Nobel Conference XII The Nature of the Physical Universe: Fred Hoyle dinner speech

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Professor Sir Fred Hoyle, astronomer and a mathematician at Cambridge University in England, speaking at Nobel Conference XII - The Nature of the Physical Universe held at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. This is a short dinner speech made during conference, where Hoyle shares personal anecdotes of fellow scientists.

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I came into physics myself rather more than a decade after this glorious episode in 1925 and oddly enough the people in my working life. I'm not quite being the people that one might have expected that you would expect to meet. If you came from Cambridge in the Cambridge in the early said she might have been the great Rutherford. In fact, if I saw a ruffler foot twice in the distance that that was about all he died in the year in which I became a grad student. If you are undergraduate Cambridge, you didn't send postcards to always regretted that I never did.Bore, but when I was lucky was that for the great five of the five great pioneers in in quantum mechanics. I did know some of them quite well as it turned out. Well, I only saw it once and that was when I was young. I saw junior system to Cambridge of the time there's a conference them Ballers down to speak and he would actually be fitted such as the first speaker and I was defined in mind Suzy azzam for physics in Sedona. I just didn't understand a word he saidAnd this reminded me very much. You were DeMarco boss when somebody sent him ball. Why don't you speak more clearly? He thought for a moment and he said because I don't like to speak more clearly than I think. well Shooting at I got to know nobody curious about the way this is when he became a professor Island and in the years after that I had a great friend to his they the president of the University Inn, and that way I saw shredding and I saw a very unusual aspect to him know that you're not funny Limerick. Stay right there, right serious lyrical poetry, which was I I wouldn't say it was great stuff. I mean, they're mostly Point address to his latest girlfriend that my dad but these are things that I can look at. Movie useful, he was invited to Cambridge for 6 months and he as it were was in mycology lived in my college of the time when I was living there and if you're in contact with him for about six months and in the course of that time, you told me about the early days of Victory, but I dearly wish I'd written it all down just as I expected me pictures of a lot of funny stories. He was kind of tape to be mostly on duty all the time, but probably was very much. Otherwise, it's really easy to think. Beginning following this like through boss the time we spoke about Professor balls long lecture, then he began to Laugh Factory quibodeaux all over criticism Jihad Ward like tree went down with his own when it released. Anyway, I was till the next day that probably wanted to see me on that frightened me because I was aware of all these probably still I'll tell one about Polly and dad. In fact, I don't know. What is apocryphal. I'm not in Pepsi can tell it but I already had heard this story from camera Kylie. It had some disagreements and they've been sparring quite a bit and then come together at the conference at the meeting and then these Rousey been going on. And I think Adam Fest haven't got quite the the better of the exchange and he went up to Polly afterwards and said look properly when I didn't know you when I read your papers. I had a very high respect for you. But now that I've kind of met you personally. I find you rather unpleasant for the fellow with me. It's just the other way about Absolute meeting with Polly and it shows a lot for that kind of extreme kindness of the man. I was very Junior this time and I had to report Barn mind research director the back of my first year and what became known latest as wave equations of highest spin on which probably had worked with Marcus fits. I think it was And what probably wanted to make sure it hurt somebody else was was on it and he wanted to make sure that if I had really got as far as they got they weren't going to cut me out. It's very nice thing for him to do but I just hadn't got this far as his as they got nothing quite proudly kind of sauce. Not until I began to write science fiction from the moment. I saw it is right off my back seriously the other individuals and At the very earliest time than they telling you now because this is just before the war ended the time now, they took no students. But they do you want to do they had no people to know pretty full reset students in his head to drink when you take this job. He's a queer fellow. He won't trouble you at all. And I finally agreed and so I have the distinction of being one of the two or three people who can climb to bring the student to Durant. Well, I under this agreement but felt duty-bound to invite me to Tea once every semester. We used to talk about mowing the lawn in about the birds and so far and we became good friends after a little while. I found it difficult to get it what went when after I marriage my wife got done extremely well with your rank and that the notion that he will never talk. This is true. He's very shy man, but once he really start to talk in such a way of tackling problem with save all much too broke for that message, you know, you should really go for the beauty of it and I tried to find out for me. What what was Beauty and her but she said, well you have to think about that, you know, and I'm worried but he was trying to engineer and the whole of the mistake that is very impractical man. Is it a deliberate Ploy and his part 2 so he doesn't get involved in things when during the war the nuclear program was being started direct didn't want to get involved but the British government badly wanted to get him as one of the names on the program in order that the US government. Take the program very seriously and the minister for this got on the telephone and the minister retreating said well, are you ever in London direct says yes about once a year. I mean this from the highest level of government into doing what he didn't want to do. But but if you really wanted to do something he actually on the ball.


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I came into physics myself, rather more than a decade after this glorious episode in 1925. And oddly enough, the people that I've known in my working life have not quite been the people that one might have expected, the sort of chap you would expect to meet if you came from Cambridge. If you're at Cambridge in the early thirties, might have been the great Rutherford. In fact, if I saw Rutherford twice in the distance, that was about all. He died in the year in which I became a grad student. And I can quite assure you if you were an undergraduate at Cambridge, you didn't send postcards to Rutherford.


So I never encountered him, nor did I ever Meet Einstein, which I have always regretted that I never did. But where I was lucky was that four of the great five, of the five great pioneers in quantum mechanics, I did know, some of them quite well as it turned out. Bohr, I only saw once. And that was when I was a young-- so shortly after getting my, what you would call your doctorate.

