Governor of South Dakota talks about racism, prejudice and Indian people
June 13, 1975 - The governor wants to see elected tribal leadership have stronger leadership and redirect Washington influence that?s so dominant in their life. He?s against violence that occurred. AIM has called for tourist boycott, this hasn?t had any effect on the state but will have harmful effect on Indian people themselves. He rejects that South Dakota is Mississippi of the North. Says racial prejudice and injustice are part of society everywhere. Thinks racism is less in the state than other places. He doesn?t look down on anyone, any color, each should be judged on own merits. Prejudicial thinking comes from an early stage in life. If you strengthen your family life you will strengthen society and stop prejudices. He says low income and downtrodden people are in penitentiary, can?t gain legal means to stay out of that institution. Average Indian in state is in that category, not because of white people but because of ?an allowance to live under substandard conditions because of a guarantee and existence of a federal structure which is basically wrong.?