December 6, 2001 - An analysis by the Associated Press shows that St. Paul has the highest level of segregation among cities with large Asian populations. While the AP's segregation index doesn't distinguish among the various Asian populations, experts agree the highly-concentrated living patterns of St. Paul's Hmong citizens boosts the city's segregation rating.
March 12, 1999 - Midday presents a MPR documentary special by MPR’s Lynette Nyman about the Hmong people in Minnesota, called “This Is Home: The Hmong in Minnesota.” Program explores the ways members of St. Paul's Hmong community wrestle with issues of culture and identity, with maintaining ties to the past, and seeking to thrive in modern urban America.
March 11, 1999 - MPR’s Lynette Nyman presents a series titled “This Is Home: The Hmong in Minnesota.” In this part, Nyman reports on an increasing number of Hmong Americans returning to visit their homeland of Laos…or Thailand, where refugee camps became home for thousands after the war ended in 1975 and Laos became a communist country.
September 14, 1998 - As part of a series of stories following the path of the "Father of Waters,” aka the Mississippi River, Minnesota Public Radio's William Wilcoxen has this Mainstreet report on recreational growth on the river and the implications for industries that has traditionally used the water.
August 11, 1995 - Judith Martin, professor of geography and director of the urban studies program at the University of Minnesota, comments on geographic component of St. Paul murders and how they are viewed compared to Minneapolis.
June 30, 1995 - Judith Martin talks with Midday’s Gary Eichten about how neighborhoods and race are many times intertwined.
March 28, 1995 - Judith Martin talks with Midday’s Gary Eichten about a poll showing happiness in the suburbs of the Twin Cities. Martin describes innate differences between dense Twin Cities and sprawling suburban experience.
March 7, 1994 - Judith Martin talks with MPR’s Gary Eichten about the growing prominence of graffiti in the Twin Cities. Martin sees a number of reasons behind it, including gang related and juvenile vandalism.
August 5, 1993 - On this Midday program, Walt Dziedzic and Judith Martin discuss the city of Minneapolis…it's past, present, and future. Topics include changes over the decades, including downtown business, diversity, transportation system, safety, schools, municipal finances, police, and tourism.
March 2, 1984 - John R. Borchert and Judith A. Martin, co-authors of the book "Legacy of Minneapolis: Preservation Amid Change", answer listener questions about efforts to preserve the city's heritage of architecture and design.