Listen: 10272034

Clyde Bellecourt states that AIM says U.S. government has criminally failed in its mission to protect Indian rights. The conduct of the Department of Justice has left little reason for Indians to trust that agency ever. The AIM will launch its greatest effort ever to expose a dual system of justice in South Dakota.

Bellecourt also talks about Indian treatment on reservations, theft of Indian land, denial of Indian rights. He wants government to honor treaty rights, and lists three steps to accomplish AIM goals.


(00:00:02) the dismissal of the Wounded Knee charges against Russell Means and Dennis Banks must be viewed and hailed as a major victory for Indian and non-indian the like judge Nichols decision to dismiss included Deceit by the federal prosecutor illegal use of military weapons and Personnel withholding of evidence by the FBI refusal to allow the jury system to function which represent parallel reasons why Indian people went to Wounded Knee in Gary 1973. It has always been the contention of the American Indian movement that this government has criminally failed in its mission to protecting Indian rights the manner in which the Department of Justice handle itself during this trial leaves. Very little reason why any Indian should trust that agency ever. Additionally. We must not forget that William Clayton United States Attorney for South Dakota Earl Kaplan United States Justice Department, Washington, DC. She and David Gina assistant United States Attorney for South Dakota are equally as guilty as Rd heard for governmental misconduct because this kind of conduct has continued in South Dakota for years against Indian people effective this date am will launch our greatest effort ever to expose a dual system of justice that now prevails in South Dakota. This campaign will continue until we virtually overturn every obstacle to bring end Injustice to ended people. There can be no more jailings of innocent people. There can be no more Injustice has born like Custer Clayton heard or McGovern. We will take every effort to end the poverty slum conditions murders beatings that Indian people are subjected to daily on reservations. To end the department of interior's daily theft of Indian land to end the theft of Natural Resources to end the denial of human civil and treaty rights. And while we end these injustices we will continue to work with all tools available to force the United States government to honor its treaty obligations that is now binding with Indian tribes. To this aim pledges its life. Hopefully all Americans will join us in a program that will a repeal the Indian reorganization Act of 1934. Be removed the Bureau of Indian Affairs from the Department of the Interior see establish a congressional treaty commission to review We examine the 371 treaties. Aim will not rest until these goals are accomplished.

Clyde Bellecourt: "The Dismissal of Wounded Knee charges against Russell Means and Dennis Banks must be viewed and hailed as major victory for Indian and non-Indian alike." He continues saying that the AIM says this government has criminally failed in its mission to protect Indian rights. The conduct of the Deptment of Justice has left little reason for Indians to trust that agency ever. The AIM will launch its greatest effort ever to expose a dual system of justice in South Dakota. Bellecourt also talks about Indian treatment on reservations, theft of Indian land, denial of Indian rights. He wants government to honor treaty rights, and lists three steps to accomplish AIM goals.


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SPEAKER: The dismissal of the Wounded Knee charges against Russell Means and Dennis Banks must be viewed and hailed as a major victory for Indian and non-Indian alike. Judge Nichol's decision to dismiss included deceit by the federal prosecutor, illegal use of military weapons and personnel, withholding of evidence by the FBI, refusal to allow the jury system to function, which represent parallel reasons why Indian people went to Wounded Knee in February 1973.

It has always been the contention of the American Indian Movement that this government has criminally failed in its mission to protecting Indian rights. The manner in which the Department of Justice handled itself during this trial leaves very little reason why any Indian should trust that agency ever.

Additionally, we must not forget that William Clayton, United States Attorney for South Dakota, Earl Kaplan, United States Justice Department, Washington, DC and David Gienapp, Assistant United States Attorney for South Dakota, are equally as guilty as RD Hurd for governmental misconduct because this kind of conduct has continued in South Dakota for years against Indian people.

Effective this date, Aim will launch our greatest effort ever to expose a dual system of justice that now prevails in South Dakota. This campaign will continue until we virtually overturn every obstacle to bring Indian justice to Indian people. There can be no more jailings of innocent people. There can be no more injustices born like Custer, Clayton, Hurd, or McGovern.

We will take every effort to end the poverty, slum conditions, murders, beatings that Indian people are subjected to daily on reservations. To end the Department of Interior's daily theft of Indian land. To end the theft of natural resources. To end the denial of human, civil, and treaty rights.

And while we end these injustices, we will continue to work with all tools available to force the United States government to honor its treaty obligations that is now binding with Indian tribes. To this, Aim pledges its life. Hopefully, all Americans will join us in a program that will, A, repeal the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. B, remove the Bureau of Indian Affairs from the Department of the Interior. C, establish a congressional treaty commission to review, reexamine the 371 treaties. Aim will not rest until these goals are accomplished.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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