May 18, 1995 - On this Midday, MPR’s Mark Mulcahy reports on the status of Minnesota state legislative as session nears an end. Following report, MPR’s Gary Eichten interviews Steve Sviggum on jets and corporate blackmail, Larry Pogemiller on K-12 education, Becky Kelso on higher education, Carol Flynn on transportation, John Marty on elections and gift bans, Matt Entenza on child support, Ron Abrams on city/suburb wars, Gene Merriam on the big picture, and Doug Johnson on taxes.
March 29, 1994 - Midday’s Gary Eichten interviews Doug Johnson, Minnesota state senator, about bill that would use state income tax to pay for universal health coverage. Johnson is the senator sponsor of the plan.
September 15, 1993 - An interview with Doug Johnson, Minnesota state senator and chair of State Tax Committee, about Governor Arne Carlson’s economic tax strategy and tax reform. Johnson is a DFLer representing the 6th District.
November 10, 1992 - As part of a Mainstreet Radio project, Midday broadcasts from Das Wurst Haus in Lanesboro, Minnesota to focus on the changing power in the state. For the first time, a majority of seats at the State Capitol come from metropolitan area.
November 10, 1992 - Mainstreet Radio’s Rachel Reabe reports on the economic and political changes taking place on the Iron Range due to a shrinking population. The region’s legislative delegation has fallen from nine to six in the upcoming session.
April 29, 1985 - MPR Journal host Gary Eichten presents a collection of reports and news items for Monday, April 29th, 1985. This was the first broadcast as MPR Journal, with Minnesota Journal program series being renamed.
April 28, 1978 - MPR’s Alan Searle reports on protest in Duluth against proposed restrictions on motorized vehicles in BWCA. Report includes speech excerpt of Minnesota State senator Doug Johnson and brief interview with a protester.
April 8, 1977 - Midday presents an MPR Special report on the Minnesota Supreme Court's unanimous decision that Reserve Mining Company be allowed to use the "Milepost 7" site for its taconite tailings on-land disposal. Program includes various reports, interviews and commentary from both sides of the court fight.
October 16, 1975 - MPR’s Tom Steward reports on Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar's proposed bill prohibiting the removal of natural resources in BWCA, including logging. It also states no snowmobiling except in designated areas. A similar bill was submitted by Representative Doug Johnson.