May 24, 2010 - MPR’s Annie Baxter reports on the lingering issues of high unemployment rate in Minnesota as the U.S. economy comes out of recession.
August 1, 2001 - MPR’s Art Hughes reports that new numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau show same-sex households account for nearly one percent of all Minnesota couples. The 2000’ Census figures provide the agency's most accurate count yet of same-sex couples. Advocates and officials alike say the numbers still don't accurately track the true number of gays and lesbians, but are an important marker nonetheless.
May 23, 2001 - MPR’s Art Hughes reports on the results of Minnesota’s U.S. census figures. Highlights include the state’s population is older than it was ten years ago; Minnesotan's are much more likely to own their homes than residents in the rest of the nation; and the dramatic increase in the state's Hispanic population is made up largely of people of Mexican heritage.
March 29, 2001 - MPR’s Art Hughes reports on 2000 U.S. Census data that shows people of Asian decent now outnumber African Americans in St. Paul. Nearly nine percent of Ramsey County's population is Asian. Many of the counties surrounding the Twin Cities also had significant growth in Asian populations in the past decade.
March 12, 1999 - Tom Gillaspy, Minnesota state demographer; and Jane Graupman, of the International Institute of Minnesota, provide an update on immigrants in Minnesota, how many there are, where they are coming from now, where they have come from in the recent past and throughout history. Gillaspy and Graupman also answer listener questions.
March 22, 1995 - E. Peter Gillette, commissioner of Minnesota Trade and Economic Development; and Tom Gillaspy, state demographer, discuss labor issues in Minnesota. Topics include job market, and mismatch of skill sets between jobs and labor force. Gillette and Gillaspy also answer listener questions.