Our Home Town: Dunn Center, North Dakota - Growing up, Religion

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As part of KCCM's Our Home Town series, this program is a sound portrait of Dunn Center, North Dakota. Highlights discussion on growing up in the town. There is also a presentation of views on religion.

About Our Home Town series: KCCM Radio in Moorhead, in conjunction with the North Dakota Committee for the Humanities and Public Issues, produced a series of twenty-six half-hour programs that documented attitudes and character of life in five North Dakota communities (Strasburg, Belcourt, Mayville, Mott, and Dunn Center). The programs were produced as sound portraits with free-flowing sounds, voices and music, all indigenous.

Read the Text Transcription of the Audio.

It's not really anything to do because I'm The Only Girl In Town that's even in grade school. But I do a lot of things. Keep myself busy at play piano and flute and I do crafts and things like that, but I haven't it's nice living in a small town, you know, but sometimes I kind of miss her and I having friends going to send me know only person you can only thing you can do if it looks real nice. They are still play football with everybody else and that's not much fun for me may not be much fun for the net net. There are advantages to Growing Up and Dunn Center as well as you hear from Lynette and others. You also hear views on religion as we visit a meeting of the church. Ladies Aid in this program called our hometown. The series is designed to explore the values and character of life in small communities like done Setter population 107 and is made possible with funds provided by the North Dakota committee for the Humanities and public issues. These programs are produced by Minnesota Public Radio station kccm and the interviewer is John gets be your child. If they see him misbehaving away from home. You pretty well know where they are. If you don't someone else does and and I think the children to feel that pressure that mrs. Jones is looking at them and they they do behave even though the kids weren't home every hour of the day if they're out playing with the neighbors kids or something. And you hadn't seen them for several hours. You were pretty darn sure that they weren't out joining some Crip gang or some other name gang than the country like to do in the Quad Cities and they're in a small town yours closer to the farm area and they can get out and help some farmer or be closely associated with some of your farmer friends enjoyed going up and down Center one of the disadvantages of the small town. Was it very many Playmates. I had only about three or four kids in town that I played with and so I grew up with them more or less with their ideas with them. And I would have probably like having more Playmates. But then again when the advantages is it You have more attention when there's two of you, especially in school and you get to participate in more things. How did you spend your time here? The farmers so much. The working hours are spent out on the farm helping him. And otherwise, it was hunting and swimming. Recreation Sports in better for you I think a wide range of ideas is good for anyone. But I also feel that even in a big metropolitan area a person can have a narrow range of ideas and that you probably have a quickest route that you hang with her again or whatever and there are your ideas are limited by the people you associate with their for his hear. They might have been narrowing that farming and agribusiness. is much of the interest around here, but I think that later on when I got to college that my Outlook on things was just as wide and Broad this other people's some people say that small towns and Rural communities because most of the people have similar outlooks demand certain Conformity of people the Conformity issue here related more to like haircuts in cetera. If you wore your hair too long, you're kind of a non-conformist. I don't I didn't really feel any pressure. No because you're so assimilated into the society right away that that you just it's a natural feeling you don't feel like going against the society to a great extent your your interests within society. And and if you're like say to deviate like you might go out and say have a party some Niger or like William wear your hair too long or or something like that, but it's not a natural deviation. You know, it's it's something that isn't going to happen for you that much. Are there any disadvantages to the growing up living here all your life exposed to 2? Other kinds of life. I think that they need to get out and to be exposed to the different ways of life and different things that may be possibilities for them. I just think there is a lack of Go back a few years ago not the only thing there was to do with used to be a nurse or a teacher, you know until they've gone away maybe a year to college or something like that. There were a lot of kids around here. I went to Country School my sister did to for 3 years, I believe. South of here and there was greatest enrollment was 11 in that country school, but I am one of the boys were pretty close friends down there and we used to a lot of horseback riding and I did a lot of horseback riding by myself. Most of the way most of the time that's what I did to spend my leisure time, I guess. How about you Eunice? What was it like to be a young girl in this area really quite hard because there weren't any girls at all and I just learned to play by myself and do things on my own. For a while I kind of regretted it but I think I'm kind of you know, thinking of it probably was kind of a good deal. Anyway, cuz that I grew up, you know quite faster than a lot of the other kids around here and help Mom and I feel that got started with cooking and sewing and working in the garden and things like that. And how is it shaped you as a person it's quiet out here and you're out in the open spaces new kind of you don't have to watch the clock as you know, it's much as you would in town in it. Just you know, you can get away on your own be by yourself and kind of do what you want to do a lot of the time. There wasn't anything too great to get you a couple Bob. And while watching TV, for example, we got our first television sets in 1956. And that was a big event to watch TV and it probably still is to certain extent because that's a hist about all there is to do so, you learn to appreciate the simple things. I always regretted not being able to go to all the basketball games and all the clubs that I wanted to join and you know do all the running around that I did want to do but I now I think maybe it was good for me because like I said before it