November 3, 1975 - Government officials, including Governor Anderson, and DNR leaders meet and speak with leaders of Amax, Inc., regarding that company's new exploratory mining shaft near Babbitt which will determine the economic validity of the state's Copper and Nickel resources.
November 28, 1974 - The DNR has begun the process of giving the Kettle River in northern Minnesota scenic and wild rivers protection. It will likely be a lengthy and divisive process. At a public planning hearing DNR Commissioner Bob Herbst explains how the draft plan will be a model and standard for natural resource preservation in Minnesota. The plan cannot be imposed on residents against their will; land owners must be willing to sell property or scenic easements. DNR staffer Mike Pressness explains scenic easements. Sen. Florian Chemeliewski remembers the initial Minnesota Wild and Scenic Rivers Act proposal and tells how he fought successfully to remove eminent domain, keep final approval with local government and protect land owner and farmer rights. Pine City's zoning administrator Ward Blake says this program will be controversial and more difficult to enforce than regular shoreline regulations.
November 27, 1973 - Representatives from the DNR and the Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians -- Commissioner Robert Herbst and Tribal Chairman David Moonow & Secretary Treasurer Cy Howard, respectively -- discuss the recent decision to add a one dollar surcharge to hunting and fishing licenses to compensate the tribe for losses incurred by sport hunting and vacation hunters from outside the reservation.