Jean Houston speech on exploring human potential

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Dr. Jean Houston, Director of the Foundation for Mind Research with her husband Dr. Robert Masters, speaking at symposium on human potential sponsored by the Science Museum of the Minnesota. Houston discussed altered modes of thinking, human consciousness, and the effects of technology on the human personality.

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Thank you, Robert, I think. You were talking about my father in his writing. I think my first introduction to be human capacities occurred when my father was writing Therma getting it was Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy and my phone had finished the script. I was about 8 years old. He said come on with me kid. Let's go Charlie McCarthy. So we went upstairs to bergan's hotel. And the door was open and Bergen was carrying on a conversation. So we figured it was all right to walk in be walked in. And there was Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy on his knee carrying on the most profound philosophical conversation quite different from usual dialogue shows and Charlie was going on and on about Hagel and constant mystical forms of empiricism and various kinds modes of the philosophical method in this profound conversation. We we stood there with her mouth open for about 5 minutes listening and buying my father thought it wasn't properly Is it all of Jack I see you car? He said we can see Charlie is the wisest person. I know. Well, I have any very deep questions about the nature of reality. I asked Charlie. I know it's supposed to be my voice and I know it's my voice doing it, but It's not me. It's something much deeper something knowledge that I have that I don't know anything about but which I allowed to come out through Charlie when I sick with. so the Birkin was actually doing was allowing a somewhat different state of consciousness to occur in the ventriloquism and allowing deep levels of his own mind brain capacity to come out in this conversation and that again to put me on to the fact that we are much more than we think we are. A science fiction movie as yet on me because it would cost many millions of dollars by two friends of mine. deals with Asus Discovery by the Mount Palomar astronomer of the quasar the boys are described in the story as the original pulse the first Big Bang. I'm in it according to this story was coded much of the universe and men's evolution. To see it through the telescope to hear it on the radio astronomy band was to encounter and resonate to the next stages of The evolutionary program. and to enter into an accelerated evolutionary process And first thing is strong. Let all the children. And everybody else began to undergo transformation. As the coded post things of a quasar but broadcast throughout the world. Oh Madness came to song. illumination to others Humanity emerged into sleeve Layton Humanity energy Mystic perspectives became commonplace realities as Body Mind and Spirit moved into concert and Mankind listen to the pulse of his distant coding. And grew into who he really was. not to mention the science fiction story because it's actually typical of a new genre of myths that appear to be emerging in our time myths of evocation and potentiation myths of new ways of being We find them for example in the costume NADA Tales of shamanic training. How many of you read any of the works of Carlos Castaneda? Yes. We find them in Robert Heinlein remarkable work of psychological science fiction Stranger in a Strange Land. How many of you know that we find it even an image and image of the cosmic fetus looming over the Earth in the final moments of the great film 2001 wrapped in aluminum Cosmic percent. We find it until y'all to Sheldon's. Mythic metaphysic of human and divine energy converging in the newest fear in the social sphere the myth was prefigured in Friedrich Nietzsche's prediction of a coming trans valuation of values and more recently scientists and social critics have referred to our age is one that is undergoing conceptual metamorphosis. That's probably one of the reasons why some of you were here or new systems functions cultural mutation hierarchical restructuring many thoughtful students of culture and are suggesting that we may be in the early stages of a qualitative and quantitative departure from the dominant economic and Industrial Paradigm, which ruled for so long. There are numerous signs in the request that we are finally moving out of the reign of quantity. Out of the objectifying manipulating philosophy and psychology of power. Which rainforest too long. Adam it is enormously significant that the current crisis in Consciousness the rising tides of alienation with the ecologically destruction of the planet by technological means we are no encapsulated bags of skin. Rather we are organism environments. Symbiotic with other environments are realities and other people. A new spot brings us to the momentous point in human history. Well, we have no choice if we are to survive. But to reverse the ethological and technological plunder and that will mean discovering new forms of Consciousness and fulfillment new forms of human energy apart from the traditional ones of consumption control aggrandizement and manipulation. It is time to take off of the psychological and educational shelf all of those potentials lying dormant there. That would not need it immediately necessary to man in his role as Promethean man over nature. The ethological crisis which by the way is both external and internal because it has to do not just with the gross overuse of our external environment, but also would