makes me appreciate what I you know, when I do have when I did have before it was good. I would have enjoyed doing them. I didn't want to go out for football when I was in high school. And I never did have the opportunity. We lived 18 miles from the older and been 36 miles a day driving this way. I could ride the school bus and that's what's the drawback and times are difficult still armed and they just couldn't go I think I would have enjoyed doing it and I think it would have done me an awful lot of good when I did get the college in a lot of other social events. I would like to mem to but then again as unit said when you do get to do something you do appreciate it more and if you do everything that you want to do after all there's nothing to look forward to and then you go on to something else now and something bigger you are on opt and I think that's the one that sound like a philosophy year for flaw safire here, but I think that's why I want a lot of these kids are going to drugs. Everything they've ever wanted to do they've been able to do after while you run out of things to do. What are you turn to something with bigger kicks yet? Maybe that's one of the reasons. I don't know. That's just my opinion YouTube probably spend a lot of time alone to think that alone this helps to develop. More self-sufficiency Morrow self-confidence self-confidence. I don't know if it it probably does to a certain extent but no order to gain self confidence in anything. You have to have a group around I would think or I do think you have to have a peer group that you are satisfying them. Look what you are doing and that'll give you confidence. It does develop your imagination, I think. Does make you a little better able to cope with your problems because you are always thinking about something. And then maybe you get too self-conscious because you are a lot of times just thinking about yourself rather than somebody else around you what they are doing is thinking only about yourself and what you are doing. Maybe it's bad. I don't know. I think it's helped me being a little bit more independent, you know what to think on my own because it just wasn't anybody else to ask. No, yes, you feel lonely. Whatever did for it. I don't know but a lot of times you feel only you'd like to see somebody your own age talk to it with him go out and have a little fun with him. And I think that after we got to go to town school after I got into high school life kind of disappeared cuz you're with kids all day. And I'm during summer time you saw him an awful lot. Go to show or something, you know on. As being younger, I don't know if I ever felt lonely. We have an older sister want to know all three of us grew up together, you know, when we were always around here and fighting and things like that. So you you really don't have that much time to sit around and feel sorry for yourself either so, I don't know what I don't think it affected me. That way. You weren't ever really bored, you know down I'd board there was always something to do nothing else in town School in the third grade. And after that you were with me know a lot more kids and then to kill her if you know even more after in junior high so really it didn't didn't affect me that much to keep me busy. I have to babysit a lot cuz she works at the elevator and I cooked and I made dinner this morning and I make breakfast for my brothers and I Thank you sleep in the front room. How old are you? Not really when there's nothing else to do do you like going to school in Kildeer? Like it because like when I was in the antenna, they're only 17 Kids in the Hall school. But like your I've got a lot my friends but it's a lot more arguing to look at notes on the principal Never by had take them home because they're they have problems with the kids going downtown at noon and their shoplifting and everything and All kinds of things like that up. There were here. We didn't even think about things like that. The other places too though, but it's nice here. Now when I get older, I think I want to go see the other things and stuff to get to ride and very often. Black Ops 3 Idiom there in the past years Kyle iSpy still ride horses because I stay with Sam the eckleburg about once a month and they have horses and we just ride for about 7 miles to buy stay with her and Fridays and then we just say writing in French. think so but not all the time because Pisces about the same way. I am here in town. There's nobody but her older brothers. Do you think you miss out on anything growing up in a small town? Because we don't get to go to do that live in town because they live out of town. But I really miss having that much because like Sandy she's she's about my best friend. So when they come to they just pick me up and I got a lot things at them because they're brothers are in everything. Do you think dance centers a pretty good town? The only thing in Dunn Center is the church that has any Community filiation with it anymore. So I suppose it is the thing. How about religiously in the religious aspect of it people more religious here to thing from there another no. the same basic flaws in people are found here as they are found any place in the world to my notion. Maybe not as big or as play. But they're still there in the we are not any more religious or any more of a Christian than anybody else living in Dunn Center. No, Is Church's social event thing because really that's about the only thing that brings everybody to a certain place and that everybody gets together and talks and has fellowship and things but you can't really separate social and religious cuz while that's why they go there is to worship God brings brings them together with the religion. There's nothing to keep the community together here now, it's our church, too. It's really fun. We don't have a pastor and and it's really hard to get them United again. Lack of Interest or laziness almost I would say they're just just don't have the get-up-and-go urge the urge to be together pastors coming in their ideas and people around here. Just not ready for my Throne old home home ways. I don't know for sure that isn't supposed to go to the bar and supposed to be a leading figure good clean-cut known. Beard and long hair and set their kind against that sounds like an arm and our priest still have a drink. That is somebody if one of the priests come to the house, I'll ask them if they want a beer. But the ministers here in town if they don't find one thing wrong with them. They're going to find another thing wrong. Like that particular Minister they're talking about I think. Cool beer, well, you should have heard all that all the trouble that caused him because he grew a