August 19, 1994 - Jack Tunheim, Chief Deputy Attorney General of Minnesota, discusses President Clinton’s federal crime bill, known as Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Topics include increase in police force, stiffer penalties, and assault weapons ban. Tunheim also answered listener questions.
January 4, 1994 - Midday’s Gary Eichten talks with Jack Tunheim, an attorney in the Office of the State Attorney General of Minnesota, about Minnesota Supreme Court’s differing view with state legislature over use of DNA evidence in court proceedings.
April 19, 1993 - Midday’s Gary Eichten interviews Jack Tunheim, Minnesota’s chief deputy attorney general, about two gun control bills being debated at the State Capitol. The two provisions include allowing cities in metro area to have stricter gun ownership rules and semi-automatic purchasers having to go through a background check.
August 4, 1992 - MPR’s Kate Smith reports on legal battle over judicial election process. Alan Page, former Minnesota Viking and Minnesota Assistant Attorney General, is filing lawsuit to get on ballot for Minnesota Supreme Court. The lawsuit argues against move by governor to seek term extension rather than a public election for seat.