Sacheen Littlefeather shows support for Russell Means and Dennis Banks and talks about Indian treatment in society
February 20, 1974 - Sacheen Littlefeather, the actress who refused Marlon Brando’s Oscar for him, comes to St. Paul to show support for Russell Means and Dennis Banks. She says people don’t remember the times of revolution in 1776 when they were also searching for justice, forgot Bill of Rights and Constitution are for all people. When you equate “Indian” with “savage” it’s like other racial epithets, this has no place in today’s films or on TV. We have to teach children respect for all people. Schoolbooks are antiquated, eliminate contributions of the Indian, need reawakening about minority groups so we can learn about people because world getting smaller. She talks about over 400 unkept treaties, There are many ways to be militant, can be militant with love, kindness, showing humanity, doesn’t have to be with a gun or profanity, can be showing you care. She says she risked her life at the Academy Awards, she was beaten and harrassed and had armed guards for protection, was not a publicity stunt.