beard. Well, Jesus had a beer too, so, I don't know. I think the main trouble with the church up here is there's too many people that want things their own way. They looking for a new minister right now and I hope they get a minister that talks back to him because they're basically real good people but one minutes to get the next Minister doesn't spend enough time with the kids and it's just it's just funny. They just can't seem to be pleased. I don't know why it is. I think if there was one trouble spot in our community, it would be that church. Because there is always something that makes him unhappy and I think that's the wrong place to have trouble. But that's where it is. I think we have we have a group of older people and then we have a group of younger people and they just have different ideas of what we should have in a pasture some thought. They were the one was too young and the other one's thoughts as last time was too old. They want their minister to be the way. They think he should be they formed in their minds and idea of what a pastor should be and how he should be and they can't just accept anything different way. It looks to me. I am I feel bad because I think we need change. I think we all need to change once in awhile and your friend ideas. I think they are So Satisfied and so set in their ways of doing things here that they want to keep on that way. They just would like to keep it that way. I want me to go to church on Sundays to see the fan because they gather together. I want week. That's what I do. Is someone do so you can't you can't generalize by state de there's a lot of people that do that in the big cities to I'm staying for a small town that is their social life. On that day. They haven't told Disappear With A Trill knife. The heavenly bodies will burn up and be destroyed. And the Earth with everything in it will vanish since all these things will be destroyed in this way. What kind of people should you be your life should be holy and dedicated to God as you wait for the day of God and do your best to make it come soon the day when the heavens will burn up and be destroyed and the heavenly bodies will be melted by that heat, but God has promised new heavens and a new Earth where righteousness will be at home and we wait for these I got you some loving God even to those. if we haven't been apart of God's Kingdom on Earth it is going to be Egyptians movie that great got to come get paracord. in our bodily forms So are we going to know each other? stop from the beginning of time. Are you going to have that need in heaven? If it's if it's a perfect place, you're not going to be even even if it's Paradise. Will you you won't be needing this need to meet them at your loved ones. Will you get your life will be so beautiful that Another word. Everybody makes it but they wanted to be there. Heaven isn't a place either. It's a state of mind. So that's as however you believe isn't it? The Kingdom of Heaven is within you but it's also a place a concrete place. I mean it has to be something but the Kingdom of Heaven is well from the to me there's an old school what we were taught in confirmation. We didn't question whatever Pastor so-and-so said. Well we accepted this but I don't do this they come home and they're still questioning. Yoga pants to told the girls that was a state of mind. Well, then that's not a place to place off of. And maybe that's a place in the heart. Yeah, this Drew New Jerusalem. Is that going to be in your heart? All those 12 gates and all that stuff. you know that it's going to be so beautiful and that was all right, but it was not it's all measured and everything. All images were they are Christian or something else have look forward to a place a place. Where things are perfect maybe that placed for the Indian is a happy Hunting Ground. Or some other people something else, but I think that practically all religions look forward to a place and I look forward to a place as well as having the spiritual thing in my heart. They're giving her we had this picture. We had all these pictures now mine's and we can accept them easily that these things could be if we believe in Christ, he could do fantastic things. We could accept the fact that all these could happen then our children are taught in all the different way and they're really having problems and I can sure understand how they can be because Material things in a way that you might find a place and we have and there's is conflict. There's no place. What what is there to say study the word? It says well, but the young people of today we grew up on Blind Faith. We just believed and now they're questioning everything is not just the Bible. But all at once they'll come back because you know very well that if they if they can even do it for themselves that Wants to read the Bible to learn God's work is going to be Enlightenment and the word is revelation. God will reveal his word to you. and everything you need for salvation is sure to be revealed to it's everything you as a person needs for salvation. God does not want any of us to miss this. Because it's a place or something else. He doesn't want her. Thank you. Who were chosen yesterday will be? the Jews Jews and we've come to the conclusion that God is so good to them. But yet they don't believe in Christ. Great great night. ahead of all the big businesses and The persecuted by the pit published by the public by the majority of people, but don't you think the Lord is still blessing them? Cuz they seem to prosper us for the rest of us don't especially on that. We discussed this Jewish situation. Pick me up for the ones that have the Big M comes in over big business. In one way, you know, it seems like everything they touch everything I touch turns to money. Hey Christopher Robbins when they burned all right, but there's always I believe they would be. They're all in a foreign land. They're not in their own son. Why the Jews do not believe in God? Somebody just a thought. It says in the Bible, you know that he came to his own and his own received him not they were ejected from the very beginning. You been listening to the ladies Aid meeting at the American Lutheran Church in Dunn Center, North Dakota population 107. This is one program in a series of sound portraits of small communities produced by Minnesota Public Radio Station k c c m with buns from the North Dakota committee for the Humanities and public issues. Producers are John gets D Dennis Hamilton and Bill Sebring for cassette copies of these programs contact kccm and care of Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota 56560.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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