This collection is a representation of Garrison Keillor’s life and works during his time at Minnesota Public Radio.
April 14, 1970 - Garrison Keillor hosts The Morning Program with skits on lawn care and sex tips. The newscast includes the Apollo 13 moon expedition news, which had a problem explosion and includes Mission Control actualities, including the famous "Houston, we've had a problem."
January 1, 1974 - MPR’s Connie Goldman interviews writer and performer Garrison Keillor. Keillor discusses people watching, and the powdermilk biscuits, comedy, and music from Prairie Home Companion.
March 4, 1976 - Pledge drive with Garrison Keillor, Bill Kling, and Gary Eichten. Kling asks Dave Peters, executive editor of Minnesota Monthly to talk about the April issue. Bemidji writer Marilyn Heltzer also talks.
February 12, 1980 - A Prairie Home Morning Show February 12, 1980
October 28, 1985 - MPR’s Bill Catlin reports on Garrison Keillor making the cover of Time magazine. Catlin interviews Time editors on how and why Keillor was chosen. Catlin also reaches out to former Minnesota Governor Wendell Anderson about what it’s like to be on cover of national magazine.
May 18, 1989 - MPR Journal’s Gary Eichten chats with with Garrison Keillor about his new program in New York, which will include monologue, music, and sketches. Keillor explains the difference of new endeavor to his well-known A Prairie Home Companion program.
May 19, 1989 - MPR’s Tom Meersman does a profile on new production performer Garrison Keillor. The production, called Garrison Keillor’s American Radio Company of the Air, will include monologue, music, and comic sketches. The new 2-hour show will follow in the footsteps of A Prairie Home Companion.
March 23, 1991 - MPR’s Susan Orandi reports on Garrison Keillor’s return to Prairie Home Companion. Keillor stopped doing his Prairie Home Companion show in 1987, but says he has searched for some happy way of rediscovering and operating the roots of the show.
March 30, 1992 - MPR’s Bill Wareham interviews Garrison Keillor on coming back home to Minnesota and A Prairie Home Companion.
October 1, 1993 -