May 1, 1999 - American RadioWorks presents the documentary “The Forgotten 14 Million,” which explores why both government and the free market are failing the most vulnerable young Americans.
November 18, 1993 - Midday’s Gary Eichten talks with Bill Frenzel, former Minnesota U.S. congressman, who played a key role in the successful efforts in getting NAFTA bill passed through Congress.
November 2, 1989 - Bill Frenzel, U.S. representative for the Minnesota’s 3rd District, explains what he sees as cowardice in Washington, D.C. when it comes to addressing deficit.
February 13, 1989 - Bill Frenzel, Third District Republican congressman and the ranking minority member of the House Budget Committee, speaking to meeting of the Minnesota International Center. Frenzel’s address was the topic "The Foreign Policy of the New Administration," which included talk on trade matters. Speech included After speech, Frenzel answered audience questions. Frenzel is considered an expert on trade matters and has been Congress' representative to the current round of talks on GATT, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs.
May 31, 1980 - MPR Special Coverage presents a review of what happened at the 1980 Independent Republican convention with MPR’s Bob Potter, Dick Daly, and Gary Eichten. Program includes excerpts of speeches at state convention held in Duluth. The result of gathering was selection of Ronald Reagan as nominee and delegates for the national GOP convention.
October 31, 1978 - Major congressional candidates from the First and Third Districts debate and respond to questions from listeners. First District candidates: Arlen Erdahl (IR) and Gerry Sikorski (DFL). Third District candidates: Bill Frenzel (IR) and Michael Freeman (DFL).
June 25, 1976 - Summary report of day one of GOP convention at St Paul Civic Center, including speeches leading up to rules floor vote, as candidates Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan battle for Minnesota at-large delegates to the GOP National Convention.
November 28, 1975 - Congressman Bill Frenzel speaking on the Tax Reform Act of 1975 at the 21st annual Tax Conference in Minneapolis.