Henry Kissinger - The Moral Foundations of Foreign Policy

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Secretary of State Henry Kissinger speaking at the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington, followed by a question and answer period. Speech was titled "The Moral Foundations of Foreign Policy". Event sponsored by the Upper Midwest Council. Opening remarks and introduction by Senator Hubert Humphrey and Governor Wendell Anderson. Outside protests and an inside heckler can be heard occasionally throughout recording.

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Good afternoon from the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington. This is Bob Potter speaking and in just a few moments for the healing of March by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger speaking at the invitation of the Upper Midwest Council almost 1,400. People are here to listen to the secretary this afternoon. The luncheon was open to the public by reservation and the large room here at the Radisson Hotel is absolutely packed and ambitious travel schedule Israeli Prime Minister. You stop from being among others soon after returning from overseas secretary food in Milwaukee for an arrest last night, and when she criticized the conductor the third world countries at the United Nations address this afternoon secretary will return to Milwaukee tonight and then presumably back to Washington.The program this afternoon is right at this moment being introduced by Donald grangaard present over the first bank system and the Upper Midwest Council doctor Kissinger will be introduced both by Minnesota. Senator Hubert Humphrey and Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson following the address secretary will answer questions from the audience and then he will hold a news conference at 3 this afternoon. It's a program is being sponsored by the Upper Midwest Council in association with a greater Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, Minnesota AFL-CIO Minnesota Association of Commerce and Industry the Minnesota Wild trade Association st. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce and the world affairs Center at the University of Minnesota for the remarks by Donald Grant guys. the most distinguished career in public service And with an upper Midwest Pride, I now invite Senator Humphrey to speak briefly to yours and you're hungry. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Mr. Grangaard. I now can see why the first bank system is such a success. They have not even forgot them this small girl Community like, Dolan, South Dakota. Possibly some unpaid loans up there Jeff. Let me very quickly express our thanks through the Upper Midwest console and all those associated with it for this Splendid occasion. I think I should say to my good friend secretary Kissinger and when you look at the program and you see the second item there it says Hubert H Humphrey. It says remarks. an introduction this may not be your date at a right to have. But then I recall that on one occasion. And one of the breakfast meetings that I've been privileged to have of the Secretary of State. test of a great Senator sacrifice for the common good I want be a great sin. That's all I am by Jess the great Center. And I'm going to do something here. That's not a single person this audience what they expect me to do. I've been given five minutes and I shall not use it all. Does the brand Garde you understand interest and high interest I expect to collect later on. We're very honored to have a carseat Secretary of State and is very charming and truly remarkable wife Nancy with us here today. This is a moment that on occasion that I look forward to. To have the president's first officer. in our community In this great metropolitan area in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest is a high honor and a rare privilege. American foreign policy is not the special possession of the president or the Secretary of State or elected members of Congress. It belongs to the American people and it is only a strong and only is good and only as acceptable. As the American people are willing to happen. It expresses the hopes that concerns. The dreams and yet at times even the fears of the American people and we need to hear that expression the articulation of our foreign policy from its Chief spokesman. The gentleman who speaks in the name of the president of the United States and of the Congress cuz there can only be one spokesman. When it comes to our foreign policy many can contribute to it and many short but ultimately it must be above Party politics. It must be above faction or special interest. It must speak the American people's voice their hopes. That's why I'm so proud that we have today this good man. I consider him and call him my friend and I hope you will permit me to do so on a very personal basis. It's a very warm print on a public basis. It's one of admiration and respect. And I'll let me present to you another gentleman that I believe qualifies for all of the high offices and high Honors that any people could bestow upon. Another personal friend is the gentleman who is the chief executive of our state. I think he is truly one of these stars on the national political Horizon, but more significantly, he's a good man, and he's a good governor. And I know he's going to give a good introduction Governor Wendell Anderson. Thank you, Senator Humphrey and it's your secretary and distinguish gas and ladies and gentlemen. We're told that. when Chancellor Bismarck of Germany Lay Dying You can send it to be interviewed by Young journalist. A journalist as Chancellor Bismarck this question. What in your opinion is the single most important fact in the world today? Bismarck