Highlights from 78th VFW National Convention in Minneapolis

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Highlights from a National Convention of the VFW in Minneapolis. Includes speeches from Max Cleland, Director of the Veterans Administration, National Security Chief Phelps Jones, and Army Chief of Staff Bernard Rogers. The Panama Canal issue was prominent at convention. The veterans group drafted a resolution urging Congress not to ratify any renegotiation of the 1903 Panama Canal Treaty.

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Jimmy Carter would have been hard-pressed to find many friends at the recent National Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Minneapolis. The delegates rezoning Lee opposed ratification of a new Panama Canal treaty, which would cede some control to the panamanians. And for the first time in recent history the convention fail to invite the sitting president to their national meeting. There were however representatives of the Carter Administration on hand briefs the VFW on a number of issues including Veteran's Healthcare and the Panama Canal today on our midday program. We present tape excerpts from the convention, which was held late last month. Our first speaker is Max Cleland a Vietnam veteran and triple amputee Who was appointed Director of Veterans Affairs by President Carter.First of all, you were threatened earlier in the year with the abolition of the senate committee on Veterans Affairs. I was particularly interested in that fight because at the time I happen to work on that committee as a member of the staff. And I know firsthand. It's your commander and your leadership. Did indeed take the leadership role? Without them we probably wouldn't have a senate committee on Veterans Affairs today. Let me just say also that. I called Bulldog not only as a friend but as a neighbor. I hail from post 4706. out there in Decatur, Georgia You don't know where the caterer is. It's a little bit east. I've been Atlanta if you don't know where the Lanta is. It's about 250 miles Northeast of planes. That one thing about being a southerner and being in Washington this year. It seems that half of the country is indeed Southern I didn't know that. Racines half the country is indeed Southern and the other half wants to be I have never seen such and such enthusiasm. And you know, it's absolutely absolutely wonderful to see the American dream rekindled. I mean after all where else in this world, could you find a young man coming from the backwoods of Georgia? Become a lily overnight a household work. And I just want to say to you today and I'll make this prediction it five years from today. Billy Carter will be as famous as he is today. And you know I have to tell this on. Vice president Mondale. He came to Atlanta and talked about the interesting very intriguing process. I love how he was selected. As a vice presidential running mate with Jimmy Carter. He said that the first of all Center to Glen. Came down the plains. Then he wanted like many others later last year to speak a little Southern and kind of become a little part of Southern Culture. And the first thing he told a Jimmy Carter when he got there and planes was that he wanted to have a little blue eyed peas. well I was close but not quite. another course of the musky came down And after he got out of the airport there at Albany and took the drive over the planes that guy on the car the first thing he wanted to see he told Connor was some of the peanut trees he had there. Well again, that wasn't exactly right on the money. Tobias president Mondale tells a story that is soon as he got to Albany and took the drive over the Plains and got out of the car Jimmy Carter ran up to him grabbing her by the shoulders and shook him and said if he just won't say anything I'll make you vice president. Are for those of you who a little bit leery about young man running the third largest agency in the federal government. I want to reassure you that everything in the Veterans Administration is under control. We do indeed know what we're doing and it's a real pleasure to be here with you in the morning. You know, it has indeed babe Mann intriguing almost 6 months. That's always sworn in as be administrator and you know. I kind of feel like the mayor of my little Hometown in Lithonia. On his first day in office. He said two things happened to him that he'll never forget. The first was being sworn in. II was being sworn at So that's all that's all part of it, but it's a true honor to be. Administrator of Veterans Affairs, you know when you talk about Veterans Affairs or the VA? And in the next breath talk about reorganization. I like to think that the Veterans Administration has already been reorganized. The VA was reorganized back in 1930. It was at that time. That leadership in Washington saw that Veterans Affairs were fragmented throughout the federal government and off to be Consolidated and put in one agency and One Lie to be in charge of that agency and responsible for Veterans Affairs. and quite frankly the rest of the federal government has not quite yet caught up with the Veterans Administration. I think we are in a unique position. To deliver a very unique service and that is meet the needs the total needs of those we serve. So far from being fragmented and dismantle. I think we in the Veterans Administration. Can show a few things to other agencies in government as far as how to get the job done? And I say to you quite frankly. I'm quite sincerely again. What I said at the midwinter conference. I don't think the president appointed me to head the Veterans Administration and be that individual responsible for Veterans Affairs. I make the VA the first casualty of his administration. I don't think he intended to do that. in my conversations with him and with Bert Lance They have never expressed the desire to me dismantle the