Winona LaDuke: A Profile

Winona LaDuke is a Native American economist, environmentalist, and writer, known for her work on tribal land claims and preservation, as well as sustainable development.

Born August 18, 1959, in Los Angeles. Her father was from the Ojibwe White Earth Reservation in Minnesota, and her mother of Jewish European ancestry. Due to her father's heritage, she was enrolled with the Ojibwe Nation at an early age, but did not live at White Earth, or any other reservation, until 1982. She started work at White Earth after graduating from college, when she got a job there as principal of the high school.

Soon after, LaDuke became an activist for numerous causes, including the Indigenous Women's Network, the fight to recover lands for the Anishinaabe through White Earth Land Recovery Project, environmental efforts of Honor the Earth, and Dakota Access Pipeline protests.

In 1996 and 2000, LaDuke was the vice-presidential candidate of the United States nominee of the Green Party, with running mate Ralph Nader for president.

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