be a terrible under you about internal environment. This crisis is doing what no other crisis in history has ever done. It is challenging us to a realization of a new Humanity. Add a new way of dealing and working with our world again. I refer you to the Mets and the scenarios of a new becoming. They suggest men and women coming to involve themselves in a deeper awareness and participation in the surrounding reality. a wider and more compassionate utilization of environment of hand. At a joining in full Consciousness to a larger universe a more complex knowing a Richard Sensibility. They suggest that the human race is about to take some major growth steps. We have evolved physically and culturally to have a remarkably fine psychosocial instrument. I know the time has arrived for the instrument to work explore and create with levels and capacities of existence that hitherto have remained more Mythic. Now we find ourselves in a ridiculous intermediary place. and that is but with the enormous complexities of the time. With the tremendous challenges of Future Shock. I mean look at the late night shows movies on television, you know, those old Jean Harlow and Katharine Hepburn movies, but 1935 they might as well have been 200 years ago was so different. Is that reality but The problem of survival and I discuss this with many officials at the United Nations were serving some kind of advisory capacity, but the problem of human survival when you come down to it, maybe that of elevating the quality of mind and body of a human race pretty soon. All of us at the same time, but we are in this strange. Hiatus between the way we've been educated and what the needs of our time are the Mind Body vehicle the mind brain body system that most of us have had which most about education and our methods of Rehabilitation currently develop. I believe is inadequate to fulfill the prescriptions of the time. We are being educated. I do believe for about the year 1825. Not for the last quarter with last quarter of the twentieth century. Certainly, not the 21st century. The world is ready to move, but we apparently are not. The world's peoples are hurtling towards more commonly shared higher levels of opportunity and development. Aborigines are moving into life expectations not radically different from so-called civilized folk so-called civilized. Some of them are moving towards life expectation not too different from Aborigines. The revolution of rising expectations in the third and fourth world countries and the active Nostalgia for simpler existence in Western countries is creating a growing commonality of life process. Everything is at the brink but ourselves. We need extended enhanced evoked body Minds to fulfill the dream. What the foundation for mind research? Which I direct our investigations have been one of exploring the enormous latent capacities of the body mind system as Jenna Cooper may have told you this morning we use but a fraction just in terms of Northern neurological and a psychophysiological potential we use but a small fraction of what we have we were incredibly over and out the billions of interconnections Any Given second. About a quadrillion pieces of processing are going on. The millions upon millions of internal of proprioceptors were using a fraction bad image would be it's like a vast by a computer with a million buttons, and we know how to press only three. We are exploring. Many of these late and capacities which culture and education has distorted inhibited or altogether blocked. We do it in two ways one way is one that I think it's been indicated this morning cross-cultural inquiry. We look at married. If you really want to see the full spectrum of human capacity. Look at many cultures because different cultures tend to evoke or the technical term is acculturated different capacities for climactic socio-economic political or Regional reasons. Why is it that the Eskimo have such a vivid memory? Did you talk about that about Eskimos and memory? I mean visual memory the one the reasons is because example they often take Eskimos and they take them over the over, you know places with planes and they look down they come back and give you super Maps. Why? Because their environment is changing us with floating away and they're seeing white so they have to develop depth level perception and memory. Why is it the Senoia boss trailer of Malaysia? How is it that they have no Wars they have almost no Neurosis, but they have the best hunting trap songs and dances around and that they have the great good sense to have elected women to their Council of Elders. Why is it that one of the reasons that the Senoia are dreaming people that every morning they gather and small conclave zentreya dreams and if someone has had a negative dream he is told to go back and read lean the dream. Much more creatively the boy has dropped, but he was going to fall and hit bottom. He is told to go back and read dream the dream and you will fall into the arms of the folding Spirits. We love you. It will then take him to their own land give him a song. So a potential pathology is nipped in the bud and they solve all kinds of problems that way that would be another potential. What about the Zen potential for example of the door becoming the Creator becoming such as part of his material that the door the doing on the done is part of an undifferentiated unity and there's a sense of dynamic Continuum with a person and his fat and that which he fabricates already in some of our work with so-called unemployable people, you know, and we often find that many of these unemployable people have a real sense of alienation to the tools of production that we give them