VA. And I can guarantee you I'll never express it as out of them to do that. Because we were reorganized in 1930. That's why we are in existence today to serve the full names of the veterans in this country. Eminem's of those veterans have not diminished as a matter of fact they have increased. We are challenged in the VA today. To meet the needs of veterans ranging all the way from that young twenty-four-year-old Vietnam era veteran. Do that 90800 Spanish-American War veteran? We cover almost a century of American history. And it's a tremendous challenge. Trying very much. For the independence and integrity of the Veterans Administration. I think it's uniquely suited to do his job. And for the same token, I think the VA Healthcare System is uniquely suited to meet the needs of veterans in this country and be the national resource that it is. Now you might have wondered. Where has the administrator been where has the VA been the last 2 and 1/2 months? since the National Academy of Science Study came out We have been busily at work. putting together a definitive defense of the VA Healthcare System And we will be making that the pets. The 1st of September when by law the administrator is required to issue to Congress. I response to the NES study. And I'll say to you. As a former patient in the VA Healthcare System. I know it all to be improved. But I think it is absolutely ludicrous to think that that system ought to be abolished. To argue in favor of improving Healthcare in the VA. There's something I've been doing since I was a patient there in 1969 and I'll continue to do that but the study was completely unfair and very much off Target when it in this press release. It said the VA Healthcare System is obsolete. It is not only not obsolete. It is a system by which other elements of the private sector ought to be measured. We think we can have a leadership role in this country and health care and that we do have a leadership role and I think as soon as we make those kind of arguments before Congress, I think the veterans groups in this country will support us. I think the public will begin learning a lesson. What are the things about the VA Healthcare System? That we in the system. No. And you and your leadership? No. Is it we not only are busily engaged in VA Health Care to veterans? But we are indeed a national resource. Where do you think the private sector? disable to train Physicians Dennis doctors nurses the VA Healthcare System has 7% only 7% of the hospital beds in this country. How we spend only 10% other Federal health-care dollar, but we helped train 50% of all the positions that go into private practice today. And we also helped train 1/3 of all the nurses and 26% of every dollar spent on medical graduate education in this country comes from the Veterans Administration if it wasn't for the VA Health Care system in this country didn't have to be invented. So we're going to take the aspects of the Naas study. The code for improving the quality of services to Veterans. And by the way, that's what the study was originally intended to do. Unfortunately it got off the track and then some other areas are the one's supposed to get into. We're going to take two aspects of that study. They call for improved services to Veterans and improved method of doing things. We're going to we're going to concur with that. We're going to support it. But those aspects of the area study. The call for integration of the VA Healthcare System into the private sector, which is not able to support our system. They can't hardly manage what they've got. We're going to oppose that. moving on to an area it's also a subjective concern to all of us and that is the general area veterans benefits. You know the VA had those Millions literally millions of claims each year. The VA for a long time has been looking for ways to improve that. I'm not I'm not taking credit for it there many former leaders of the VA including your own dick. Roudybush who helped put together the idea. That the VA could use computers and speed up its work and provide better services to Veterans and within the next year or two. We in the VA hope to have One of the most modern computer supported claim systems in this country. That'll be able to handle over 7 million disability compensation claims pension claims educational benefit claims in a matter of seconds. We're up there now, it takes weeks and months. again, in terms of veterans benefits and improve services I was mighty pleased two weeks ago do now stood for the first time. Any veteran in the United States and that includes a y e San Juan Puerto Rico, Anchorage, Alaska? Any part of the United States? Anybody run is now only as far away from the regional office as his telephone for the first time all veterans in the United States. Can I reach the VA on a toll-free number? And that is something that the VA has been striving for for a mighty long time. The national cemetery system is the newest aspect. Call the Veterans Administration. It came to us from the Department of the army. And it came to us primarily because this organization and others. Stopped at the cemetery program was not keeping up with the needs of veterans. I'm happy to say to you today that if plans go well and we think they should if plans go well. Over the next year or two we ought to be able to double the existing number of grave sites for the veterans in this country and increase their capability of being buried in a national cemetery. Finally, just let me add that. it is truly an honor to be not only head of the Veterans Administration, but a spokesman for Veterans Affairs in this country I came through the VA Healthcare System. And then to the disability compensation system into the paperwork system. my ideas my sensitivity about serving veterans was formed there. And I've told the employees in the VA. Did our mission is not only to be copper. What is