May 16, 2012 - MPR’s Dan Gunderson reports on pollutants from the 2010 British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico showing up in Minnesota birds that migrate to the gulf.
October 24, 2008 - Popular Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist Carrol Henderson joins Midday to talk about his new book, "Birds in Flight: The Art and Science of How Birds Fly."
December 14, 2007 - A non-game wildlife expert from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources takes questions about how birds and other wildlife behave in winter. Guest: Carrol Henderson: Non-game wildlife specialist at the Minnesota Dempartment of Natural Resources. Henderson is the author of "Oology: Ralph's Talking Eggs."
November 28, 2007 - Morning Edition’s Cathy Wurzer interviews author Carrol Henderson about his book “"Oology and Ralph's Talking Eggs” and bird history/conservation in North America. The book details new discoveries that have come from researching a collection of about 4,000 bird eggs gathered by an Iowa farmer named Ralph Handsaker.
May 13, 1995 - Wildlife specialist Carrol Henderson, of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, is in the Midday studio to answer listener questions about birds.