some of the sensibility of Continuum looking for Grants example, Oregon pericos great books in The Art of archery we want to comes continuous with that which one is doing so that you it is an extension of you you are in a dynamic relationship that greatly changes not only improves a skillet, but it itches They don't feel that kind of alienation. What about the societies and from these were able to abstract many many different potentials which we all have but don't use and then begin to train people to make use of these potentials and then building all of our work is very so many. We don't just sit there building up Galloping narcissists. You can build up skills that can be applied and we we we can enhance school programs. We can enhance programs for rehabilitating elderly people decent sort of things. I do most of my work is actually program development of schools hospitals prisons old people. So that's one way of working. Another way of working is the depth soundings of the psyche working with hundreds of research subjects over. Now. I've almost 13 years. We have investigated methods with which the body can be Psycho physically rehabilitated and a more optimal physical functioning achieved. There is an some of you know about this, but if not, you're going to hear about it for the first time. There is a revolution occurring in Psycho physical education. Party that grows out of the Alexander method and the feldenkrais method how many people heard of Moshe feldenkrais? Yes, a very brilliant Israeli physiologist who has designed thousands of exercises that have the effect of very quickly re-patterning brain body relationships. So that the body can be really functionally rehabilitated structurally change in about six months and we've seen just amazing things my husband. Of course, this is this is half of our work is is psychophysical re-education subject of our next book. My husband. Does this all the time right now, but what we know is that what we learned in our work is that there really is no change in a mental and emotional or psychological a cognitive potential that stays That states without a concomitant change in physiological change. Why do talking therapies not work very well as well as they should sure a person may come in and you know, he's really very bad self-image and he can relate it to his mother-in-law or whatever, you know, and he comes and he can talk it out in the muscle release. But the muscles used to being up there. So after a month guess what it just sort of hitches itself back up. And with that muscle tension comes the same pathology. If one is going to extend The Human Condition one has to do it physically and mentally we are body brain mind systems. We are not ghosts in the machine. So that a lot of our work has to do 50% of it at least is the physiological extensions. The one has optimal use of body using more muscle groups. That's fascinating. One of the reasons that we strongly believe that little children learn so quickly is a 3 years old never watch a three-year-old move but it's fascinating. They are using more movements and anybody else. I neither using lateral a three-year-old paint, you know, it's just look at that running around you probably know about the famous experiment football fullback follow a three-year-old child run. Guess what? Total collapse on his part and you know, it probably was not do so much for the physiological exertional that was Extreme as the great variety of movements 1 things that we know now is that the more these grape varieties, you know strange this inhibits. The motor cortex is this inhibits, you know, the the part that activates the cells in the motor cortex having to do with movement the brain is so interconnected that as you activate the motor cortex. Guess what else you're activated. Sinking Feeling problem-solving emotion so that the one thing that we doing our work is getting people to routinely use many more movement even in some sense to me today at recapitulating Medical three-year-old stages. What do you work with elderly people in our Greening of Grandpa programs, you know, just sitting there with the motor cortex getting inhibited and everything else as well. We are convinced from our research that a person can learn as much at 75 is it counted five? We are convinced that the different kind of learning and it has to be with depth rather than breath, but it does involve a lot of physical re-patterning. Does with the physical re-patterning comes the extension of mental and emotional capacities as well so that some of our some of our work I'm not going to talk about that today except question answers cuz I think probably the kinds of potentials that are more germane to you right away are some of the more mental and emotional or mental and cognitive potentials, but we have explored the experiential and pragmatic values of different states of consciousness of different ways of knowing different cognitive modes. As you know, the probably really is no such thing as an altered state of consciousness because Consciousness is guess what? Always ultra Always ultra I mean the past 5 minutes some of you falling fast asleep. So if you've been wanting what others have gotten very thoughts, are you thinking naughty thoughts? You know, some of you are sort of you just had a lot of lunch the glucose corticoids erupted in the energy levels are down, you know, there are many many many states of Consciousness, but we find that more often than not we exist as a victim story on States Of Consciousness and that need not be I mean for one thing part of that depression might be what you ate. It might be a whole series of mechanistic triggering from the environment. Somebody called