to be compassionate as well? Louviers alarm system 226,000 employees the third largest agency in the federal government. If I have anything to do about it. And my visits around this country to VA installations. And I've traveled some 35,000 miles in about five and a half months. I never lose an opportunity. the point out that the VA is the conscience of this country. If we don't do the job competently and compassionately it won't get done. And for me VA means not only Veterans Administration. but veterans advocacy as long as I'm your administrator, I'll be happy to occupy that position within the federal government and now just let me close with the personal word. Not only have I developed a certain sensitivity about Veterans Affairs. Over the last decade but also developed a personal philosophy. And it's probably best expressed by this prayer that was given to me by a former p o w. Who spent seven months in I mean seven years in Hanoi. I just like to close with it now. I asked God for strength that I might achieve. I Was Made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for help, but I might do greater things. I was giving infirmity. That I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy. I was given poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have the praise of men. I was given weakness. That I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. I was given life. That I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for. but everything I had hoped for almost despite myself. My unspoken prayers were answered. I am among all men. Most richly blessed. Thank you very much. That was VA administrator Max Cleland. The Panama Canal issue was prominent at this year's Convention of the VFW the veterans group rapid resolution urging congress not to ratify any renegotiation of the 1903 Panama Canal treaty Phelps Jones the vfw's director of Foreign Affairs offered these views on the canal to reporter Neal st. Anthony number one. This is an American success story that has been performed for the entire international shipping Community. It has been a success story in which we have not sought exorbitant toll rates. Obviously, it has strategic value to us. We hear that are super carriers and super tankers. Can I transfer at the canal that is true? But we had 482 ships in the Navy and only 12 can transit to Canal with a balanced kind and the Navy of the future is going to be smaller for example of Congress. Recently disapprove the move to larger carriers. So to begin with we have a one and a half Navy at Ocean Navy was 5 ocean responsibilities and the vast majority of those ships kind of the Strategic importance is the number one item. We would suspect that the Republic of Panama with a population of about 1.5 million will raise our toes drastically this of course, is there a so they're great revenue-producing opportunity by using the canal and not going around Cape Horn you save about 10 times now, they can economically do a 900% increase over the short run and still have people have stiff ships Transit take a nap. So strategically and economically, do you say every reason for the United States to retain it? We hear this is modern. Let us have a modern treating to replace an old trading Great Britain has been on the Rock of Gibraltar since 1713 the Treaty of Utrecht which ended Queen Anne's War. This is 190 years longer than we have been on the Xmas. The Spaniards have received no economic benefits. Do you kind of Minions have received multiple benefits? They stand number one in per capita national product on the nations of Central America and forth of funny nations in Latin America by the same measurement. So it has been a blessing for the Panamanian. It does make sense for us. We have met our responsibilities to the international shipping community. And those that argue well, unless we give away the Panamanian some kind of warfare sabotage will break out the threats are coming from the other side not from our side as far as the DFW was concerned. We know darn. Well Wars are fucked by Boys suffered by women and started by men old enough to know death. The greater danger of at war in the longer-term is to give away on this one and set up a serious conflict out further on down the road You're Not Afraid then of opposition from Panamanian. Gorilla nationalist the sort of talk that that we hear much of you wear General torrijos warns us that unless a treaty can be reached. He won't simply won't be able to contain forces in his country's who opposed Yankee imperialism. I would turn that one around. State Department argues that we should take a partnership with the Republic of tanabata rather than the existing Arrangement. Now, if our putative partner the Republic of Panama welcomes us to the partnership with threats, I would wonder how reliable a partner they would be in short. So yes, there is some danger of sabotage or of Guerrilla activity in the canal in the zone and this is something that must be taken with the utmost seriousness. But I think the panamanians by referring to this Natalie and buy our own State Department creating almost about to self-fulfilling prophecy are increasing the likelihood of armed conflict and not producing and once again this organization as far as I know the United States, no responsible person has answered this bellicose warlike talk in anything like the same type. Some have said that this is an emotional issue a patriotic issue and it's a good one for Americans to cease to a revive the name. No spirit and beyond that it serves despite what you say. It serves no substantial purpose. It dismissed it as an extension of the Reagan campaign where he seized on the issue. How would you repeat those charges? I'm quite aware of the charge that points tries to have us depicted as jingoistic mindless non-readers of History. I would point out that there are four treaties involved Effectiveness