And the millions of readers who are clutching at the next. psychological Lansing to these terrible issues and face us that ought to make us anxious and depressed then solve America, obviously. inside going in One Direction I think I want to hear with my rhetorical delivery and I'll be glad to respond to any questions and if you may have but I would want to emphasize. That time after all these years in these homes. The one Meats + children + 8 + 9 + 10 + this country today despite all the way here about television and what he does what it does and despite all the we hear about what this or that parent does. and what a particular culture does to its children when he is and children from well-to-do homes from poor home from working-class homes again, and again and again thoughtfulness sensitivity and I would insist on a new most biblical. sense of concern that all too easily and quickly dies Elizabeth Bowen and death of the hive describes a loss of faith of an adolescent girl faith in others faith and somehow people and their essential decency. Children lose that before adolescence. They losing an elementary school. They lose it as they begin to become aware some of the things we all know about and ironically they are encouraged to lose it these days and the name of what we call Mental Health. anima name of eliminating conflict anxiety possible to spare. I am not arguing the children need the spear or ought to be prescribed well that anxiety are to be prescribed whatever these are matters that we are to think about talk about. What does a doctor do with a boy like that in Florida and with his parents? He doesn't hurt presumably that boy to run away from home. These are the only parents that boy has but ethically what does a doctor do someone talks with a about children and ethical conflict one also a lot of talk about doctors and ethical conflict. And teachers and ethical conflict. And it could be that even the research we do is geared to what we don't want to know how convenient that we don't know a lot about the way moral sensibility develops. We don't even use terms. I got thinking about the life of the mind anymore. Why one asks what convenience to home? Thank you.


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