September 25, 2002 - MPR’s Art Hughes and Brandt Williams report on the tenth anniversary Jerry Haaf murder. The thirty-year police veteran died on the floor of the Pizza Shack restaurant in south Minneapolis after being shot in the back during his morning coffee break. The execution-style shooting remains one of the most shocking acts of violence against an officer in Minneapolis history.
June 5, 1996 - Spike Jones shares his views on why Black community members are wary to communicate with Minnesota police officers. Jones discusses efforts by residents in acting independently of police to curtail crime and bring about a safer environment in neighborhoods.
March 22, 1995 - MPR’s Mary Stucky reports on Minneapolis Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton’s views on neighborhood schools. Some in community see it as a return to segregation, others as a community focus to strengthening schools.
June 22, 1993 - MPR’s Bill Wareham reports on National Urban Peace and Justice Summit at Mount Olivet Baptist in St. Paul.
April 30, 1992 - MPR’s Bill Catlin reports on Coalition for Police Accountability rally at Hennepin County Government Center protesting Rodney King trial acquittals. Highlights speeches at event from Keith Ellison, Spike Moss, and Priscilla Barnes. Also includes statement from John Laux, Minneapolis Police Chief.
December 7, 1990 - MPR’s Tom Fudge reports on a tense community meeting at North High School in Minneapolis. Angry residents expressed their feelings over police shooting death of Tycel Nelson and belief of police misconduct against the Minneapolis Black community.
February 10, 1976 - MPR’s Kate Williams reports on the funeral of prominent African American Cecil Newman, who passed away on February 8th, 1976. Newman was both a local civil rights leader, active in numerous organizations, and a longtime editor/publisher. Segment includes interviews and remembrances.
June 25, 1975 - MPR’s Debbie Gage reports on community public testimony regarding abuse accusations of Minneapolis police. Reports includes commentary from Willie Mae Jennings and and Spike Moss.