Keith Maurice Ellison is an American Democrat politician, who represented the Minnesota's 5th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives, becoming the first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress and the highest Muslim elected official in the United States at the time of his election.
Born August 4th, 1963 in Detroit, Michigan, Ellison moved to Minneapolis in 1987, becoming a lawyer and community activist. He was elected as a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, serving House District 58B from 2003-2007. After his terms as a U.S. Congressman from 2007 to 2019, Ellison was chosen by Minnesota Governor Walz to become the state’s Attorney General.
More recent Ellison audio highlights of can be found at the MPR News homepage
September 2, 1994 - Keith Ellison, attorney and community activist, speaks about the differences between 1992 murder of police officer Jerry Haaf and 1994 killing of officers Ron Ryan, Jr. and Timothy Jones by Guy Harvey Baker. David Ward, University of Minnesota criminology professor; Yusef Mgeni, president of Twin Cities Urban Coalition; and Don Davis, Brooklyn Police Chief also make comments.
October 26, 1994 - MPR’s Tom Fudge reports on the arrest of Vice Lord leader Sharif Willis and Vincent Edward Fields on a robbery and hostage incident. Mike Freeman, Hennepin County attorney; Jerry McAfee, member of United for Peace; and Tom Helgeson, The City, Inc. spokesperson spoke on arrest and charges. Keith Ellison, Willis’s attorney, had no comment.
April 18, 2002 - MPR’s Brandt Williams reports on Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak’s statements that it is time for Police Chief Robert Olson to go. Mayor Rybak says the chief hasn't done enough to foster public trust in the Minneapolis Police Department. Rybak will need the City Council's approval to buy out the remainder of the chief's contract. However, the council appears split on the issue, with some council members saying constituents don't believe a new chief will necessarily bring better relations between police and the community. Reports includes comments from Keith Ellison, attorney and community activist; Mathea Little-Smith, DFL activist; and Robert Lilligren, Minneapolis city council member.
December 13, 2002 - MPR’s Cathy Wurzer interviews Keith Ellison, a State Representative from Minneapolis, about State budget shortfall. Solving the budget shortfall will be the top priority of the Republican caucus, that issue was also the top of a meeting last night in Minneapolis. The Minneapolis Urban League, the NAACP, and the Council on Black Minnesotans met to discuss their ideas for the upcoming session.
August 5, 2003 - MPR’s Gary Eichten interviews Don Samuels, Minneapolis City Council member. Samuels also answers listener questions.
October 16, 2003 - MPR’s Art Hughes reports on an alleged sexual assault by Minneapolis police officers. Report includes commentary from R.T. Rybak, Minneapolis Mayor; Keith Ellison, accuser’s attorney; John DelmoMPR’s Art Hughes reports on an alleged sexual assault by Minneapolis police officers. Report includes commentary from R.T. Rybak, Mayor of Minneapolis; Keith Ellison, accuser’s attorney; John Delmonico, President of Minneapolis Police Federation; and individuals in the, President of Minneapolis Police Federation; and individuals in the community.
March 25, 2004 - Midday presents excerpts from debate on bill to amend the constitution to define marriage. On March 24th, the Minnesota State House voted on a proposal that would let voters decide if the Minnesota constitution should ban same-sex marriage. The vote was 88-44 in favor of proposal.
March 26, 2004 - MPR's Tom Scheck reports on the debate over same-sex marriage as a civil rights issue. The civil rights argument has caused concern among some African American religious leaders in Minnesota, especially when they've heard it compared to the fight for racial equality. While they argue that the civil rights struggle is completely different than the gay marriage issue, others counter that one should look to history in considering discrimination.
March 14, 2005 - MPR’s Steven John interviews U.S. congressman Keith Ellison, who discusses a bill introduced that would double the level of protection provided to Minnesota children to prevent lead poisoning. DFLer Keith Ellison represents North Minneapolis in the Minnesota House of Representatives.
May 7, 2006 - State Representative Keith Ellison of Minneapolis has won the Democratic endorsement for Congress in Minnesota's Fifth District. Delegates endorsed Ellison to succeed retiring Congressman Martin Sabo, who has held the seat since 1978. If elected, Ellison would be the first African American Congressman in Minnesota history. But the endorsement doesn't guarantee that he'll be DFLer on the November ballot because several Democrats say they'll run in a September primary. MPR’s Tom Scheck reports from DFL convention.