reportedly did not hesitate it looked up and replied. The most important fact in the world today is that England and America? Speak the same language. This point of view he was right. Bismarck had spent his life strengthening his Nation for conflict, but he could foresee an alliance that would prove even stronger. If we were asked right now, what is the most significant fact in the world today? I do not pretend that I know the perfect answer but surely it is reasonable to suggest that the most important fact in the world. Today is simply that Henry Kissinger never gets tired. His tireless Menace is energy is brilliance. Is pace and its patients are both undeniable and legendary? These qualities would be invaluable at any time but perhaps never more so than during the last few years when they provided the desperately needed sense of continuity during one of our nation's most troubled and unsettling times. We are all of us grateful for that contribution. We're grateful for this unique and energetic mingling of talent and resolve. in the old days it was said that The lady says no answer means perhaps she says perhaps she means yes. And if she says yes, she's no lady. The good old-fashioned Diplomat could be deveined and they reversed order if he says yes. He means perhaps he says perhaps he means no and if he says no, he's no diplomat. when Senator Humphrey encouraged the secretary to visit The real America we're very pleased that the answer was a real. Yes, and we're grateful to be able to welcome to Minnesota today a very great America Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Standing Ovation for the Secretary of State for this audience of 1400 of the Radisson South Hotel the Glam God sentence coming to the middle west I have been counted one question. That has ripped everyone with whom I spoke with. What am I going to throw out the first ball? And I want to say that I have not yet made that decision. but I'm considering. in order to give the colonists something profound to write about to do it with an underhanded deliberate. In fact, the game tonight is going to give me an opportunity to deal with another wise ambivalent situation for me because as an American League fan I can for lunch Chia for your second baseman Carew. Who usually murders the Yankees who are my favorite team? And who incidentally is an alumnus of the same high school, which I attended in New York City. I must say that Senator Humphrey has stolen one of my federline's when he introduced me because when I saw on the schedule that was handed to me the comments brief remarks by said I'm free. I knew that somebody must be kidding. but it is a special pleasure for me to bed here At the invitation of the man I admire so much. And the one man who likes to talk almost as much as I do. At the hearing on my nomination at Secretary of State. Senator Humphrey instructed met with much wisdom on the difficult job It's his advice was right on the mark. And has been ever since. He's a good friend and a great States. And I'm sure that President Ford will. Show it to hear that he wants to remain a great senator. America has now entered upon its 200th year. as a free Nation You know, it's two centuries. All country has grown from a small agricultural Nation with very few responsibilities Beyond its borders. Do a barrel with global responsibility. Yet while the range of our interest has changed massively. A commitment to the values that gave birth to our nation has remained unaltered. These are the aspects of our national experience. I would like to address today the pursuit of American values as a Humane and just example to others. and the first airing of American interest in a world where power remains an ultimate arbiter How do we reconcile and advance? both aspects of our national poop What in our time is the significance of the age-old quandary off the relationship between principal and Power? Through the greater part of our history we have been able to avoid this issue. a fortunate margin of safety and an unexplored condiment produce the impression that printed LED power automatically coalesced. That no choice was necessary that only one choice was possible. but for nearly a decade all nation has Speedway down by uncertainty and disco. Largely because we have suddenly realized. That like other nations before. We must now reconcile principles without necessities. I meant frustration many Americans have questioned the validity of our involvement in the international Arena. In the wake of our disappointment. Summer abroad began to doubt out is up. We are I believe emerging from this. With a renewed sense of confidence. Recent events have brought home to us. and to the rest of the world that a purposeful. Strong and involved America is essential to peace and practice. The same events have also reminded us of the contribution. This country has made in the 30 years since World War II ended. United States can look back on an extraordinary generation of a treatment. We have maintained a stable balance of power in the world. We have pictures peace and Foster the growth of the industrial democracies of North America Western Europe and Japan. We have helped shape the international trade and monetary system, which has knowledge Global prosperity. We have promoted decolonization and Pioneer in the development assistance for the new nations. We have taken major initiatives to for tomorrow liable and positive relationships without after sex. in a planet Trunk by Communications and Technology in the world either devastated by boa or struggling in the footsteps of nationhood. And I mean that in the International System not a vampire by the scores of independent states. The global contribution of the United States has been without president in human