in 1846 with new Grenada in 1902, but Great Britain in 1903 with 10 Mi 1914, West Columbia. So the administration's homework has been a little incomplete. They are not revising Haven of area. They should be revising for treated. I would agree with the thought implicit in your question how we resolve this will show ourselves and the world how we view ourselves in the latter part of the twentieth century. Are we in fact a power that is ashamed of Legitimate and restrained exercise of power. Have we come that far down? I hope not answer me. This organization doesn't believe so if we ratify this treaty, it would be a step backward. We will be back in town from responsibility. Absolutely right in Great Britain towards the end of the 19th century the great debate endlessly claim those that favored Great Britain of those opposed to those who favored little England. I believe a comfortable debate is starting to emerge in our country now, and this Canal Zone issue will serve to be a catalyst if you will with my not quite a bit about how we view ourselves and our International sponsor abilities as a monster past. That was Phelps Jones Director of National Security and Foreign Affairs for the Veterans of Foreign Wars President Carter's message on the Panama. Canal was contained in a speech by General Bernard W Rogers Chief of Staff of the United States Army National Defense budget. We are right now. Engaged in developing the program for National Defense for the years 1979 to 1983. And what I'd like to talk about this morning as some of the some of the factors which impact upon the development of the the National Defense program. And what it means? And you must understand that I'll be speaking. Through The Eyes Of the chief of staff of the army. Is there a some constants in the equation that go into determine how it is that we approach the National Defense program and budget put example? the Constitutional framework which was established by our founding fathers declares that the president will be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and assisting him in developing the program Office of Management and budget office of secretary defense. There's a congress according to the Constitution that has the authority and responsibility to raise and support armies. And to make the rules for the government and regulation of armies and navies. And each year the service is appear before the appropriate congressional committees to justify why there should be a service why there should be an army and how much? So as you can see, we're not free agents in the development of the approach we take tonight for the fence. another factor, which is relatively constant which impacts upon the approach we take it's the science society's attitude towards the military. It's been conditioned by the traits of international makeup. influenced by the waves of immigrants that hit the shore fleeing from military oppression Seeking a new life. And as a consequence, you find out there within our society sometimes more active than others. A tendency towards anti-militarism a tendency towards isolationism and towards idealism. In 1784 the year after the Revolutionary War had ended. Congress in its wisdom declared the standing armies in time of peace or inconsistent with the Republican principles of government and are generally converted into destructive engines for destroying for establishing despotism. And having said that the Congress reduce the Continental Army to a hundred officers and Men station them at Fort Pitt and at West Point. And it's been that way ever since. We have rights to disband our forces. In our idealism believing the peace having arrived it will remain with us. And as a consequence, we have as you know, as well as I generally been unprepared when a contingency a rose. I just want to establish a point here this morning and that is but those of us who are privileged to serve in the corporate body of The Joint Chiefs of Staff and has the chiefs of our respective services. Are dedicated to ensuring that within our capabilities and within the resources made available to us? We will not be unprepared for the next one if it comes. Also impacting upon the approach we take is the mission of the armed services. And that mission is to defend the Homeland to protect our national interest into further them as we can and to ensure freedom of action of our country on the international scene. That mission remains relatively constant what's changing year by year in the Dynamics of the system are the means which we use to carry out that mission. Three constants in the equation. I wish to mention with respect to the approach. We take to developing our National Defense program. Let me speak or some other factors that we must keep in mind. first strategic realities on the first reality we must face is that the greatest threat to the accomplishment of the emission I described is the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. And the geography is such that it dictates. That if we are to be prepared to deter an attack by a potential adversary, we must do it collectively with their allies. Angiography also dictates that the Soviet Union merely by mobilizing its forces within its borders can bring influence to Bear Northeast Asia the Middle East and in Western Europe if we're going to bring influence to Bear we must protect ourselves outside our borders. And another strategic reality which we all face today is that there's no winner. in a nuclear Exchange and as a consequence our overriding goal must be to turn Civil War. And deterrence of War requires certain things. one a strategic nuclear balance with the Soviet Union to adequate conventional forces to take care of regional and local threats of aggression 3A High state of preparedness of both those forces and 4th The incontestable national will displayed by our people that we will in fact resort to force should our Vital interest be placed in jeopardy. Let me turn now to some tactical realities. The first is the size and sophistication of the Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces. Let's face nato in Europe. Over the last 12 years not having been engaged in a war as our country was in Southeast Asia. We have found. They're bringing into their Force the new t-72 tank the BMP the Infantry fighting vehicle from which infantry soldiers can fire through portholes and a company of Tanks. 