Dr. David Sachs decries emphasis on disease and promotes health education using coloring books

Grants | Legacy Digitization | Topics | Health & Wellness |
Listen: 10372767

Heart surgeon Dr. David Sachs talks about heart disease being a plague in society. Due to the American lifestyle most people are on self-destructive trips but don?t realize it. He says no one is to blame but yourself, you have to take responsibility for what?s happening to you, and people use diseases as excuses, covers and masks. Dr. Sachs has created a series of coloring books about medical conditions and the body. He talks about working over 40 years in the medical establishment as a heart surgeon and not feeling fulfilled. He says people need to believe in themselves. Everybody has to do their thing. When your body is in harmony and balance you are functioning right, if you?re jealous, competitive, unhappy no matter what you do your body is out of balance. People have a spiritual obligation to take care of themselves; bodies have an infinite capacity to rebound. He?s sick and tired of the spotlight being on illness, he wants to start talking about the body functioning well. Health insurance and care should be called disease insurance and disease care. He talks about people needing to start to change their lives. Sachs says what?s missing in our government is a leader. There?s confusion and distrust of authority, how can you trust the FDA? There?s lack of communication and believability; everything around us relates to health. Reporter unknown.


Digitization made possible by the State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, approved by voters in 2008.

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