history. Only a nation of strong conviction and great idealist could have accomplished these efforts. B&R generation shall not turn our backs on this Legacy. Today we Face a new agenda. how to compliment over the past generation have changed the word and Define. Tasks for the coming decade All Eyez, the major industrial democracies have recovered their bigger and influence we shall act in harmony with friends who security and prosperity is indispensable to our own and whose cooperation is essential for progress and justice. The incredible destructiveness of modern weapons has transformed International politics. We must maintain a military strength. But we have an obligation. And I don't interest and in the world pictures. Do work with other nations to control both the gross and the spread of nuclear. In our relations with the Communist Powers, we must never lose sight of the fact that in the nuclear age General us to Mankato. We have an obligation to seek more productive and stable relationships despite the basic application of our values. 30 years of Economic and political Evolution has brought about a new diffusion of power and initiative. The destination of the world's Nations has become inevitably intellect. That's the capacity of any one nation shape events is more limited and consequently, I don't roses are more difficult and complex. to deal with this agenda very quiet strength of purpose and conviction a nation unsure of its values cannot shave its future. A people confused about it static will miss the opportunity to build a better and more peaceful world. This is why the haps deepest challenge. Is our willingness to face the increasing ambiguity of the problem of ends and me. restart with strong acids throughout our history. We have sought to Define and to justify our foreign policy in terms of Clinton. We have never seen ourselves as just another nation-state pursuing selfish a We have always stood for something Beyond ourselves. a peek into the oppressed from other lands from the first settlers to the reason refugees from Indochina. It's conviction about uniqueness contributed to a unit. Gave Focus to our priorities and sustain. Confidence in ourselves. It has been and remains a powerful force. But the emphasis on principle has also produced a characteristic American ambivalence. Relations with a world of Nations falling short of our idea as always presented us with the llamas. as a people we have oscillated between insistence on all uniqueness. And the Quest for broad acceptance of our values. between trying to influence International developments and seeking to isolate ourselves from between expecting too much from our power and being ashamed of it between optimistic exuberance and frustration which the contract strains of practicality Through most of our history. We have solder Shield our country and hemisphere from outside intrusion. Enter Shannon Vulcan in the balance of power politics. We considered generosity in relief efforts the encouragement of free international trade and the protection of our economic interests abroad as the only wholesome of international involvement. Our founding fathers were sophisticated men who understood the European balance of power and knew how to profit from it. For the succeeding century-and-a-half. Our security was issued by favorable circumstances over which we had little influence. Shielded by two oceans and enriched by Bountiful nature be proclaimed a special situation as universally Valley to Nations whose narrow margin of Survivor men that the range of choices was far more limited than Arrow. At saw strength and size expanded we remain uncomfortable with the uses and responsibilities of power and involvement in day-to-day diplomacy. Beaver stood from isolation only by external attack and we sustained daughter because of the obvious to tell Terry and evil real post. All Out Boy and total victory further strengthen sense of rectitude and ill-prepared has for the aftermath. of all the nations in the world me alone emerged essentially on skates from the ravages of conflict. military power economic strength and political confidence intact and in the post for bipolar of Cold War confrontation, we believe that we Face a Reincarnation of the Jets defeated enemy and apparently monolithic and hostile audiological Empire whose Ambitions and values are antithetical to auto Success and the pre-eminent position that brought convinced us that we could shape the globe according to an American design. No Other Nation but says so much Insurance again so many continuances We could afford to be imprecise in the definition of an interest. indeed we often imagine that we had nothing so selfish as interest. in a. Of seemingly clear-cut black and white divisions We have a few doubts about the validity of our cars. We no longer living in so simple of a we Remain the strongest nation and the largest single factor in international affairs. I'll leadership is perhaps even more essential than before. But a strategic superiority has given away to nuclear balance. I'll political and economic predominance has diminished as others have grown in strength. And all depends on the world economy has increased. I'm not in a safety has trunk. Today we find that like most of the nations in history. We can neither escape from the world nor dominated. Today we must conduct diplomacy with Saturday flexibility and Imagination in the pursuit of our interest. We must be thoughtful and responsible in defining disinterest. We must prepare against the worst contingency and not a plan only for the best. We must pursue limited objectives and many objectives simultaneously. in this effort the last decade has taught us. That our power will not always bring preferred Solutions. But we are still