May 21, 2007 - Rochester has one of the largest Somali refugee populations in the state. In the city's public high schools many Somali students struggle to find their way. Refugees arriving in the last five years frequently come with little education. Teachers and the kids try to make it work. But Minnesota Public Radio's Sea Stachura reports the results are mixed.
April 25, 2007 - MPR’s Sea Stachura reports on new poetry collection "Where One Voice Ends Another Begins: 150 Years of Minnesota Poetry." Stachura interviews a poet and editor of collection.
April 9, 2007 - Minnesota 1st District U.S. Representative Tim Walz has made a name for himself in his first 100 days. Insiders say he's become an influential Democratic voice in Washington on veterans and the war in Iraq.
April 2, 2007 - MPR’s Sea Stachura talks with Minnesota poet Leslie Adrienne Miller about her poetry book based on 18th century anatomy drawings.
March 2, 2007 - MPR’s Cathy Wurzer and Sea Stachura discuss areas in southern Minnesota that are dealing with massive amounts of snow after a storm dumped as much as 30 inches of snow. This was followed by a second storm bringing more snow and wind. The impact in cities of Winona, Albert Lea, and Mankato are highlighted.
February 12, 2007 - Hend Al-Mansour is questioning her religion. She's is a Minnesota-based Arab artist, a Muslim originally from Saudi Arabia. Her latest work is on display at Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter. Minnesota Public Radio's Sea Stachura reports that Al-Mansour wants to use her voice as an American and an artist to encourage debate within the Muslim community.
November 8, 2006 - In one of the state's biggest election upsets, Minnesota's 1st Congressional District has gone democratic, with first time candidate Tim Walz winning the race with 53% of the vote. He defeated Republican six-term incumbent Gil Gutknecht.
October 4, 2006 - MPR’s Sea Stachura reports on the race in Minnesota's 1st Congressional District. The contest features two very different candidates…incumbent Republican Gil Gutknecht faces DFL challenger Tim Walz. Renewable energy, Iraq war, taxes, budget spending, and healthcare are topics of debate between the two candidates.
August 8, 2006 - George Rabasa likes to take his characters to the borders of countries and morality . He says it stems from his heritage. He was born in Maine to Spanish refugee parents and grew up in Mexico City, so crossing borders is familiar to him. Rabasa now lives in Minnesota. In his latest novel, "The Cleansing" Rabasa tells the story of three friends who met in Mexico and have haunted each other's lives for decades.
July 7, 2006 - In Minnesota's first district, near Rochester, the race for a seat in the House of Representatives is heating up. Republican Gil Gutknecht has held the seat since 1994 but Rochester recently has leaned Democratic.