November 12, 1974 - Opposition to granting of 40 year license to the Monticello nuclear power plant. If the plant will continue to release waste, then they will not receive a license. Operators of the facility need to be within the public health guidelines. The PCA is creating qualitative language to set the guidelines.
November 6, 1974 - A 400 percent increase in the price of crude oil has resulted in much revenue for the Arab states. The result is an expansion in consumerism and business in the region: building, aviation, industrial equipment, pharmeceuticals, and more. Minnesota business can use this opportunity to sell their services and products.
November 4, 1974 - Dr. Hank Pittman of the Atomic Energy Commission, says plutonian must be kept for hundreds of thousands of years before it becomes nonharmful to humans. How to dispose of such nuclear waste presents great challenges. Pittman recommends storing waste in deep geological salt formations. Carlsbad, New Mexico, has such formations. The nuclear waste would be transported there in containers designed to withstand fire, water and impact.
September 19, 1974 - Judge Lord says Reserve Mining should cease operations at Peter Mitchell pit and begin taking ore from a different mine not containing taconite.
September 19, 1974 - Reserve Mining contends there are environmental and engineering problems to changing taconite dumping from water to land. EPC Regional Director John Pegors counters that other mining companies have found ways to safely dispose of tailings on land. Lax Lake residents, who live near the proposed dumping site, are opposed to land tailing operations.
September 19, 1974 - Taconite tailings have been dumped into Silver Bay by Reserve Mining since the 1950s. The company claims it is an environmentally sound method. However, in 1970 Reserve was taken to court by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Minnesota District Court Judge Luther Eckman sided with Reserve, but ordered them to modify their dumping methods.
September 19, 1974 - Reserve Mining has hired five engineering consulting firms to evaluate propsals for alteration of the present tailings disposal method (dumping the tailings directly into Lake Superior). Land methods will be examined.
September 19, 1974 - Macalaster College has ceased negotiations with students occupying the Admissions Office after President James Robinson walked out. The students are protesting Equal Employment Opportunities cutbacks.
September 19, 1974 - Macalaster's president has scheduled another meeting with students who are occupying the student union in protest against program cuts. An amnesty agreement will protect occupying students during negotiations.
June 10, 1974 - MPR’s Greg Barron interviews a Minnesota farmer about weather effects on crops. Although some areas of Minnesota have responded well to wet weather, spring planting might be delayed because of the wet weather. Wheat, barley, oat and flax are the main crops effected by the weather.