MPR Special Coverage: 1976 Minnesota State I-R Convention: DAY 2 - Bill Miller keynote speech

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Broadcast of vice-presidential candidate Bill Miller's keynote speech at GOP convention held at St. Paul Civic Center.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

Late date of June 3rd. I stated that I would become a candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1976. Many of you will recall me is a man of deep convictions with firm principles. I have not changed. The events in and of Washington these past 12 years in which I took no part whatsoever. Her concern me Gravely as I think of the future of our beloved America and of our children and grandchildren at the beginning of the third Centennial. It appears to me respectfully, but none of the leaders of either the Democratic party or our Republican Party. have take a note advocated the measures and policies which I consider to be essential in two of the most vital areas at home and abroad. I will state My Views upon these issues in the form of a personal platform. Although I do realize that it would take a near-miracle to bring this about and this statement to you today May instead be a sort of a legacy to you. First and foremost as president, I would and I am confident that I could establish a lasting condition of Full Employment without inflation. Well, that's quite a statement. And to do so requires a considerable number of new steps and policies, but all are based on sound and proven experience. this result of Full Employment without inflation cannot be obtained without steady continuous full employment in the construction field and in the Building Trades and this objective in turn requires that any family anywhere in America must be able to build or buy a home with 5% interest money as a regular stable condition. High interest And I say this from long observation in the center of our national economy. High interest on tight money have been a curse upon the American economy It has distorted our capitalist system and intensified the problems of all of our big cities from coast to coast. The attempts to use high interest in tight money as a major tool against inflation is an archaic practice, which does not fit the modern highly mechanized capital-intensive methods of production and distribution. Low interest and then adequate money supply is essential for future Full Employment and for the future well-being of the American people. Inflation must be controlled not by that mistaken policy, but by a combination of other moderate measures of restraint and regulation among these are the following. a measure against Harding and against excess inventory accumulation of materials in short supply II The regulation of the amount of down payment required in each class of installment buying and the adjustment of this amount from time to time to fit the potential Supply. 3rd limitation on excess profits of Corporations to an excess profits tax fourth adjustments in the rate of use of short supply materials by large users. V protection against the rating of markets or the hoarding of supplies by largeporn Monopoly governments, which upset the American economy an injury of the American Farmer in the American Consumer. 6 full parody for agriculture guaranteed combined with adequate reserves for the future of America. 7 moderation of Labor's demand based upon these for going requirements and conditions. An eighth of a balanced federal budget attained through a new tax program with fairness to all and favoritism to none. No, my friend. Is there some other special measures which would be acquired required? What are the basic facts of the modern highly mechanized and automated production and distribution system is the large Capital involved in the small labor component. Does an increase in interest in the tightening of money escalates the cost of production escalates the cost of distribution out of proportion makes expansion of needed production and acceleration of need a distribution very difficult to accomplish furthermore these New Economic and financial facts mean the Full Employment must include a vast expansion of the service employment in every field expansion from teachers and nurses and doctors the drivers and gardeners and helpers of every type. What are present laws make this very difficult to accomplish? A corporation can hire any of these service personnel and take deductions from taxable income but the individual family under present tax laws. Can I take a deduction from income for personal services to the family except in The Limited extend on medical measures? These tax laws should be changed so that any individual or family may deduct from taxable income any wages actually paid for personal service Personnel. I believe there are millions of jobs that could be developed and doing worthwhile service in dozens of different ways, the millions of individuals and families the resulting gain and human dignity the resulting gain and sense of worth and the reduction in unemployment in the reduction in welfare, the reduction in the sense of helplessness would be tremendous. There's one more example of the measures that are needed that I would Implement as president. I hold that it should be possible and would be in the National interest for a family-owned and operated small business. Order family-owned-and-operated Farm to be inherited by the sons and daughters in the family without any inheritance tax whatsoever. I'm such a provision. What add greatly to the stability in the growth of Private Business and Family Farms strength of our country, it would enhance the pride and the continuity of constructive developments and this would also provide more jobs and better economic conditions. There are literally dozens of situations that need correction with intelligent analysis and with integrity and proposals. Another area that urgently needs correction is the escape techniques for large incomes. Are there sound reasons for many tax deductions but no one should be permitted the pyramid and Bill deductions do the point of paying no income taxes at all on a substantial income. This should be corrected for all of them. There's no basic reason why this country shouldn't not have full employment without inflation. It was creative growth as a continuing program, if your intelligence and integrity and impartiality are applied to all circumstances of the