October 21, 2004 - Mainstreet Radio's Tim Post profiles the race for House seat 12A District. It encompasses the rapidly growing Brainerd lakes area. It's a part of Minnesota that's seen plenty of changes over the last couple of decades. The 2004 election pits a DFL candidate with 30 years experience against two political newcomers.
December 8, 1999 - Mainstreet Radios Leif Enger reports from Pierz, where more than half the employees of a small nursing home in the central Minnesota community have been on strike for weeks. At issue - How to divide a wage-and-benefit increase granted by the state.
April 24, 1995 - Mainstreet Radio’s Leif Enger reports on a proposal to use parts of Camp Ripley as a prison site to assist in easing overcrowding issues in the state prison system. Local opinion seems open to the idea.
July 22, 1994 - This Midday program presents various political segments: Don Samuelson, DFL gubernatorial candidate, abruptly announces his withdrawal; Arne Carlson speech on the steps of the State Capital; and James Renier speaking at the Center for Corporate Responsibility annual meeting held at the University of St. Thomas.