Jim Northrup: A Profile

Jim Northrup was an Anishinaabe newspaper columnist, poet, performer, and political commentator. His Anishinaabe name was "Chibenashi" ("Big little-bird"). Northrup lived a traditional life of the Anishinaabe in the Fond du Lac Indian Reservation of northern Minnesota. He was featured on MPR numerous times discussing his writing, his experience as a Vietnam veteran, and his activism on Native American hunting and fishing rights. Northrup passed away on August 1st, 2016.

Northrup's regular column, the Fond du Lac Follies, was syndicated through several Native American papers. Northrup was nominated and/or won numerous awards for his writing, including “Walking the Rez Road,” which won a Minnesota Book Award and a Northeast Minnesota Book Award. The book comprises forty stories and poems that feature character Luke Warmwater, an Ojibwa Vietnam veteran who survived the war but has trouble surviving the peace.

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