October 9, 2003 -
October 3, 2003 -
October 2, 2003 -
September 30, 2003 -
September 29, 2003 - State employees could edge closer to a strike later today (MONDAY) if workers reject contract offers made by the state last month. The state's two largest unions will announce the results of balloting later this afternoon. Although state officials characterized the offers as their last and best, union officials urged members to reject the proposals, saying they unfairly transfer rising health care costs onto the backs of state employees. Minnesota Public Radio's Michael Khoo has more.
September 24, 2003 - Minnesota state government may soon join a growing line of seniors and others crossing into Canada for cheaper prescription drugs. Governor Tim Pawlenty today (WEDNESDAY) announced he'll examine ways to reduce state health care expenses by taking advantage lower-priced medications available in other countries. The move puts him at odds with the Bush administration, which has steadfastly oppposed the importation of drugs, arguing it could expose consumer to unsafe products. Minnesota Public Radio's Michael Khoo reports.
September 19, 2003 -
September 4, 2003 - A potential multi-million dollar pledge from an unnamed donor has energized University of Minnesota boosters eager to bring Big Ten football back to campus. Unconfirmed reports suggest an anonymous donor is willing to contribute $35 million towards a new on-campus facility if University officials can find the remainder from other sources. The news has revived talk of a Gophers-only stadium after a plan to build a joint facility for the university and the Minnesota Vikings unravelled last year. Minnesota Public Radio's Michael Khoo has more.
August 14, 2003 - The two largest state employees unions are recommending that their members reject a new contract proposal that state officials say is their best offer. Talks broke off early this morning when the state and union negotiators failed to find agreement on how to structure health benefits. Union leaders say the plan will drive up out-of-pocket health care expenses. State officials say the increases will be modest given rising costs and the state's budget pinch. Minnesota Public Radio's Michael Khoo has more.
August 13, 2003 - A behind-the-scenes feud between Governor Tim Pawlenty and DFL Attorney General Mike Hatch spilled into the open today (MONDAY) as House Republicans called for an investigation of Hatch. In response Hatch released letters detailing sharp disagreements between his office and the Pawlenty administration over how to appoint an independent counsel to investigate possible campaign finance abuses. The spat is the latest round in an ongoing series of recriminations between DFL and GOP officials at the state Capitol. Minnesota Public Radio's Michael Khoo has more.