July 2, 2009 - MPR’s Mark Zdechilk presents the MPR Special Report “Minnesota’s Unending Senate Battle - Al Franken's Road to the Senate.” Chapters include The Campaign, The Election, and The Recount Trial.
August 27, 2008 - Democratic National Convention: Day 3: Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi combined
August 27, 2008 - Democratic National Convention: Day 3: Hillary Clinton calls for acclamation for Obama
August 26, 2008 - Democratic National Convention: Day 2: Hillary Clinton speech
June 7, 2008 - Hillary Clinton concession speech, she throws her support to Obama
June 3, 2008 - Hillary Clinton speech, does not concede to Barack Obama.
June 3, 2008 - Hlilary Clinton speech in NYC after the last primaries on Tuesday.
April 22, 2008 - The following is a transcript of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's speech to supporters after the Pennsylvania primary, as provided by CQ Transcriptions via The Associated Press. She spoke from Philadelphia.
February 12, 2008 - Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's speech to supporters after the Feb. 12 primaries
February 5, 2008 - Hillary Clinton speech to supporters on Super Tuesday