Paul David Wellstone was an American Democrat politician, academic, and author who represented Minnesota in the United States Senate from 1991 until he was killed in a plane crash in Eveleth, Minnesota, on October 25, 2002.
Born July 21, 1944 in Washington D.C., Wellstone was a professor at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, and a community organizer in Rice County prior to entering public office. Wellstone gained national attention after his upset victory over Republican incumbent Rudy Boschwitz in the 1990 US Senate election. In his 1996 reelection campaign, he defeated Boschwitz in a rematch. As a member of the Democratic Farmer-Labor Party, Wellstone was a vocal leader of the progressive wing of the national Democratic Party.
October 4, 1996 - As part of Meet the Candidates series, Midday’s Gary Eichten speaks with U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone about recent legislation passed in Congress and the 1996 senate race. Listeners also call-in with questions.
October 8, 1996 - Midday presents a live broadcast from St. Cloud of the U.S. Senate debate sponsored by the League of Women Voters. The three major party candidates participate: DFL U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone, Republican Rudy Boschwitz, and Reform Party candidate Dean Barkley.
October 18, 1996 - MPR’s Bill Wareham profiles Paul Wellstone’s arrival and subsequent education on being a U.S. Senator in Washington D.C. Wareham looks at Wellstone’s personal and political history. Interviews include fellow senator David Durenberger and numerous political supporters and activists.
November 26, 1996 - Midday’s Gary Eichten speaks with newly re-elected U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone, whose in the studio to answer questions about issues that will come up in the next session of Congress. Wellstone also answers listener call-in questions.
February 12, 1997 - Paul Wellstone is planning to retrace Robert Kennedy's tour of the South to focus attention on the plight of the poor. The tour is also prompting questions about whether Wellstone aspires to higher national office. Al Eisele says Wellstone's candidacy would probably be met with surprise on the hill. Eisele is editor of "The Hill," a political newsletter in Washington D.C. He also served as an aide to Vice President Mondale.
March 24, 1997 - MPR’s Karen Louise Boothe reports that hundreds of people rallied at the State Capitol on behalf of a bill that would restore the cuts in benefits to legal immigrants in the new federal welfare reform law.
November 21, 1997 - Minnesota’s U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone joins Midday to talk about his completed "Poverty Tour" and his possible campaign for president. Wellstone also answer listener questions about issues before the U.S. Congress.
April 13, 1998 - MPR political commentators Bob Meek and Tom Horner will be in the studio to assess the Wellstone Presidential bid, the governor's race and other political issues. Program begins with report from Mark Moran in Iowa.
May 29, 1998 - Senator Paul Wellstone is definitely campaigning for health care reform and possibly for President. Wellstone has introduced a bill in the Senate that would provide health coverage for all Americans. He has been traveling around the country talking about his proposal.
September 23, 1998 - Paul Wellstone, Minnesota U.S. senator, talks about current issues facing congress, including a possible presidential impeachment proceeding, campaign finance reform, government appropriations and tax bills, farm legislation, and more. Wellstone shares his concern that congress has lost focus, and answers listener questions.