January 12, 2007 - All Things Considered’s Tom Crann interviews Steven Schier, professor of political science at Carleton College and director of Carleton in Washington program about Minnesota Congressman Tim Walz to give weekly Democrat radio address. He is to comment on President Bush’s call to increase troops in Iraq.
September 2, 2004 - Governor Tim Pawlenty appears to be testing the national waters while in New York for the Republican National Convention. Pawlenty spoke to an influential fundraising group whose president says Pawlenty should be on a national ticket in 2008 or 2012. Pawlenty says he's not thinking about a national run - he's simply trying to tell Minnesota's story. Minnesota Public Radio's Laura McCallum reports...
December 15, 2000 - Steven Schier, chair of the political science department at Carleton College discusses what lies ahead for President-elect George W. Bush and the legacy President Clinton will leave behind.
September 11, 1998 - Congressional reaction and political analysis of the Ken Starr report to Congress on President Bill Clinton. Steven Schier, Carleton College political scientist, discusses release of report. Program also presents Clinton speech from the White House, and statements from members of Minnesota's congressional delegation.
April 2, 1998 - Steven Schier, Carleton College political science professor, and employment lawyer/sexual harassment expert Ellen Sampson, of the Minneapolis law firm, Leonard, Street and Deinard, discuss the implications of the Paula Jones lawsuit being thrown out of court. Schier and Sampson also answer listener questions.
March 17, 1998 - Steven Schier, political science professor at Carleton College, discusses poll taken in Minnesota which showed that not many people know who their US Senators are. Does this matter? Why does it happen? Schier also answers listener questions.
December 27, 1994 - Steven Schier, professor of political science at Carleton College, talks about the Minnesota stature in U.S. politics history, especially in the 1960s…with the likes of Walter Mondale, Eugene McCarthy, and Hubert H. Humphrey.
August 25, 1994 - Steven Schier, professor of political science at Carleton College, comments on his views of what will come of the health care and crime bills in the U.S. Senate.
December 21, 1993 - Steven Schier, professor of political science at Carleton College, is interviewed about President Clinton’s popularity and the controversy over Defense Secretary nominee Bobby Inman not paying taxes for part-time housekeeper.
October 21, 1993 - Steven Schier, a professor at Carleton College, on Skip Humphrey party endorsement of challenger against DFL endorsed candidate. Schier provides historical perspective on action.