1412 for two on a Battlefield We find them turning to self-propelled artillery from the towed artillery improving their air defenses electronic warfare and chemical warfare activities in all their exercises there Air Force training from a defensive mode to that of a defensive mode. And they're improving themselves in the logistic and Supply area. And they have the capability to attack today if they desire on very short notice. II tactical reality Is the changing face of the battlefield? Throughout the centuries in the decades. We have attempted to trade Firepower and fighting vehicles on the battlefield 4 expose soldiers. And you don't see many Expo. So just today on the battlefield for that reason. And you find also the pace of modern operations being so so much quicker than it was in the past because of the tanks and the Infantry fighting vehicles in the helicopter. And you find The lethality. unprecedented and the Precision of modern conventional ammunition and you also find as we become more sophisticated a greater need for support logistic and Supply support on the battlefield. Not having talked a bit about the constants. Which we consider in developing the defense budget and program and some of the reality strategical and tactical with which we deal. What does all this mean? I believe it means. The wildest utg arms limitation talks are proceeding and hopefully succeeding. We must continue to maintain already on a modern strategic nuclear force. I believe it means that while the mutual balanced force reduction talks are proceeding and hopefully we'll succeed that we must continue to maintain already in a modern conventional Force. And since these two discussions the salt in the NBA far deal with reductions and not with elimination. It means that we must continue to procure the Modern War fighting capability so that we can fight outnumbered and when and for the Army this means tanks that speed across the battlefield at 25 to 30 miles an hour with a stabilized gun platform firing on the move and being able to hit on the move with laser rangefinders in solid-state computers the ladder figuring up the lead in the can't and the wind and the tube where It means having infantry fighting vehicles that can accompany those tanks across that Battlefield. It means having attack attack helicopters armed with an attack weapons that can rise up behind a train mask fire there in a tank weapon pop down and move off to another place. It means more and better and attack weapons in the hands of our troops. It means giving the individual Soldier the capability to destroy a high-performance aircraft or a tank. It means an individual soldier sitting on the side of a hill with a laser machine. Illuminating a target with the artillery firing a guided projecto Which homes up on that illumination with almost 100% chance? I'm destroying the target. it means one major piece of equipment for every 1 and 1/2 soldiers today We're playing catch-up ball with the Soviet Union. And we must continue not only to have a high state of Readiness in the short-range. But continue to modernize our forces in the middle medium and long-range. What I've discussed previously also means achieving as high state of Readiness as possible. Not just enough people in the right skills at the right place and enough equipment of the proper kind in the proper serviceability and the proper kind of training but also those intangibles that you can't measure which impact upon a high state of Readiness and I'm talking about motivation and dedication. discipline a sense of Duty and commitment I'm talking about a more efficient management of the resources made Available To Us by the public through the Congress. It also means enhancing our tactical intelligence-gathering capability. If we're going to do our job properly, it means fighting initially with resources that we have on hand with our forward-deployed forces, which are so necessary. to deter to assure our allies And to ensure deterrence those forward-deployed forces have been an insurance policy that have played at a dividend and we must continue to pay the premium on those forces. I was pleased to learn. That your organization. honor the two ladies Whose husband? Made the Supreme sacrifice. a year ago in Korea and with respect to Korea. Just let me say is that we must continue to maintain a Pacific Power. We must continue. We must continue a credible commitment under the mutual defense treaties both with Korea and with Japan. and we must makes a compensatory actions come true. Which we have promised. If in fact we are going to maintain the balance between North Korea and South Korea. in the form of an acceptable risk what I've discussed previously also means we must have quick reaction forces available so that the wind the president and the Congress say we need forces to meet contingencies that among those they find in the Army rain is the Spectrum from the 40 Rangers in a platoon filled with tie on the Rangers of 602 battalions of Rangers the 82nd Airborne Division. Of 17000 men. On up to a heavy or light core 3 light divisions plus supporting forces or three heavy divisions + supporting forces, which total 100,000 that's the package that we must maintain that's quick reaction forces available to the administration and and the Congress to ensure that they can take care of contingencies if required. What I've discussed