August 1, 2006 - Hennepin County Sheriff Pat McGowan, a Republican, is endorsing former DFL Party Chair Mike Erlandson for Congress. Erlandson is one of seven DFLers running in Minnesota's Fifth District, which includes Minneapolis and several suburbs. McGowan says he's backing Erlandson because he's the best candidate on public safety issues. He says he's not endorsing Republican Alan Fine because he doesn't think anyone but a Democrat can win in the heavily DFL district. McGowan also criticized Keith Ellison, the DFL endorsed candidate, for not doing enough on public safety during his time in the state Legislature.
August 26, 1994 - With the murder of a St. Paul officer, Minneapolis Police Sergeant Pat McGowan talks with Midday’s Gary Eichten about the dangers of policing and the toll stress can take on an officer.
September 2, 1993 - Pat McGowan, a Minneapolis Police Department sergeant, shares his views on crime in the city of Minneapolis and what police and community efforts should be taken.
November 19, 1992 - On this Midday program, host Gary Eichten talks with police officers Pat McGowan and John Rouncer about what it's like to be a policeman. The two guests also take calls from listeners.