strong enough to influence events. often decisively that we cannot remedy all the world. But we can help build an international structure that will Foster the initiative and cooperation of others. That we can no longer expect that moral judgments expressed in absolute terms. Welcome and automatic acceptance. But it's the richest and most powerful Nation. We still have a special responsibility to look beyond that all definitions of our national interest and responsive order. Epic cannot banish power politics from International Affairs, but we can and will promote new and vital communities of Interest among nations. We can mute to use and the threat of force we can help establish incentives for the strength. We can encourage the resolution of disputes through negotiations. this new complexity has produced in some Ed Italian against contemporary foreign policy. We are told that our foreign policy is excessively pragmatic. That it's sacrifices virtue in the pursuit of stability. Vance attack this cold war oriented. We are now criticized as insensitive tomorrow value. Once regarded as naive in the use of power we are now let's to rely too much on the efficacy of force. Mansfield is the most generous of Nations. We now Stand Accused by some of resisting a more Equitable International economic system. It is time to face the reality of a situation. Our choice is not between morality and pragmatist. We cannot Escape either know what are they incompatible? This nation must be true to its own police or it will lose its parents in the world. But at the same time it must survive in a world of sovereign Nations and competing reps. We need moral strength to select among often agonizing choice. And a sense of purpose to navigate between the shoulders of difficult decisions. But we need as well a mature Center Meats. Let's be substitute vegetable thinking for the requirements of Survivor. Let me stay some basic principles. foreign policy must start with security a nation's survival is its first and ultimately ultimate responsibility. It cannot be compromised or put to rest. There can be no security for us or $4 unless the strength of the free Nations is in balance with that of potential adversaries. And no stability in global power relationships is conceivable without America's active participation in world affairs. The choices in foreign policy are often difficult. And the mountains I frequently nada. Imperfect Solutions are sometimes unavoidable. In the second world war for example, we joined forces with countries whose values we did not share in order to accomplish the morally Ruthie objective of defeating notches. At the same time security if it needs it is not a name. The purpose of Security is to safeguard the values of a free Society. And also Bible it's not always at stake and international issues. Many of our decisions are not imposed on us by events. Baby have such latitude. We must seize the moral of opportunity for humanitarian purposes. Out assistance to developing nations, for example, both foreign policy and humanitarian Acts. It strengthens political ties to Other Nations. It contributes to expanded trade close to 90% of our foreign assistance is eventually spent in this country. And auto systems reflects our values as a people. Because we cannot close our eyes to the suffering of others. Because of our history and moral tradition, we cannot live with ourselves as an island of Plenty in a world of deprivation. in the whole field of Fahrenheit and particularly in food a America's record is unsurpassed. We ended up. O matic two leaders with vision and compassion who drafted the food for peace legislation some 20 years ago. finally all values link the American people and their government in a democracy the conduct of foreign policy is Possible only with public support. They have for your government owes you an articulation of the purposes, which its policies are designed to serve. To make clear our premises to contribute with light and debate or and to explain how I apologize to the American people subject. The relation of morality to policy it's not an abstract philosophical issue. It applies to many topics of the current debate. It applies to relations with a communist polish that we must manage a conflict of moral purposes and interest in the shadow of nucleus. And it applies in our political ties with Nations whose domestic practices are inconsistent without all. Our relationship with the Communist Powers has raised difficult questions for Americans since the Bolshevik Revolution. It was understood very early. That the Communist system and ideology are in conflict with our own principles. 16 years passed before President Franklin Roosevelt extended diplomatic recognition to the Soviet cabin. He did so in the believe as he put it that's true. There is something of normal relations the prospects of these all over the world are greatly strengthened. I think I have something with my Hobbit student see it. What is a brief reference to a hectare in the way of not. Who asked why didn't you recognize Cambodia and Vietnam? Back that this young lady would write it down on a car. I'll answer all these questions after it. today again greatest voices remind us of the nature of the Soviet system. and of Duty to defend freedom About this that is no disagreement. That is however. a clear conflict Between two model imperative which is at the heart of the crop. since the dawn of the nuclear age the world's fears of Holocaust and its hopes for a better future have both hinged on the relationship between the two superpowers in an era of strategic nuclear bomb. When both sides have the capacity to destroy civilized live, there is no alternative to coexist. In such conditions, the necessity of peace is itself a moto