you up, but you can never be led to such and such part of knowing how to orchestrate along the Continuum of Consciousness is to be able to track these kinds of things. We teach people for example how to track these so that I see the usual kind of stimulus they can say that is merely that stimulus and I need not get involved in that kind of process. I can begin to change the breathing cuz gently when I get frustrated or frightened or uptight what happens you're clutching their you're cutting off the blood to the brain. You are probably shallow breathing or not getting enough oxygen. There's actually a brain toxemia taking place. So you do just the opposite you breathe deeply you get into Center you understand Centron you breathe. Perhaps you dance why? Because in the dancing you make use of many more movements motions the rhythmic Cadence already changes where you are on the spectrum of Cape of Consciousness and that Cadence and that movement and then carry you into a much more creative dealing with the problem with hen rather than with just getting stuck there in front and don't be a very simple example. How many states of Consciousness dreaming sleep by the way? How much do you dream you supposed to drink? What would you say? For 5 hours. Okay, what else? 81 variety here will actually be way for the kosher answer a few years ago would have been about 25 30% $0.25. The answer now is that you probably dream all the time. I mean all the time. I mean right now. Is a level of dreaming REM stages is what we used to think really was with the REM stage of the rapid eye movement. You know, that's just the Vivid stages before waking up and also various other periods. There are non-rem level of dreaming that does not have to do with imagery is going on and some of you baby in those pages right now. probably most of you are but so one of the things that we know a great potential has to do with learning how to utilize creatively dreaming sleep. I just finished a book about with Margaret Mead because the girl I mean all the things that I studied in the laboratory. So I say holy Moses what have I got? I've got an Optimum subject result when the reasons that she is so vital is that she's so interested in everything. I don't remember having dinner with her in bath England and we were eating at the best restaurant in bath and I dream of the seven deadly sins, which is yours. And I was working away this gingered moose and salmon and I said, well, obviously it's gluttony. You know, I said, what is yours Margaret? And she said Greed for new experiences. She's almost never bored in the state of sort of Galloping Fascination all the time, but it's not only that her inner life image raise her internalisation service forms of meditation to know exactly meditation of active imagination is going on all the time. So her inner life is as big as a router not even sleeping Margaret uses everything. So if she has to dream at night, she is stuck on a problem see a kinship system of some tribe. She says dreams. I really she's gone. She is in such a Continuum across States Of Consciousness, but she can activate the drink by the way. I'm very not for potential a very natural potential we all have so she may activate the dreams and she will have the dream. She said I would have to bring tonight. I would like to dream tonight of the arapesh kinship system off and on about a fishing net. That is cooked is interrelated in certain ways and she realizes when she wakes up those interrelationships are actually the nodal points of connection kinship system. So the people can learn to use dreams creatively. We teach people the acceleration of mental process. I will describe that later on the creative process fertilized by a great variety of techniques and devices the physiological control of internal and involuntary States many of you know that from the biofeedback research, but we do other kinds of things as well and the induction of various Peak type experiences many many other varieties of in a mental and physical capacities available, but rarely used by most human beings only because he doesn't give them the aspiration or the imagination to know that these are possible one thing that I suggest that you do at this conference is over since so many of you are have to do with public policy is making list of your image of the possible human What is the human being capable of you may surprise yourself what you come up? So from all these experiments become the evidence for me. It's almost a conviction But Ordinary People most people given the opportunity given the education. Have reliable access to developing their body mind brain systems and developing these innate capacities two levels of use and understanding. Abundantly able to deal with the challenges of all time. They can learn to sync to feel turn on extended in an enhanced ways. They can gain Supple and well-coordinated bodies become more creative and Aspire within realistic limits to a multi-dimensional awareness. No in r research with mental capacities We have found that to explore adequately. This is just on the laboratory level to explore adequately some of the processes of the mind. It is often necessary to break through the surface crust of consciousness. The cultural Trends in which most of us live and move and have our being the cultural trends. Andrew affect the disinhibition of inhibited capacities because it's important that many of the mental potential that people have but do not use our only inhibited within the range of so-called normal Consciousness when we want to enable a potential to manifest or to make certain kinds of experiences available or possible. We can sometimes do that by altering