Peter Ostroushko: A Profile

Peter Ostroushko was a celebrated American fiddler, mandolinist and a Minnesota music legend.

Born August 12, 1953, Ostroushko grew up in the Ukrainian community in northeast Minneapolis and was a lifelong musician. He grew up a student of the well-known Minneapolis folk and blues scene including Dave “Snaker” Ray, “Spider”John Koerner and Tony “Little Sun” Glover.

Ostroushko’s career and range was widespread and eclectic. His first recording session was an uncredited mandolin player on Bob Dylan's “Blood on the Tracks.” He was a regular on MPR’s A Prairie Home Companion radio show for 40 years (and served as its music director at one time); performed with the Minnesota Orchestra and the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra; toured with Robin and Linda Williams, Norman Blake and Chet Atkins; and won a Regional Emmy award for 2005 PBS series “Minnesota: A History of the Land.”

Ostroushko passed away on February 24, 2021

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