Listen: BWCA hearings in Ely

MPR’s Alan Searle reports on public testimony regarding BWCA legislation given in Ely High School auditorium to the House Subcommittee on National Parks and Insular Affairs. Testimony from community was emotional and divided. Outside of hearing, a logging interest group hung effigies of two local environmentalists.


(00:00:00) Almost 1000 people jammed the Ely High School auditorium to hear over six hours of testimony on the Congressional proposals to reorganize the BWC a representative. Jim Oberstar is Bill would increase the size of the Boundary Waters to more than 1 million 150,000 Acres with about 60 percent total Wilderness the rest a national Recreation Area allowing motorboat travel snowmobiles and logging representative. Don Fraser's bill would also increase the size of the BWC a although more modestly. And would establish the entire area as a no motor no logging Wilderness as was the case in st. Paul most of those testifying favored either one bill or the other only a handful spoke against both bills some saying the present status of the area under the 1964 Wilderness Act is in no need of change emotions ran a little higher in a lie, though characterized by frequent outbursts of Applause and booing occasional disrespect to those speaking regardless of their philosophical position. The lack of decorum inside reflected an almost Carnival atmosphere outside where local logging interests held a small demonstration against the Fraser Bill hanging two well-known conservationists in effigy. It is not likely that either bill will whether Congressional storms intact. In fact, it's anybody's guess what the final piece of legislation will look like. The only certainty now is that whatever Congress decides to do about the Boundary Waters. It's going to make someone happy. I'm Alan Cyril


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ALAN SEARLE: Almost 1,000 people jammed the Ely High School auditorium to hear over six hours of testimony on the Congressional proposals to reorganize the BWCA. Representative Jim Oberstar's bill would increase the size of the Boundary Waters to more than 1,150,000 acres, with about 60% total wilderness, the rest a national recreation area, allowing motorboat travel, snowmobiles, and logging.

Representative Don Fraser's bill would also increase the size of the BWCA, although more modestly, and would establish the entire area as a no motor, no logging wilderness. As was the case in Saint Paul, most of those testifying favored either one bill or the other. Only a handful spoke against both bills. Some saying the present status of the area under the 1964 Wilderness Act is in no need of change.

Emotions ran a little higher in Ely, though, characterized by frequent outbursts of applause and booing, occasional disrespect to those speaking, regardless of their philosophical position. The lack of decorum inside reflected an almost carnival atmosphere outside, where local logging interests held a small demonstration against the Fraser bill, hanging two well-known conservationists in effigy.

It is not likely that either bill will weather congressional storms intact. In fact, it's anybody's guess what the final piece of legislation will look like. The only certainty now is that whatever Congress decides to do about the Boundary Waters, it's going to make someone unhappy. I'm Alan Searle.


Materials created/edited/published by Archive team as an assigned project during remote work period in 2020

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