attention on the spectrum of Consciousness going beyond the limits within which the inhibitions are operative throughout history, man is always is always knows and does he has invented or discovered many ways and systems to orchestrate is not so much altered as orchestrate Consciousness as what well as a gateway to Inner realities to heighten creativity or sensitivity. To make Consciousness available for Ancient Man certainly religious or were they just type of experiences the next hour just go. conservative a lot of you would start to drum with me and we would have a fine time at a fact. I'd be a better way to spend the hour. Or up with begins to a tune to a different kind of cables reality a dancing chanting. fast the ingestion of visionary vegetables the yoga meditative States these and many many many other means have been used to the end. The structural Gibbons and the cultural expectations of a certain reality construct that we already constructing the conditioned mindscape that reality that you allow yourself to see could be suspended and alternative realities and solutions could be perceived and in a laboratory leave work with many of these ancient methods off of joining modern technology to ancient techniques, we work with sensory deprivation Chambers and sensory overload. We work for the biofeedback the neurological stimulation machines. We've worked with so many different things and a lot of things that people haven't even So as to begin to explore these kinds of potentials, would you like me to show you first of all, you know, you've been sitting there and we'll do something. It's good for you suppose. It is 3 but we were not going to do trans don't work, but I'll do the focusing the height and attention as opposed to 3 what happens at 3 to Menifee? And you have that important meeting or you have to be very attentive. What do you do when you don't sit around something stand up? Not yet. How do you change are you change the oxygen, so you can help her deeply? and you exit can you inhale very deeply? And you exhale and inhale very deeply. Anywhere to get rid of all that better and you don't heal very deeply and you exhale and then you jump up and down. Okay can help account inhale exhale inhale. Exhale like a fox terrier Airedales over here hound dogs over there. Inhale exhale inhale exhale sit down some of your dying now look around quickly. Look at colors. What what what do you say? Brightness, what else energy? Yes relaxation. Yes because you gotten out of pet kind of, you know sitting. No, also what is happens if I have a captive audience for the next 45 minutes, it is altered physiological you've added oxygen you done things to your metabolism. You've done a lot of things physiological you've done a lot of things and if that is a simple example of just focusing know there are many different kinds of states that we teach them the trend States the self orchestration of Trance the utilization of much more body for learning the brain is not just up here the but rain is extended throughout the whole system. Different ways of knowing often involve different kinds of cadences. For example, I've done a lot of work with little black kids in schools who supposedly are slow Learners what rot? They weren't slow learners. It's just that they were being a culture rated in their homes in different ways for different kinds of potentials which have to do with physiological and rhythmic potentials. My dear father was a good Southern are used to say to me all those blacks got rid of that stuff and stuff. And then I started work with Margaret Mead and we began to explore some of this we were going a little home. So, you know what real babies are being that we would watch more music more dance more jiggling on the knee and the beginning of the acculturation of different potentials that have to do with music movement and Rhythm. We also may have found this in certain Italian homes. We didn't find it and too many northern European know I would go into 5 + 3 + 2 What's the tell me what is this? By golly he was right. We don't know how to ask questions. We don't know how to talk to all the different areas of the brain. So one of the things that we did what we do. We develop modes of learning mathematics spelling reading based on rhythmic Cadence is based almost on rituals wonderful for the new math 13.5 technically a kinesthetic think it was a kinesthetic movement weekend aesthetic mode of learning once they had changed their self-image and the became those who couldn't learn and they began to learn very very rapidly within three months is we had them thinking images as well as in words and think with the whole body. And by the way, it did just as well for little white kids to learn once we had people educating more of the brain-body sister. Then it was very easy to start to switch them into verbal linear modes of know but first thing they had to do was to get over that terrible self image of themselves as non learner's in the traditional culture. You see what I'm saying? This would be an application. Let me talk about some of the potential that we all have and do not use I'm going to deal with for three or four. I'm going to deal with the extended sensory. I'll deal with extended sensory him as well as the extended use of imagery in time first the extended some sort. And by the time most of us reach maturity for most of us are sensorium is a shrunken crippled version of what it could be. as people grow older in our culture, they undergo a progressive diminishment of sensory acuity and sensory knowing they become progressively less able to see to touch and otherwise utilize their senses as well as they actually have the physical capacity