imperative. As President Kennedy Pond it up. In the final analysis almost basic come and Link as if it's that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future and we are all more. It is set correctly. The Soviet perception of peaceful coexistence is not the same as ours. If Soviet police is a met the furthering of Soviet objectives. in a world of nuclear weapons capable of destroying mangkut in a century, which I see and resort to brute force on an unprecedented scale and intensity. In an age of ideology which turns the domestic policies of Nations into issues of international contention. It is true that the problem of peace takes on a profound moral and practical difficulty. but the issue surely is not where the peace and stability serve Soviet purposes, but whether they also serve I don't Constructive actions in Soviet policy a desirable whatever the Soviet mode. This government has stated clearly and constantly the principles which we believe must guide. You were Soviet relations and international conduct and be consistent with both our values and our interest. We will maintain a strong and flexible military posture to preserve house security. Ravel as a matter of principle and of national interest opposed attempts by any country to achieve Global or Regional predominance. Revell touch the state of u.s. Soviet relations not by atmospherics, but five other country problems as successfully result. All negotiations Street based on reciprocity of benefit and reliable observance of agreements. We will insist as we always have the progress and United States Soviet economically relations must reflect progress towards stable political relationships. We will never abandon our ideals without friends. We will not negotiate over their heads off what against the interests of other nations respond firmly to attempts to achieve unilateral advantage. What do you apply the relaxation of tensions selectively? Beyond the necessities of coexistence. That is the hope of a more positive relationship. Over the long term. We hope that firmness in the face of pressure and the creation of incentives for Cooperative action may bring about a motor of a pattern of stability and responsible contact. Today's drawing man's man missing in space and area in which 15 years ago. We saw ourselves in almost model rivalry. It's symbolic of the distance. We have traveled. Berlin has been removed in recent years as a source of conflict between east and west. The agreement already retrieved to limit strategic Armament programs at Central weapons of our respective military arsenals are unparalleled in the history of the phone. U.s. Senator mundale is a strong and constructive advocate of sub strategic Arms Control if it's Our immediate focus is on the international actions of the Soviet Union not because it is our only moral concern but because it is that big can most directly and confidently effect. As a consequence of improved foreign policy relationships. We have successfully used our influence to promote human rights. We have done so quietly keeping in mind the delicacy of the problem and stressing results rather than public confrontation. in our relations with the Soviet Union United States will maintain its strength. Defend its interest and support its friends with determination and without illusion. Revell speak up. He leaves with vica and without self-deception. Be considered a toned a means to regulate a competitive relationship not a substitute for our own effort in building the strength of the Free World. we will continue on the course of which we are involved because it offered they hope for our children that they may live in a more secure and these considerations raisin would send refresh. To what extent are we able to affect the internal policies of other government? And to what extent is it desire? There are some hundred and fifty nations in the world. And Bailey has scored of them a democracy is in any real sense? diresta Nations whose ideology or political practices are different from out of Congressman Fraser has raised this issue with great integrity and concern and I have profited from many discussions with it. We do not and will not condone repressive practices. If it's not only dictated by our values, but also a reflection of the reality that regimes which lack legitimacy are inherently vulnerable. We'll have to have a special question. For this young lady. devil dare puppy limits to the degree to which Saturday dreams can be congenial partners. We have used and we will use our influence against repressive practice. our traditions and our interest demanded but truth compels also a recognition of our limits. The question is whether we promote human rights more effectively by counsel and friendly relations where they serves our interest. What about confrontational propaganda and discriminatory legislation? And we must also assess the domestic performance of foreign governments in relation to their history and do the threats which they face. We must have some understanding for the dilemmas of countries for joining powerful hostile and it'll concealable to tell it. old alliances and political relationships Mutual They contribute original and we'll security. And that support the broader outfit. They're not favors to other governments. They reflect a recognition of mutual interest. They should be withdrawn only interest change and not as a punishment for some act with which we do not agree. The attempt to deal with those practices that is strict is American red legislation raises serious problems. Not because of the motor view it expresses which we share but because of the mistaken impression it creates security ties a acts of Charity and Beyond. Such acts because they are Tupac public too inflexible and too