means we must improve our capability to mobilize and we must improve our capability to deploy and reinforce which means more and better strategic airlift more and better strategic sealift. As many of you know, we have stationed in Europe today pre-positioned stocks configured to unit sets so that we can fly the soldiers over and they marry up with their heavy equipment. Their tanks are armored personnel carriers their self propelled artillery and we can get them there sooner and go to deployed more rapidly. We must do more of that. We exercise that capability each year through the reformed your exercise reinforcement for Germany. I'm not exercise of this capability keeps the Machinery oil and keeps her allies and any potential adversaries convinced of our ability on our resolve reference our commitment. Another Factor bearing on our ability deploy has to do with a subject much in the news today. And that is the proposed. new treaty reference to Panama Canal there's a difference of opinion. In this country references proposed treaty. Different judgments are made from the same set of facts in this instance as in many other instances. But I did want to bring you today a few points from my perspective. as a member of The Joint Chiefs of Staff The first one is that I believe we must start from where we are today 1977. Not from where we wish we might be or where we were in 1903 or 1914. We must deal with the realities of today's world. Which include our current and future relationships with all of Latin America and not just Panama? Second I believe that we must deal in facts. We must not be diluted by Miss. Nor must we be the detracted distracted by some emotional 9 issues that have been discussed. Answered the principles of agreement for the treaty have been established. In my opinion they provide for what surely must be the basic interests of this country. And that is the use of the canal. Not necessarily its ownership nor the ownership of the territory through which it passes. The Strategic military Advantage provided by the use of the canal has long been obvious. That use in my opinion. Is safeguarded far more by Panamanian Corporation stemming from Panama having a major stake in the canal successful and continuous operation. The Joint Chiefs of Staff you should know Have kept abreast of the negotiation at every stage of their development by all representative on the negotiating team. Through him we have ensured that the interest of the Joint Chiefs have been protected. We have seen the draft text of the treaty. I just want to assure you. That the Joint Chiefs concur in the principles of agreement. Which undergird the new treaty? We are convinced. Then we will have the capability. to secure the canal through the treaty. Ending 31 December 1999. and to secure the canal through the guarantee of neutrality subsequently one January of the year 2000. Now what else do the factors which I mentioned earlier mean with respect to the approach. We take the night to our National Defense program. First we must continue in the Army the major effort that we have made. In the area of training bringing our concepts are drug turn our methods of training out of the syndrome of Korea and Vietnam and into the 1970s and 1980s. It means providing our soldiers with an individual manual which describes to him the tasks. He must perform how he must perform them under what conditions and what standards he must meet. It means testing him with a skill qualification test Hands-On performant. It means continuing to provide him the capability through video cassette tapes. To improve his capability in his skill at his own pace. It means doing the same with respect to collecting training over units. It means continuing to ensure that the non-commissioned officers have the authority which should be expected of them and which they want and ensure that they carry out that responsibility none the least in the area of training. It means improving the simulation devices using lady lasers. It's interesting to watch today. How we can now sort out tank against tank or tank force against tank for us. Whereas you remember how difficult that was when they all claimed they were shooting each other when we were in practice exercises, but I'd live ammunition obviously and today using a ranger correction a laser. On the tank gun and if it hits a vulnerable spot spot of an opposing tank a smoke grenade burst so that opposing tag knows but he's been hit and we add up the same thing to the soldiers with the M16 rifle and if they fire a shot that hits in opposing soldier in a vulnerable spot a buzzer goes off and the only one who can turn the buzzer off as a controller for the empire. But obviously those simulation devices make for more interesting training. We must also exploit the scientific and technological community of our country to ensure that we are applying the latest state-of-the-art to the battlefield standardized. Our equipment is at least making it interoperable. It means doing in peacetime what we've always done in Wartime. And that is to meld and solidify the reserve components with the active component. into a fully trained total Army It means that we must continue to improve the quality of our Force. And that applies both in personnel and other resources and with respect the Personnel we have the filters within our system today the tools to be used. Where buy commanders can keep the quality performers and let the others go back home. But many of you may not realize is that over the past three and a half years. We have had a system where my Soldier enters his basic training and is Advanced individual training he or she scrutinize very carefully by the drill sergeant another members in the training command to determine if they have the motivation on the self-discipline the attitude and aptitude to be the kind of a soldier we wanted a unit and if they don't have we