Materials created/edited/published by Archive team as an assigned project during remote work period in 2020
November 15, 1972 - MPR’s Connie Goldman reports on the work of Sigurd Olson, and his book "Wilderness Days." Report also presents a question and answer period with Olson from an appearance at the Minnesota Press Club, where he called Minnesotans to protect the environment. This recording was made available through a grant from the National Historical Publications & Records Commission.
November 20, 1972 - MPR’s Paul Gruchow shares a poignant childhood memory of the sights, sounds, and smells on a rural farm during the harvest season.
December 15, 1972 - MPR’s Connie Goldman reports on play “Hell, That’s Politics” being performed at Minneapolis’s Theatre in the Round. Goldman interviews playwright Ernest Bormann, a professor at University of Minnesota, about his work and the history of Huey Long.
December 22, 1972 - Dr. William A. Nolen discusses problems in potentially unnecessary surgeries, specifically hysterectomies performed on women.
December 26, 1972 - MPR’s Connie Goldman interviews Star Tribune columnist R.T. Smith on his book “Cult and Occult.” Smith discusses what he discovered while writing book, including views on witches and the unexplained.
January 11, 1973 - MPR’s Hugh Morgan interviews author and historian on his book “Indian Wars.” Morgan also talks about Bureau of Indian Affairs and American Indian Movement.
January 28, 1973 - On this Forum program, the subject is ‘The State of English.’ Participants in the 1972 meeting of the National Council of English Teachers talk about the quality of education in the United States. Report also includes recorded remarks by Margaret Mead, Jonathan Kozol, Murray Kepton, Malcolm X and others.
February 5, 1973 - Excerpt of debate in Minnesota senate over the state’s ratification of Equal Rights Amendment. Professor Alan Speer of the University of Minnesota, declares his desire to see the Minnesota State Senate put debate and research aside to vote on, and pass, ratification for the Equal Rights Amendment. His view is countered by Senator William Kirchner, who feels that recent research calls for more study.
February 5, 1973 - Excerpt of The Minnesota state senate debate on whether or not to ratify the highly controversial Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the United States Constitution.
February 7, 1973 - MPR’s Marvin Granger interviews Native American advocate Ada Deer about Native American struggles, rights, and the confrontational actions taken to draw attention to broken treaties.