much a stimulus to nationalistic resentment are almost doomed to failure. What American Standard? the question is not whether our values to the effect of foreign policy, but how the issue is whether we have the courage to face complexity and the inner conviction to deal with ambiguity. Whether we will look behind easy slogans and recognize that are great goals can only be reached by patience and an imperfect stages. The question is also whether we will use our moral convictions to escape reality or as a source of courage and self-confidence. We're here too often at citizens Edward a feature of out isolationist. That a balance of power is a cynical game. That secret conspiratorial intentions look behind open public policies that weapons are themselves sources of conflict that intelligence activities of record that humanitarian assistance and participation in the economic order at an adequate substitute for political engagement. These are the council's of despair. I refuse to accept the premise that all moral values and policy objectives are irreconcilable. The ends we seeking out foreign policy must have validity in the framework of our believes, but we have no meaningful for in public. The maintenance of peace is a moral as well as a practical objective. measures to limit our moments with a mother as well as a practical and the cohesion about alliances play the great dust field Democritus makes our way of life and our principles more secure. polyface to reconcile the rich Nations and the pool and to enhance the practice of both so that you may as well as a political and we live in an age which Prides itself on its realism. Modern society is impersonal and pewter color tops. All modern democracies are beset by problems. At the limit of the margin of the government's ability to control. a buildup of turmoil in danger tries out for structure and Leadership the opportunities that we face as a nation to help shape a more chest International order depending more than ever on a steady Resolute and self-assured America. This requires confidence confidence in their value The public's confidence in its government and the nation's Collective confidence in the verse of its objectives. That's for this nation to contribute truly to peace in the world. It must make peace with itself. It is time to put aside the cynicism and distrust that have mocked up public life for the better part of the past decade. It is time to remind ourselves that while we may disagree about means As Americans. We all have the same ultimate objective peace prosperity and Tranquility of our country and off the roof. And most of all it is time that we recognize that is the greatest democracy the world has ever known. Where is a living reminder that that is an alternative to tell Renee and depression? The revolution that began in 200 years ago goes on for most of the world still live without the freedom that has for so long being honest to them. We remain a Beacon of Hope and an example to be emulated. So let us come together for the tasks that our time demands because we have before us an opportunity to bring peace to a girl that have a leadership. Thank you. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger receiving the standardization for this address and titles of moral foundations of foreign policy. After the Applause subsides, we expect it will be hearing some questions from the audience. Mister secretary to the great Upper Midwest a portion of this nation which has long been concerned with principal and ideals. And their execution you have brought a great message and we again are deeply grateful. Thanks, most sincerely. As was suggested earlier in the day. We will now spend a profitable. Imposing on secretary Kissinger to respond to questions, which have been submitted by the audience. I'm going to follow the order of questioning which has been selected by our world affairs panel. With your permission Mister secretary, I would like to read the question. And the name of the person who has authored it and invite you to come to the podium to respond to it, please. the first question from mr. Nathan Berman of Minneapolis Do you feel at pressuring Israel to make concessions without equal pressure being applied to Egypt is morally defensible. Let me answer this question and then they brought a few questions submitted orally earlier the rich life. Which I would also like to to deal with. First of all, it is not correct that we are pressuring Israel to make concessions or that the advice that we may give to one side is not matched by advice which we gave to the other side. It's worthwhile to remember that all our efforts in trying to promote peace in the Middle East has been carried out at the request of both parties Elizabeth Walter remember that the consequences of another world in the Middle East? Would be extremely grave for Israel extremely grave for the industrial world. Raise a higher risk of confrontation with the Soviet Union and therefore we have an obligation to attempt to see whether it can be avoided. But any settlement that may be reached between Israel and Egypt will be the result of American efforts, which have been exerted equally on both parties the difference is that when we make a proposal to Israel, it has to be discussed in its cabinet. Which speaks almost as much to the price as our camping it does and therefore there is a slightly greater consciousness of in the public, press of what we did what we say to Israel then what we say to each it. But if there should be an agreement and then it is possible to compare the starting position of both sides with what is finally achieved. I'm certain that everybody will agree. That both sides will have made significant concessions because without that no meaningful agreement