had him an honorable discharge. Thank them for trying. And suggest to go back home and try something else. 11% of our soldiers have been discharged under the under that trainee discharge program and you and I know that it used to be those were the 10% of on which 90% of the time was spent for the first sergeant in the company Commander. And the platoon Sergeant doing leader and in the end the young man or woman gently went home. Anyway with a discharge less than honorable. Which did him no favors North Society. You might be interested to know that. In today's volunteer environment when one takes a base of 1974 and looks at the rates of indiscipline between 74 in calendar year 76 you find the rate of desertions down 60% in the Army the rate of a Rolls down 50% the population of our confinement facilities down 45% crimes against violence down 17% and the trends have continued in the calendar year 77. And remaining relatively level. the use of marijuana We insist the day and the Personnel are you? Set the standards across the board be set High by our Commanders. standards of appearance of physical conditioning of training a performance of discipline Duty And we insist. But the soldiers who volunteered to meet those standards in this volunteer environment meet them. Or else or sent home? With respect to resources. Obviously, we have to have the support from Office sector defense office management budget and from our board of directors the Congress if we're going to have sufficient resources to apply in all the areas of importance. And I know there's a great competition for funds at the federal level. competition for funds for social services And there's no cheap solution for National Security. I know that. But I would like to remind you. Of what are Marshall stunts Lester who command command of the royal Air Force 1 stolas? And that is it's customary in a democracy to the part of the expenditure on arms as conflicting with requirements for social services. There is a tendency. He said to forget. But the greatest Social Service that our government can bring to its people is to keep them alive and keep them free. What I have discussed means ensuring that the soldier and his life to service man in his life are understood appreciated and supported that's our constraints upon his life that aren't placed upon other citizens of this country that their services he renders which are unique hardships which he and she and he or she endured and sacrifices which they make to include being prepared to make the Supreme sacrifice on very short notice. We must ensure that the soldier in his life are understood and appreciated and supported. It means also having leaders who understand soldiers their expectations are commitments to him and see that they're those commitments are fulfilled fulfilled. It means having leaders to treat Soldiers with dignity and respect and like adults who understand that the first priority of everything. We do goes to soldiers who weed out the unwholesome aspects of soldier life the harassment. Who are interested in customer satisfaction and seek feedback of how to do our business better all the while maintaining the high standards that I mentioned for soldiers and the high standards of integrity and the special trust and confidence reposed in liters. Well, those are some of the things which I think the factors that I mentioned at the outset. mean with respect to the approach that we take to development of Our National Defense program. I can assure you. for the Army There's no lack of challenge in any area. Attaining this highest standard of Readiness that I mentioned within the resources made available. Attaining in a volunteer environment the quantity of the quality of personnel. We must have particularly in the reserve components when we're short in our units today and especially short in the individual ready Reserve that pool of trained soldiers out there that must be ready to fill vacancies come over to ization in active and Reserve component units and to serve as a replacement for combat losses during the first six months of the war. And that Shorty's is exacerbated today. By the Deep standby in which we find the selective service system in which we estimated will take a hundred and ten days to get the first draft day into the training center. Once the decision has been made to draft and seven months before that First Baptist comes out of the training center and can be used. As a replacement in a unit in combat. What's the Army must ensure with respect? The meeting the Manning requirements of the reserve components in a volunteer environment is that we have done everything within our power that we can think of within the resources made available to ensure that it works and that we succeed. in reaching those Manning level Our Union has no place in the armed forces where discipline loyalty a high sense of Duty responsiveness and an unencumbered chain of command are the elements which an enhanced success. We Face the challenge of maintaining a quality life for our soldier and his dependents. And there are other challenges. Sure. We Face challenges today. But the Army's always had challenges to face. I want you to know that we intend to meet those challenges to do so will require time and patience and resources. And it will require support from dedicated and thoughtful organization such as yours. We respect and we appreciate. What do you have done and are doing as individuals? And what do you do as an organization continue to do? The further traditions of service and sacrifice to our country. We are grateful to you. We are proud of you. finally I just want to share you. That has the army faces its challenges in the future. We intend to be positive in our approach. optimistic in our Outlook enthusiastic in our endeavors and confident in our abilities. Thank you.


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