November 6, 2015 - MPR’s Cathy Wurzer interviews Minnesotan author and columnist Rick Shefchik about his book “Everybody's Heard About the Bird: The True Story of 1960s Rock N Roll in Minnesota.” The book tells the story of The Trashmen and the bands that came before and after them. It's also about the influential figures behind the scenes like Amos Heilicher, founder of Minneapolis-based Soma Records and disc jockey Bill Diehl, the Dick Clark of the Twin Cities.
August 4, 1995 - Midday presents Tipper Gore speaking at a conference on families, co-sponsored by Vice-President Al Gore and the University of Minnesota's Children, Youth and Family Consortium. Gore’s address was on the topic of sex and violence in the media and its effect on children.
December 23, 1994 - A Midday Christmas music special with studio guest Rick Shefchik of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Shefchik presents a selection of the newest songs and performers, new versions of old favorites, and the Christmas classics.