is possible. I could perhaps address one or two of the questions that I heard earlier one was why do we not recognize Cambodia or why do we not have diplomatic relations with Cambodia and Vietnam? Disrespectful Cambodia, we're dealing with a government that at this moment is engaged in one of the most barbaric practices that we have see in which three million people that lived in cities were told in a matter of minutes to go out into the countryside Countryside that will not have a crap until November and in which thousands probably tens of thousands are going to die from starvation and disease. it is a it is. It is a government motor over. That has refused to establish diplomatic relations. That has refused to establish diplomatic relations with all of the countries that have so far offer to have diplomatic relations with it. And therefore what the question of diplomatic relations with Cambodia has never come up in any concrete weigh. with respect to Vietnam I have stated publicly. And I repeat hit that the United States is willing to look to the Future and to get its policies towards Vietnam to the police has the cheapest used to assess and towards its night. With respect to economic and Military and the relationship between them. The question of military aid depends on whether it is given to countries whose security is in our interest. and whether we share their conception of the security needs it goes through detailed Congressional scrutiny in each year and has substantially declined in each year and it's substantially below the level of our foreign economic 8 Define economic aid is not all we would like it to be. but we all a great debt of gratitude to Senator Humphrey for his & Leiden management of our foreign aid legislation, which relates us to other countries in the world and which contributes to establishing a economic and political structure that reflects the interdependence of mankind and therefore be considered that both economically and the lining military aid are in the National interest. Then the next question submitted in the usual way is from mr. Gelato hits of Red Wing. Mister secretary, would you give us your thoughts on the problem of nuclear weapons proliferation and on the prospects for limitation and control? The problem of weapons proliferation has two aspects of the development of nuclear weapons by countries that have the industrial capacity to do so today such as for example a country where the industrial capacity of Japan and secondly the danger of nuclear proliferation that derives from the spread of nuclear technology respect to the first problem. The United States and a number of other countries in 1978 signed the non-proliferation treaty, which was designed to put a limit actually the name proliferation treaty was signed before 1978 was ratified. Which is designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons by putting safeguards on certain types of explosives and on the spread of nuclear technology. However, not all countries in the world have signed the non-proliferation treaty. And the face today as a result of the energy crisis a much greater incentive for the spread of nuclear technology because nuclear energy has now become commercially profitable and in fact in many countries economically necessary. We are deeply concerned about the impact of the spread of that nuclear technology because it will give an increasing number of countries the technical capability to develop nuclear weapons of Their Own. That is the danger that in the pursuit of commercial interest the country's exploding nuclear technology May begin to compete in easing safeguards. They are for the United States is at this moment engaged in negotiations with exporters of nuclear technology to see whether we could all agree on strengthening the existing safeguards on the preferably United Nations iea International Energy agency control. safeguards in order to avoid the tragedy that commercial competition and the pressures of the energy crisis produce a situation where 10 to 15 years ago from now people will ask themselves. What did the leaders in the 1970s when they permitted its nuclear technology to spread and check. These decisions will have to be made within the next year or the proliferation of nuclear technology. May really raise grave difficulties in another decade. Mister secretary this question from Mr. Dietz of Saint Paul. What is State Department policy with respect to whether American overseas business should conform to local custom or follow United States standards of business Morality In the host country. I don't know which of the two criteria are more painful. I think that they that the relationship of American corporations or a multinational corporations to the host country is one of the problems that requires a great deal of attention on the one hand. The private capital is more readily available right now for development then much of government card. And therefore it is in our interest to encourage investment abroad of American Capital on the other hand. These American Enterprises must conform to local conditions. And on the other hand, we must see whether the local requirements can be put into some International framburg so that there is some exam pattern that gives assurances to the host government against undue interference and to American Business some guarantee of stability. We are inviting to the state department in the next few weeks and number of executive from a leading corporations to see whether they could think. Singapore book with us in developing some criteria that could be that they could live with and that at the same time could be internationally accepted that would deal with this problem that is right by this question, which we could then take up with