to do. Know this loss with seem to be attributable in large part. Two are verbalizing conceptualizing mental processes and not just to impairment by age. In many hunting and tribal societies example, it is the adult not the child who avenges the most acute an orchestral balance of his senses. In our own culture, we have the evidence of what are the musicians here? The artist Eye of the perfume years knows I never forget a perfumer random on hit 50 different sticks with subtle changes go to anyone and tell you what it was the capacity to actually see, you know, some thousands of color what they professional color is most of us the only 12:15. I think stand Putnam have covered some of this today, but why are perceptions so blunt and I think with the blending of perception that occurs with most of us would seem to happen in part because of our labeling of our perception. Our conceptualizing of the thing proceed that is a woman. That is a man. That is a Jew that is a rug. He that is so light that is that is that is so you can get to be three and four and five times removed from the reality. This has led me to formulate what I called Houston's law and namely the concept law offices of percent. You know now conceptualization is essential to the continuance of civilization and culture. It would fall apart. If you did not have conceptualization. It sustains the very fabric of culture. But civilization as the patriarch Sigmund Freud has warned us has its profound discontents. In societies with sensory experience is depreciated as a cultural norm so that you can put most of your energies into mastering the environment. This depreciation more often enough becomes basically an attack on the body itself and we have to suffer the attendant harpies will accompany this attack the neuroses the obesity's the aggressions and even I believe the widespread death wish that is characterized so much of psyche and history in the 20th century. Is it worth seeing through a glass very very Darkly? Or hearing as if one's ears were filled with walls of conceptual cotton wool. or touching as a form of wearing gloves Such simple matter maybe the stuff out of which historical catastrophes are made when you can talk about let's get of the get rid of two men in here and six million Jews here. And of course these people can be eradicated. Of course, we have a 3-minute Overkill. That's an obscenity. Yes. What's an obscenity that perhaps is lost that occurs when we over conceptualize and we remove ourselves from the immediacy of environments. No, such simple matters may also be the stuff out of which the egg Gnostic reflex the agnostic reflex occurs this reflects which paralyzes and encapsulate so much of Western Sensibility. Prime as it is by the sensory removal of Consciousness from its object of thought from being of the local consensual reality from the larger reality about And we are conditioned to allowed to act so contains a lot. I don't know. I can't be bothered. I just don't know. I'm from Missouri know. I don't know get away. What it tends to do is let it tends to destroy and Darrell many of our best insights and intuitions. It shuts down are clear as percents and the glimpses of wider more complex reality. Where is it keeps us from the very complexity of things leaving us in a state of puerile innocence not unlike the dogs and cats that wooden James writes about who inhabit are drawing rooms in our living rooms in our libraries and they lie around there and I think one of them that fleas going to go away when I'm going to have my dinner having no idea told about the absolutely fascinating goings ons around the house or what's in all those books. We are not unlike those dogs and cats because of this closure that happens in so many much of our body mind brain system isn't us and our brain. It's in our body because we have so removed our senses which are Hooks and eyes on we we pulled off. It is for this reason that I think that the education of children must include education in sense-perception in arts cuz Arts develop other hemispheres of the brain, you know in this Back to Basics and I understand why Back to Basics has happened because there was a lot of junky stuff going on in schools, but in the end just throwing out the art programs as it happened all of the United States showing up part of the brain development part of the brain development. It actually has to do with most of the way we know about life space form color configuration and also which feeds into mathematical understanding indestructible Anna understanding and analogical understanding. I don't know if you saw an article that was about us one of the schools we helped about was called why children should draw. And you see that three weeks ago and Saturday review September 3rd Saturday review, what we've been doing is working in school curriculum, and of course the children learned so much mad because if you're going to we do you have to make a graph If you're going to make certain types of structures, you have to know mathematics what they learn the mathematics very fast on the arts classes, then they take it over into the math classes and then the school the children are running one for years ahead of every school in the country in every subject except spelling some reason. I think it's because spelling isn't very logical. We keep up the sensory tune-ups their Captain very attuned since it doesn't developing or the brain also. They they thinking images as well as the words. I'll go into that a few moments and they also you we have very proportionately very little illness. They don't they have 10 to have as many coals and things one of the reasons that the children are able to put out