I was a junior assistant at Cambridge at the time. There was a conference there, and Bohr was down to speak. And he was as naturally befitted, such an august figure. He was the first speaker. And I was shattered to find, in my enthusiasm for physics and so on, I just didn't understand a word he said. And this reminded me very much of a remarkable boss when somebody said to him, Bohr, why don't you speak more clearly? He thought for a moment, and he said, because I don't like to speak more clearly than I think.


Well, Schrodinger, I got to know in a very queer sort of way. This is when he became a professor in Ireland, during the last World War. And in the years after that, I had a great friend who was the president of the university. And that way, I saw Schrodinger. And I saw a very unusual aspect to him because this was in his poetry writing era.

And I think perhaps not many physicists know that Schrodinger wrote a great deal of poetry, not of the style that many physicists do, rather slick, funny poetry, Limerick type stuff. He tried to write serious lyrical poetry, which was-- I wouldn't say it was great stuff. I mean, it reflects a great man. They're mostly poems addressed to his latest girlfriend, I might add. But these are things that maybe physicists might one day take a look at


It may be useful. Heisenberg, again, somewhat unusually, I got to know him quite well. Because after the war, he was invited to Cambridge for six months. And he, as it were, was in my college. He lived in my college at a time when I was living there. And I was in almost daily contact with him for about six months. And in the course of that time, he taught me an enormous amount about the early days of quantum mechanics.

And I dearly wish I could remember quite a bit of it. But I dearly wish I'd written it all down, just as I expect Vicky wishes he'd taken 10 times as many pictures. I wish I had. But Heisenberg wasn't quite a man of whom you could have a lot of funny stories. He was kind of tended to be mostly on duty all the time. But Pauli was very much otherwise. It's very easy to think of stories about Pauli.

And right from the beginning, following this lecture of Bohr's that I spoke about, apparently was the next speaker. And he started off in the most amazing way. He went up to the podium, and he said, concerning Professor Bohr's long lecture. Then he began to laugh.


He went on laughing. Well, it seemed like five minutes. But it was probably about 30 seconds. And during this laughter, he quivered all over. I mean, he quivered. Even at that time, he was getting a tolerable approximation to a sphere.


And then without telling us a word what criticisms he had of Bohr's lecture, he went on with his own when he finished laughing.


Anyway, I was told the next day that Pauli wanted to see me. And that frightened me. Because I was aware of all these Pauli stories. And perhaps if Vicky will excuse me, I'll tell one about Pauli and Ehrenfest. I don't know whether it's apocryphal or not. And perhaps he can tell us. But I already had heard this story from a chap called Kemmer, the physicist, Nick Kemmer.

The story is that Ehrenfest and Pauli had had some disagreement. And they'd been sparring quite a bit. And they'd come together at a conference, at a meeting. And these rows have been going on. And I think Ehrenfest hadn't got quite the better of the exchange. And he went up to Pauli afterwards and said, look, Pauli, when I didn't know you, when I read your papers, I had a very high respect for you. But now that I've kind of met you personally, I find you rather an unpleasant sort of fellow.


Pauli, in a flash, said, ha ha, he said, with me, it's just the other way about.


The absolute sharpness in a flash of a second. Anyway, I went along to this meeting with Pauli. And it shows a lot for the extreme kindliness of the man. I was very junior at this time. And I had been put by my research director, I was just about in my first year, on what became known later as wave equations of higher spin, on which Pauli had worked with Marcus Fierz, I think it was.

And what Pauli wanted to make sure, he'd heard somebody else was on it. And he wanted to make sure that if I had really got as far as they got, they weren't going to cut me out. It was a very nice thing for him to do. But I just hadn't got as far as they got. And I think when Pauli saw I hadn't got very far, he didn't, from then on, respect me very much as a scientist, not until I began to write science fiction. And from the moment I started to write science fiction, I couldn't get Pauli off my back. He took this very, very seriously.

The other individual belonging to this great era, of course, is Paul Dirac. And I met Dirac at an even earlier time than the episode that I'm telling you now. Because this is just before the war started. And I was just a grad student at the time. Now, Dirac took no students. But the faculty went to Dirac. They had no people-- their research directors like Ralph Fowler were very full of research students. And they said to Dirac, will you take this chap? He's a queer fellow. He won't trouble you at all. And they pressured Dirac, and Dirac finally agreed.

And so I have the distinction, as it were, of being one of the very two or three people who can claim to have been a student of Dirac. Well, I honored this agreement. But Dirac felt he was duty bound to invite me to tea, once every semester. And I used to go along. And I honored it to such a degree that we didn't used to talk about physics at all. We used to talk about mowing the lawn, about the birds, and so forth. And we became quite good friends. In fact, after a little while, I found it difficult to get away.

After our marriage, my wife got on extremely well with Dirac. And the notion that he will never talk, this is to some extent true. He's a very shy man. But once he really starts to talk, he sure does. But he never had very much feeling for my way of tackling problems. He'd always say, oh, much too brutal that method. You should really go for the beauty of it. And I tried to find out from him what was beauty. That, he says, well, you have to think about it, you know, and worry.

But he was trained as an engineer. And the whole of the mystique that Dirac is a very impractical man is a deliberate ploy on his part so that he doesn't get involved in things. When during the war, the nuclear program was being started, Dirac didn't want to get involved. But the British government badly wanted to get him as one of their names on the program, in order that the US government would take the program very seriously.

And the minister for this got on the telephone and rang Dirac. And Dirac hummed and hawed about whether he'd come to see him. And finally, the minister retreated and said, well, are you ever in London? Dirac says, yes, about once a year. I mean, there's just no way, even from the highest level of government, where he could be pressed into doing what he didn't want to do. But if he really wanted to do something, he's absolutely on the ball.


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