potential host countries to see whether one can get some International framework of acceptable conduct by both host government and foreign corporation. Mister secretary this question from Mr. Cameron of Prior Lake How strong do you feel dependent in the United States is toward returning to a policy of isolationism. Well, the Curious Thing That is happening in America right now. Is that Baby Trend towards isolationism strongest in those parts of the country that used to carry the international policy in many parts of the Beast among many intellectuals and the support for foreign policy is most active in those parts of the country that used to be isolationist like this like the middle of us and many parts of the country away from the Eastern Sea Coast has an interesting phenomenon of the Contemporary. And I believe however the end of the war in, Indochina. That America is coming together again and that there is an increasing recognition of our importance to peace and progress in the world and also a greater understanding that we cannot do everything and then we must work more Cooperative. So I think that are most difficult. In this ends is behind us and then we can work together on a nonpartisan places in the pursuit of our foreign policy. This from mr. Stewart Hunter of Northfield. What are the prospects in the means for an effective International peacekeeping body such as a good effective United Nations? yesterday in Milwaukee I pointed out the concerns if the United States has with the present procedures and the conduct of some countries in the United Nations. The United States continues to believe that many problems including the problem of peacekeeping can only be settled solved on a global face. The nature of nuclear technology the nature of the energy in food and raw materials problem all require Global Solutions. But also it we must face the fact that many nations have organized themselves into blocks and I put suing lock tactics of Confrontation. What I intended yesterday with my speech in Milwaukee. If I mention that City here to point that we have a great opportunity for international cooperation fact an unprecedented opportunity, but that requires a sense of responsibility by all of the countries and that it requires an attitude of cooperation, which has not always been reflected in the reason sessions of the general assembly ordered specialized agencies. And this question for mr. Brown Mister Rich Brown St. Paul. What is your reaction to the concept that they taunt with the Russians helps the USSR more than the United States. I reject this contract. The taunt is in the mutual interest of both the Soviet Union and the United States both countries. Have a great interest in preserving the peace. both countries sooner or later If not in this decade then in the next ticket myself the problem that the globe is now too small for the kind of Confrontation that was natural in the relationship among nations even a generation ago. If we look at what has actually been negotiated between the two countries. Every settlement has peed in the mutual interest a limitation on strategic arms is in our mutual interest and settlement of the Berlin crisis is in the mutual interest. Easing of tensions is in our mutual it. However, must not use state-owned as a cure-all for everything. They tone is not a substitute for our own efforts. They told must not be used as an alibi when things go wrong anywhere in the world of blaming it on somebody else because very often it is to do a donut. And those who writes his profession should ask themselves this. What exactly is it they want us to do as an alternative to this policy. Do they want us to create tension to they want us to raise the level of international conflict. Can we really ask the American people? Too Faced the risks of War unless we can demonstrate to them that they are government has explored every reasonable alternative. I believe that any administration of whatever party whatever may be said in the abstract will be driven to the realization that the problem of peace is the dominant problem of our time and that it cannot be conceived as a unilateral benefit 20. Secretary this question for mr. Robert Provost of Minneapolis. How do you see the Korean problem being resolved? I frankly do not say that the Korean problem has a permanent solution in the foreseeable future, but we have on the Korean Peninsula is two governments. South Korean government North Korean government Which have irreconcilable objectives? What we must attempt to do. For this. It's the prevent the outbreak of War. To create conditions in which these two governments can resume the process of negotiation which they started some years ago. And to look towards a train releasing a real tensions within which the Korean problem can also in time. Peace out, but it has no short-term solution. Mister secretary for this reef and informal, but very informative. We most sincerely. Thank you. Albany you heard lunch in remarks followed by a question and answers by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Secretary of speaking at an event sponsored by the Upper Midwest Council and held at the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington secretary spoke this morning to a group of about 50 prominent businessmen politicians and Educators in the area and about an hour if you'll be holding a news conference until note to Milwaukee tonight where he'll threw out the first ball of the All-Star Game. This program was made possible with funds provided by The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is provided by the Minneapolis Tribune technical director for the broadcast. Listen to listener-supported radio in Minnesota.


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