such a sense of their physical state of being that often. They can relax when they feel too much attention coming on. They learn how to do this. They can begin to control some of the you know, some of the systems they don't have the usual kind of Rage reaction. So they're very very feisty and turned onto the kids because they and some children in those schools who would normally be considered a hyper alert me to call the hyperloop. You know that I have to deal with it all the time. Nobody's on any drugs. We call them. Can you call him hyperkinetic kinesthetic meaning but they're thinking with their whole bodies are kinesthetic like a little black kids are starting to think you were the whole body. So we put them in movement in Learning learning the same time they're moving and they don't go crazy with that being example of something. There's just the Arts programs cuz that's all they could handle in a refund. But the people person sorry keep up images to keep up a real sense of being in the body is not just to give people good health and sensory acuity. It is also because remember all these senses are interrelated in the brain. It is also to give the more alert mental functioning and greater appreciation and knowledge of the complexities and patterns operating in any environment be a social or conceptual. And I have found this in my study of creativity and genius know how to actualize people who more often than not people like Margaret Mead just have more sense is going having more senses going. They have more Hooks and eyes into the pluribus. They learn more thank bus can conceptualize much more readily and not get stuck in 104 Pat and they can entertain for a five or six an electrical conceptual pets of the thinking is much clearer as is there creative. So we've discovered in our Laboratories and in the schools that we've done work these works on that. It's quite possible to prevent perceptual impairment in the young and in varying degrees to restore to older people some of the sensory acuity they have lost as many ways of doing that and I think in the question. Are there after this or cuz we're running a little bit out of time and also in the in the workshops. I'll be happy to share with you many of these many of these different kinds of techniques some have to do with images some have to do with clarifying in the brain various doors or rooms of perception. What is you say? That's just a thought. That's a metaphor. Well well metaphor, you know, what's a metaphor a man's reach must exceed his grasp or what's the matter for? Alright, alright, alright. A metaphor of thought is a thing of phone is a vastly complex electrochemical event Justin just a Whimsical phantasmagoria. It's an immense event. Can you by taking thought and active imagination? Can you begin to restructure brain processing and sensory functioning? Yes. Yes. Can you approve it? Yes, I mean scientifically instrumentations, but seeing and touching and tasting and improving. Yes. Did that beat these are very simple things to do but so that a person might actually go into miss the simple very simple technique, but he may actually go into the room and perception say the room of vision which and what a junk Heap that is molded. They breathed junked laid down there and clarify throw out the drunk with the course. He's paying attention to perceptions ways. He never has he's putting in different connections. He is clarify what he opens his eyes. He seems better Technique. We know for example also that it is not difficult to increase the experiential duration of pleasure and reduce set of pain. We live in a culture that is a pain Culture by and large. We have long pains short pleasure. I guess there are some cultures that have not very many long flesh. We've been very easy to work with pleasure in the laboratory. You know, why cuz everybody's so innocent of it so they can do it right away, but Look at the fabric of that nice red fabric or something interesting that you wear and just touch the fabric normally. Okay, stop. No, that's just rub yourself up again, either by rapid breathing. Just just just just just just to alter attention just a I don't die, please. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Not touch the fabric. You notice a difference. Huh? What? But tell me so we can. Okay. No ShakeOut that sensation. Just okay aware of a fabric not as fabric not ask it. What is though? as per some as the source of pleasure. The fabric is that which gives you pleasure? The fabric is the source of pleasure person regarding the fabric as personal. He's giving you pleasure the source of pleasure Personal Touch the fabric. What do you notice? Sensation what else? In which of the three? Did you notice the most pleasure the first? II raise your hands are we going to see? the Third no, you didn't do anything in the second you altering consciousness. The third you did not all that you did in the third was to re conceptualize the stimulus you realize then. You gave it bonus will I attend to go much more than I attend to it? So much of skill-building of learning of memory has to do with the mode of reconceptualizing that with your learning or memory or attendant. in the body brain cyst something that we do our teachers are those members of the helping professions can learn by reconceptualizing the stimulus by giving it more person or personality one learns much more about some of you will say atomistic progressive primitive. All right. Let me tell you about the most primitive man I ever met. You seem alcohol right now. The most primitive man I ever met who personalized everything so you may have heard me speak for me. I've heard this story, but forgive me cuz it's the