relationships of the government to the people many people seem to have forgotten even are Republicans seem to have forgotten how close our country came to these objectives in the eight years of the presidency of the lake Dwight D Eisenhower. And let me just say briefly cuz you know, I served in the very center of his great leadership. But do you realize that in eight years of President Eisenhower's leadership the average unemployment in this country in those eight years was less than 4% Do you realize it in the eight years of President Eisenhower's presidency? The average inflation was less than 1% per year and in those eight years and here's The Clincher. The average rate of prime rate interest was less than 5% And if you'll study impartially the sweep the economic history of our country you find the low interest and adequate money along with fairness and impartiality is the way you turn loose the great free and productive Enterprise of our country who the point of Full Employment without inflation and all how we needed in these years. I had in the third by Centennial turning now to our foreign policy. As president I would re-establish the leadership of America in the world and in the United Nation. The origin of 12 years has been a tragedy not only for the United States one for all your Manatee on this Earth under God. Such a re-establishment of American leadership would also require many measures are foreign policy should have three basic characteristics. first competition without War we should get that word competition back into foreign policy. We should compete America is a competitive country compete with all these other systems in the world compete effectively complete proudly compete with confidence and compete without War II along with that competition for success of the American economy have a concern for all your manatee. weather east or west north or south Whether they're behind the Iron Curtain or out in a different country, we should have an intelligent and careful concern for all you manatee. and 3rd be ever powerful and ever alert. These three principles applied intelligently to our policies can lead forward to a good beginning in the 3rd Century applying these principles through open and forthright negotiations true progress can be made for a lasting world. Peace with Justice and increasing respect for human rights. There are no simple short pass to world. Peace my friends, but there are to me some clear guidelines. first of all the pasta piece will never be found. By exposing unprotected American ambassadors to terrorist assassins. And the pastor peace will never be found by backing away from come in as terrorist gangs or any other variety of terrorists. And I heard and I would have president. Re-establish the United States Marine guards in uniform and Safeguard our ambassadors in chaotic trouble spots. I would insist on respect for our diplomats and for our flag, and I would also insist that our diplomats conduct themselves to Merit respect. I would use our outstanding career diplomats for persistent intelligent open negotiations of the difficult problems with a policy decisions made in Washington in with consultations with the leaders of both parties. I would take the lead in modernizing and strengthening the United Nations, which is long overdue. I would Institute new effective safeguards against the use by other countries of Monopoly economic power to manipulate are free markets to the disadvantage of our Farmers to the disadvantage of our workers and to the disadvantage of all the people of the world. We would obtain an essential reduction in the artificially high price for crude oil for the benefit of all people everywhere. With Independence and integrity and intelligence we would use the great power of the presidency for the benefit of all peoples. how to fulfil these AIMS in this critical time I hold that we should plan to appoint and I would appoint a cabinet of outstanding men and women Democrats and independents as well as Republicans. In fact. as president I would offer a major cabinet position the governor James Carter so that he could gain experience. But if he is to become a future president, he could then better serve the people of America. Is your well? No, I've never believed in narrow partisanship. And we had in Minnesota as you also may remember many of you. The active official support of Labor of a loaf of Alan CIO and railroad Brotherhood is long with the Chambers of Commerce in the farm organizations. We need to develop that kind of support for the future of America. now as I said in my opening of my address I'm well aware. Notwithstanding the emphasis with which I expressed my convictions, but these expressions of policies and programs and beliefs may prove to be a legacy to you and not a platform. But I did find it in my heart. I lay it on the line as I did many years ago in Minnesota and down through the years since then I thank you for the opportunity of doing so I think your leadership and wish you well in the Republican party of Minnesota. And for the many opportunities, I thank you. I've had the chance to search through the years. I realize to as I entered at this late date and as I came to the convention. They're on the so-called preference ballot that you will receive the straw ballot. My name has a new spelling. It's spelled other. So where you look for my name on that ballot? You'll have to look where it says other and I realize that's the situation with these two leading contenders. But if you do have some convictions along the lines that I do and if you wish in this unusual situation we have this year. They gave us a bit of encouragement on the way to Wood Kansas City than where you read other you have to also right in the spelling of my name in The X and maybe will indicate a little something the party leadership into the people of America. I know that well, that would take a near-miracle the win the Republican nomination for president. I also have a feeling that the country in the party kind of need a near miracle. but if I did I'm confident. I could unite our party unite the people of our country Democrats Independents workers and Farmers all walks of life in November for an election Victory. But more important the lift America for a good beginning of the third Century of our Beloved Country.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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