July 12, 2016 - MPR’s Laura Yuen profiles MPR journalist Toni Randolph, who passed away on July 3rd, 2016. As a longtime journalist and MPR news editor, Randolph left an indeiable positive impact, especially in her commitment to public media diversity and mentorship.
October 16, 2015 - MPR’s Sophie Nikitas reports on how women, specifically Anna Schwinn, are helping grow the sport of Women’s competitive track cycling in Minnesota.
June 23, 2014 - When construction crews bulldozed St. Paul's Rondo neighborhood to make way for Interstate 94 in the 1960s, they destroyed the center of the city's African American life, forcing many of the community's residents to move. But the spirit of Rondo lives on among its former residents and their descendants. Among them is Daina Stanley, a University of Tampa junior. When she spoke with members of her family about the Rondo they knew and loved, that helped her find home.
February 1, 2010 - Minneapolis Congressman Keith Ellison says he's concerned that the multi-million-dollar advertising campaign the U.S. Census Bureau launched last month left out several local radio stations that serve the Spanish-, Somali- and Hmong-speaking populations. He says those stations can help get the census message out. But Steve Jost of the Census Bureau says those communities will get the census message through national advertising that will air on those stations. Jost also says Census officials are not done buying ads.
June 22, 2009 - MPR’s Toni Randolph profiles individuals from the last wave of Hmong refugees to the Twin Cities. Five years after their arrival in 2004, about 5,000 new Hmong residents have made their homes here. Life for them is very different from what it was in the refugee camp in Thailand. For some, the change has been very good, and for others it's been very challenging.
October 19, 2007 - The designers of the replacement for the collapsed 35-W bridge say the new span's components will accommodate expansion and contraction in Minnesota's extreme temperatures. Minnesota Public Radio's Toni Randolph reports.
October 19, 2007 - Investigators are reportedly looking at whether rusted plates may been a factor in the collapse of the I-35-W bridge in Minneapolis. The Star Tribune is also reporting that the National Transportation Safety Board is considering heat as a possible factor in the collapse. Linda Figg is the head designer of the replacement span. She says the new bridge will be built with expansion joints that can withstand Minnesota's hot summers and cold winters. Figg says designers will use that latest technology in order to build a state of the art bridge.
October 18, 2007 - Investigators are reportedly looking at whether rusted plates may been a factor in the collapse of the I-35-W bridge in Minneapolis. The Star Tribune is also reporting that the National Transportation Safety Board is considering heat as a possible factor in the collapse. Linda Figg is the head designer of the replacement span. She says the new bridge will be built with expansion joints that can withstand Minnesota's hot summers and cold winters. Figg says designers will use that latest technology in order to build a state of the art bridge.
October 18, 2007 - The designers of the replacement for the collapsed 35-W bridge say the new span's components will accommodate expansion and contraction in Minnesota's extreme temperatures. Minnesota Public Radio's Toni Randolph reports. .
June 19, 2007 - MPR's Toni Randolph reports on a Hmong rally at the state Capitol to show their support for General Vang Pao. Vang is charged with masterminding a violent overthrow of the Laotian government.