best story. I know. I was 13 years old and I was this great big overgrown girl. I was 511 at 11 in my father's getting very worried and putting telephone books on my head. Hoping that stop. So I'll just run down Park Avenue late for school all the time round on Park Avenue New York. You know where Park Avenue is. It's so One day outside around 83rd Street and Park I ran into an old man very old man and I knocked him down and I'm knocked the wind out of that was very last night helped pick him up and he was laughing and he said to me in a French English accent. He said are you planning to run like that for the rest of your life? I said yesterday it looks that way. You said what? I said boom by the school about a week later showed up as walking my dog chat my fox terrier and 83rd Street. Then there came down the street. The old man is all my friend and you have it folks down here. Like you weren't many years ago in France. Where are you going? I'm taking you. Should I protect my constitutional seem to have no self-consciousness at all? And he was hilarious. He falls suddenly on the grass and Sage on look at caterpillar. What is a caterpillar becoming at the strange in woven growing metamorphosis? Love the word metamorphosis? What are you changing into? What is your pick up? What is your butterfly Asian? Look at the sky. Look at the grey clouds in the sky Gods calligraphy in the sky is Snoop the wind say when they be pleased by Jesse priest by Julius Caesar by Alexander Alexander the Great deal about bones an old rocks, but he didn't talk about the old ruts. He talked to the old rocks. Using my own by friendly Michael. She's play or do you remember when nevermind said you came across you. And you would begin to relate everything to everything else. I mean the Rock and somebody's red hat and the dog and the flea and the caterpillar and the sky on the mind of God. He knew a great deal and he was able to relate it all until it became one and triple whole and when you were with him people followed us, all right, not laughing at us, but laughing with it was high hilarity and when you were with him because he was always with you. He looked at you as if you were God in hiding. And when you were with him as I said to my mother mother, I've been with my old man again and when I'm with him I leave my littleness behind. When was always acknowledged that one's presents and he was a tremendous formative influence of me in my life by the time we walk together for about a year and then one day trap and I work out there waiting for him. And he never came again. The dogs out there we would go for about if I have several weeks. Just waiting for the f--k and the dog looked up and dog missed him and said Those are my sentiments to I must say. And then you died. Actually I didn't know it. Then in the 1960 somebody gave me a book called without a cover called the phenomenon of man. My read the book and it was an awful lot of familiar imagery. I had a tremendous sense of nostalgia. Then I said this this is so let me see the cover. I looked at the cover. I looked at the picture and of course it was my old man. Mr. Tire was teara to shut down. The great French scientist philosopher priest was done so much cost to turn around so much scientific and philosophical thought in twentieth-century. He was living across the street from me and all those years but acting 50's at the Jesuit Retreat st. Ignatius. And did that ever tell me something and I must say you had one of these strange fortunate lives where I've been in the right place like on the street corner with the to meet some of the truly great things about tuxbury very well. Lots of the great beings and in many of these cases in most there is a great similarity of attitude towards the world. It's the personalizing you would call them primitive or any of those are really strict academics would say it's as one of the world but also it is the lack of self-consciousness so much of our unseeing in our unknowing is that we have great wall Hoosick self-consciousness. I mean do not sell from the knowing the lack of self-consciousness the absolute delight and the no fear of being wrong the wrong good. They learn something. A display for Creative exploratory relationship and a sense that that world out. There is as much The Observer as you are living in a kind of dynamic participatory reality, which is seen as an ecologically reality a reality in which one is part of a much larger participatory frame of reference. So it is there are so many different potentials. We we have not mentioned. I'm going to suggest that I'm going to be here October 21st 27th train people people in general and also professionals at the hotel is hotel Sofitel and many of these different things very intensive training cuz we were sitting on such a lot of interesting information. You would like to get it out General Public's and also for professionals to make use of the human potential in Social programs. So it is not just sat on cuz there's such enormous variety vitality and things that work in all of these programs. We want to program in schools in these programs extended ways of knowing The rational empirical civilization based primarily on qualities of intellection and sensation have reached a point in many ways of Decline and self-destruct indeed intellect has often become a surrogate for feeling and sensation for intuition. We need new cognitions and you handles on the plural of us not just for ourselves before society-at-large. We need deeper more comprehensive apparatus of knowing a richer use of psychological and physiological energy a new and extended Ecology of being Center.


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